Aruna B. Venkat

Prof. Aruna B Venkat has been a student of Delhi University. She has done her BA (Hons) Sociology at Miranda House and Masters in Sociology from Delhi school of Economics. She went on to pursuing Law and finally did her Ph.D from Campus Law Centre, Delhi University. She started her professional career as legal editor with Butterworths India, New Delhi. Amongst the many books she edited, the most memorable and rewarding editorial experience came with Prof. S. P.Sathe’s Administrative Law. Two years later, she got her first academic break at Amity Law School, New Delhi. In 2005, she joined NALSAR. Her Sociology background has helped her to develop courses which are interdisciplinary in content and in context. Socio-legal issues are at the center of her courses. Her interdisciplinary orientation also draws her towards multi-disciplinary conferences and seminars. Some of the courses that she teaches are Law of Torts, Family Law, Conflict of Laws, Child Rights.
Currently working as Professor at Nalsar University of Law, Hyderabad. (January 2005 to this day) Worked at Amity Law School, New Delhi as Lecturer. (November 1999 to January 2005) Worked as Legal Editor at Butterworths India (January 1997 to November 1999).
BA (Hons) Sociology, Miranda House, DU
MA Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, DU
LLB, LLM from Campus Law Centre, DU
Ph.D in Environmental Laws, DU
List of Articles
The Role and Relevance of "Domicile" in the Constitutional Scheme Pertaining to Indian Citizenship at the Commencement of the Constitution: Judicial Perception, Year 44, Vol 31, No 1, Nepal Law Review 2023, ISSN 2505-0869
Maintenance Obligations in Matrimonial Disputes: A Critical Appraisal, Vol. 8, No. 1 Nalsar Law Review 2023 ISSN 2319-1988
Bring Back Our Kids Home and How, Vol 5, 2017 Law Mantra online International Journal, ISSN: 2321-6417
Alimony: till death do us apart, Oriental Journal of Law and Social Science, Vol XI, Issue 11, Oct 2017, pg. 62-70, ISSN 0973
Corporal Punishment as Child Abuse, Oriental journal of Law and Social Sciences, Vol XI, Issue 7, June 2017, ISSN 0973-748
Conflict of Laws in Matrimony, Vol 4, 2017 Law Mantra online International Journal, ISSN: 2321-6417
Healthy Indoor Air Pollution: A right for all, Vol 2, 2017, IJLMS, ISSN: 2455-2771, International Journal of Law & Management Studies
Emotional Infidelity: A New Frontier of Matrimonial Remedies, 2016, ISBN: 978-81-933160-8-3, Asia law house
Creeping Environmental Changes and Humanitarian Crisis, Journal Law Mantra Online, vol 3, Issue 10, April 5, 2016, ISSN: 2321- 6417.
Global Warming and Refugees of climate change, ELPR, Vol 4, Issue, Dec 2015, ISSN : 09726640.
Drug Abuse: Vulnerability or Inevitability, IJSSIR, Vol 3, Issue 5, May 2014, ISSN: 2277 3630.
Indoor Air pollution and Women’s Health, IJSSIR, Vol 3, No 1, 2014, ISSN 2277-677X.
Parental Substance Misuse and Child Abuse, NLR, Vol 7, 2013, ISSN 2319-1988
Polluter pays principle: A policy principle, www.legal-articles.deysot.com, 2012
National Green Tribunal Act: An Overview, NLR, Vol 6, 2011, ISSN 2319-1988.
Parental Kidnapping: A child Abuse, NLR, Vol 5, 2010, ISSN 2319-1988.
Environmental Protection: International Legislative and Administrative Efforts, NLR, Vol 4, 2009, ISSN 2319-1988.
Precautionary Principle: An Effective Judicial Tool in the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution in India, NLR, Vol 2, 2005, ISSN 2319-1988 .
Indian Judicial Initiative to Combat Environmental Degradation, Nyaya Deep, Volume V, 2004.
Control of Water Pollution in India: Judicial Enforcement, Delhi Law Review, Volume XX- XXI 1, 1998- 1999, 09714936
Protection and Preservation of Environment in India: Constitutional Scheme, National Capital Law Journal, Volume III, 1997-1998
Forest Conservation and Protection: Judicial Enforcement in India, Delhi Law Review, Volume XIX, 1997, 09714936.
Authored Book
‘Environmental law and policy’, Publisher: PHI Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2011,
ISBN 978-81- 203-4436-5
Project on ‘Drafting of State Rules for the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015’
Chapter in a book
Emotional Infidelity: A new frontier of matrimonial remedies, 2016, ISBN: 978-81-933160-8-3
Fellowships/ Awards- International
International Award – ISPCAN Scholarship Award 2010
Membership of Professional Society- International
International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN)
Invited Panelist for Final Consultation (Concluding) on Rights of Muslim Women- Reviewing Muslim Personal Law on 15th July 2023, Hall No. 2 & 3, Vigyan Bhawan, Maulana Azad Rd, Rajpath Area, Central Secretariat, New Delhi, Delhi 110011.
Speaker at the Seminar on Legal Awareness on NRI Marital Issues Faced by Women Survivors, held on December 17, 2021 at Hyderabad.
Participated in the Roundtable Meeting at U.S. Consulate General Hyderabad on February 14, 2020 with Deputy Assistant Secretary for Overseas Citizen Services Karin King. Consular Chief Eric Alexander moderated a discussion on the nexus between NRI marital disputes and International Parental Child Abduction (IPCA) cases. The invitation read ‘DAS King has a particular interest in IPCA issues, and we feel your expertise in NRI and child custody issues will provide her with valuable perspective on the interconnectivity between these issues in India.’ Background to the roundtable meeting: Within India’s U.S. citizen community, the vast majority of adult U.S. citizens and Indian-citizen parents of minor U.S. citizens resided in the United States for university studies and work opportunities. An unfortunate byproduct of this scenario is a high number of child custody and International Parental Child Abduction cases that develop when this population encounters marital issues in the United States and U.S. citizen children are brought back to India against the wishes of one parent. The United States is interested in working more closely with India to increase cooperation on IPCA issues and has been encouraging the Government of India to accede to the Hague Convention.
Invited as a panelist to be on the interview board for recruiting staffs for "SAKHI One Stop Center (OSC), Telangana " on 31st May 2019, Hyderabad. Background to OSC: Women Development and Child Welfare (WD&CW) Department and the Telangana police came up with the OSC concept to provide a range of services for violence-affected women, including the help of police, legal and psycho-social counselling, medical aid and temporary shelter in an integrated manner, all under one roof.
Participated in a Consultative meeting on PCM Act, 2006 amendments, suggestions and recommendations (GO Ms.No.13), on 19th December, 2018, Hyderabad. This consultative meeting was in collaboration with Dept of Women Development & child welfare, Telangana, Girls Advocacy Alliance, Mahita NGO, Centre for Legal and Policy Research, Bangalore, Pan India.
Invited Lecture at Dr. MCR HRD Institute, Government of Telangana, Hyderabad 500 033, 93rd Foundation Course for All India Services and Central Civil Services Officers on "Law of Torts" on October 29th, 2018.
Invited Lecture at Dr. MCR HRD Institute, Government of Telangana, Hyderabad 500 033, 93rd Foundation Course for All India Services and Central Civil Services Officers on "Law of Torts" on October 12th, 2018.
Workshop on Child Marriages with reference to GO Ms.No.13 with CSOs, organized jointly by Nalsar and Mahitha on 11th May, 2018, Hyderabad.
Two Week Training Program for Bhutan Officers on Consumer Laws and Torts, organized by Nalsar, Hyderabad, Aril 1-15, 2018.
National Consultation Workshop On “NRI Marriages and Related Issues”
TSCW LOGO Organized by National Commission for Women-New Delhi in Collaboration With Telangana State Commission For Women- Hyderabad Dt: 5.11.2016- Hyderabad.
National Workshop on ‘Right to Sanitation: From Articulation to Implementation’ on 1st September 2016, in the Conference Room, Centre for Policy Research, Dharma Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi. (paper title---Sanitation: A key to better existence)
National Consultation Workshop on ‘Draft Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection) Rules for the State of Telangana’ on September 10th, 2016 at NALSAR University of Law, Shameerpet, Hyderabad.
National Consultation Workshop on ‘The Draft Telangana Juvenile Justice (C&PC) Rules, 2016’, Organized by Dept. of Juvenile Welfare, UNICEF and NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad, Date: 23rd& 24th August, 2016, Venue: CESS, Hyderabad
CII Telangana annual meeting & Public Session on ‘Telangana Moving Forward through Innovation and Entrepreneurship’ on 16 March 2016: Hotel ITC Kakatiya: Hyderabad.
Invited as a lead speaker to a workshop on Environmental Initiatives for Amaravati Capital City- organized by APCRDA, Vijayawada, A.P on 30th Nov, 2015.
Participated in National Workshop on ‘Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Bill 2014, at NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad on 29th November, 2014. [Paper Juvenile and the brain]
Invited lecture on Interdisciplinary Research at Research Methodology Course for Doctoral Students programme, Nalsar, Hyderabad, April 5-14, 2014.
Invited lecture on Child Rights at 5-day Vertical Interaction Course on “Law & Justice” for IPS Officers at NALSAR, Hyderabad, October 22-26, 2013.
Invited as Resource person to lecture on Child Rights at Rajiv Gandhi Advocates Training Program at Nalsar., March 16-18, 2013.
Women safety and MDGs, National Conference on Women’s Health and Nutrition: Emerging Trends and Challenges, (Department of Zoology & Department of Food and Nutrition, College for women, Koti, Osmania University, Hyderabad), April 10-12, 2014.
Invited Lecture at Research Methodology Course for Doctoral Students programme, Nalsar, Hyderabad, April 5-14, 2014.
Women Empowerment and The Millennium Development Goals, National Seminar on Education for women: Empowering Strategies, (Department of Education, Osmania University, Hyderabad, March 28-29, 2014).
Role of Modern Technologies in Distance Education, International Conference on Technology and Business Management, (AU, Dubai, March 24-26, 2014).
Air Pollution: Its Impact on Health, International Conference Environmental Earth Science, Accomplishments, Plans and Challenges”, (University of Madras, Chennai, March 19-22, 2014).
Cooking shouldn’t Kill, National Conference on Technology, policy and community: Small Experiments in Sustainability, (BITS Pilani-Hyderabad Campus, March 14-15, 2014).
Drug Abuse: A Psycho-Social Problem, National Seminar on Human Rights Education-New Challenges, (UCL, Osmania University, Hyderabad, March 8-9, 2014).
Women Health and Millennium Development Goals, International Conference on Women Empowerment- 2014 (International Multidisciplinary research Foundation, Vijayawada, March 7-8, 2014).
Women and Vulnerability to Indoor Air Pollution, National Seminar on Women Empowerment- Issues and Challenges, (UCW, Kakatiya University, Warangal, March 5-6, 2014).
Green Energy and Women Health, National Seminar on Inspiring Change towards Gender Equality, (CWS, Kakatiya University, Warangal, March 1-2, 2014).
CII Climate Change Conclave, State Initiative, key issues and opportunities, (CII Sohrabji Godrej Greem Business Centre, Hyderabad, September 30, 2013).
Invited Lecture at 5-day Vertical Interaction Course on “Law & Justice” for IPS Officers at NALSAR, Hyderabad, October 22-26, 2013.
Invited Lecture at Rajiv Gandhi Advocates Training Program at Nalsar, Hyderabad, March 16th-18th, 2013.
Workshop on NRI Marriages, (Nalsar, Hyderabad. February 2013).
National seminar on Child Abuse and Neglect, (Nalsar, Hyderabad, October 2012).
‘Parental Abduction: A child Abuse’, XXI ISPCAN International Congress, (Istanbul, Turkey October 9 -12, 2012).
Invited lecture at National Training Workshop for Indian Forest Services Officers, at Forest academy, Coimbatore in February 6-9, 2012.
No-Fault Conflict Resolution: The Best Solution to Parental Abduction, (9th ISPCAN Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, New Delhi, October 6-9, 2011).
Polluter Pays” Principle: Is it Capp-able? (8th ALI Annual Conference, Hall, Kyushu University Hospital Campus, May 26 & 27, 2011).
Securing permanent parents for a parentless child, (XVIII ISPCAN International Congress entitled, “One World, One Family, and Many Cultures: Strengthening Children and Families Affected by Personal, Intra-Familial and Global Conflict”, Honolulu, Hawai’i. 26 -29 Sept 2010).
Chairperson at the XVIII Congress 2010, (ISPCAN and Kapi’olani Child Protection Center, Hawaii, September 28, 2010).
Parental Kidnapping: A child Abuse, (National Conference for multi-disciplinary Professionals on child Abuse and Neglect, ICCW Chennai at Sri Ramachandra University (16-18 Sept 2010).
Participated in ‘Environmental policy and Law for Promoting Sustainable Development’ at Indian Environmental Society, Delhi, January 2004
Resource Person at Teacher’s Training Programme for Eco-Club activities, Department of Environment, Govt of NCT of Delhi, 2003
National Seminar on “Legal Education and Access to Justice CLC- USEFI” CLC, DU 2002
National Conference on ‘Utilization of Forensic sciences evidence in India’, AIBHAS, 2002
National Workshop on ‘Proposed Amendments to the Arbitration and Conciliation Act,1990’, ILI 2002
Participated in, ‘Social Auditing of Environmental Laws in India’ at GGSIP University, Delhi, December 2001.
Presently on offer: Health and substance misuse, Environment and Health
Courses taught: Jurisprudence, Private International Law, Clinical Education,Sociology, Environmental law, Torts, Child Abuse and Neglect, Legal Pluralism and Conflict of Laws
Mobile No: +91 9885182164
Office No: +91(40) 23498208
Residence No: +91(40) 65572164
Email: [email protected]