Binod Rajak

Binod Rajak is a Professor of Innovation and Creativity Management. He has completed his PhD from School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad. He has authored many articles in reputed international journals listed in Scopus, WoS, and ABDC. He has developed skills that helped him grow into a better faculty and researcher through many workshops. He is a self-learned expert in SEM, EFA, CFA and mediation moderation. He aims to imbibe the correct values in the upcoming generations—a skilled and effective labour force to build a better place to live. His research areas are Family Conflict Domain, Higher Education, Academic Performance, Employee engagement and Entrepreneur.
PhD- Management (August 2017- June 2021) - School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad.
Master of Commerce (December 2017-December 2019) - School of Management Studies, Indira Gandhi Open University.
Master of Personnel Management & Industrial Relations (July 2012- August 2014) - Department of Personnel Management & Industrial Relations, Patna University
Bachelor of Commerce (June 2008- March 2011) – Department of Commerce, Ramjas College, University of Delhi
Emotional labour, Employee Performance, Job Dis/satisfaction, Higher Education, Entrepreneur, Mediation Moderation, Mixed Method Approach, Family Incivility, Perceived Supervisor Supports etc.
Rajak, B. K., Kunja, S. R., & Singh, P. (2021). Emotional labour, stress and employee performance: a study of higher education system. International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, 14(3), 306-318. DOI: 10.1504/IJEPEE.2020.10031255. (ABDC, Scopus)
Kadari, D., Padmaja, G., & Rajak, B. (2021). Distress and quality of life among type II diabetic patients: Role of physical activity. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 16(1), 64-74. 10.24083/apjhm.v16i1.569. (ABDC, Scopus, WoS).
Rajak, B. K., & Singh, P (2022). Emotional labour, job satisfaction and employee performance: a mixed methods approach. International Journal of Business and Globalization, DOI: 10.1504/IJBG.2020.10032882, (ABDC, Scopus) (In Press).
Rajak, B. K., Singh, S & Paliwal, M (2022). "The Dark side of Overuse of Internet: A study of Indian College Students". Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management. (ABDC, Scopus, WoS), (In Press).
Singh, S., Rajak, B. K., & Paliwal, M. Impact of social media marketing on consumer consciousness and purchase of durable products. International Journal of Business Information System. DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2020.10034792, (ABDC, Scopus) (In Press).
Deepika, Singh, S V P, Singh, S and Rajak, B. "Study of e-services quality and customer loyalty: a moderated mediation model of perceived switching cost and e-satisfaction." International Journal of Business Information System. DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2020.10034351, (ABDC, Scopus) (In Press).
“Emotional labour, Stress and Employee Performance: A Study of Higher Education System” presented at [International Conference on Knowledge and Policy for Sustainable Development: Global Lessons and Local Challenges 2019. GGSIPU, New Delhi, India and 25-27th September 2019]
“How Emotional labour impact the job satisfaction and Employee Performance: A Study of Tourism industry” presented at International Conference on Expanding HR Value: Unraveling the Future of Work; 15th & 16th November 2018, IPE Hyderabad.
Creativity & Innovation Management
Human Resource Management
Management Theories
Team Building
Email: [email protected]