D Bala Krishna

Dr. D Bala Krishna is an undergraduate science degree holder coupled with a master’s degree in Criminal Law and Social Work form Kakatiya University. His inter-disciplinary background has influenced his work choices. He started his academic career in University College of Law and Arts and Science College, Kakatiya University, Telangana State, where he also rendered his services as an Assistant coordinator in Kakatitya University Center for Environmental Education and NSS Officer. He joined NALSAR in 2009.
He has organized a training programme on Consumer Protection for Officials from the Office of Consumer Protection, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan and supervised a research work in collaboration with UNICEF and CESS on functioning of Juvenile Justice in Telangana State.
He has been associated with various departments of Telangana State and A.P. on law and policy. Presently, he is a guest faculty to Police Department, Prison Department, Department of Juvenile Justice, Judicial Academy, UoH, TSLSA and CDTC.
He is also performing his official duties in NALSAR as the Convener of the Centre for Child and Youth Justice, Convener of the SC/ST Cell and he is a member of the Committee against Sexual Harassment. He also wishes to make bridges between civil society initiatives and legal advocacy through the criminal justice clinic which he offers at NALSAR.
B.Sc., LL.M., PGD IR & PM., M.S.W ( Kakatiya University), UGC- NET, Ph.D.
Modern crimes,penology and juvenile justice
Human Rights; Environmental Law; Law of Torts; Criminal Law; Consumer Law; Criminology
Office No: +91(40) 23498207
Email: [email protected]