Deepti Jog

Deepti Jog is a marketing faculty, with a keen interest in sustainable consumption. Her research interest revolved around understanding consumer behaviour, green consumption, sustainable alternatives in marketing and tourism domain. She pursued her MPhil and PhD from, Goa Business School, Goa. She holds an industry experience of over 4 years and research and teaching experience of over 8 years. In addition to her academic pursuits, she enjoys following traditional art forms, and reading.
Ph.D & M.Phil (Marketing)
International Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications:
1. Caspersz, D., Cullen, H., Davis, M., Jog, D., McGaughey, F., Singhal, D.,& Voss, H. (2021 Forthcoming). Modern slavery in global value chains: A global factory and governance perspective. Journal of Industrial Relations. (Scopus Listed)
2. Jog, D., & Singhal, D. (2020). Greenwashing Understanding Among Indian Consumers and Its Impact on Their Green Consumption. Global Business Review, 0972150920962933. (Scopus Listed) Page 2 of 4
3. Jog, D., & Singhal, D. (2019). Pseudo green players and their greenwashing practices: a differentiating strategy for real green firms of personal care category. Strategic Direction. (Scopus Listed)
4. Voss, H., Davis, M., Sumner, M., Waite, L., Ras, I. A., Singhal, D. I. V. Y. A., & Jog, D. (2019). International supply chains: compliance and engagement with the Modern Slavery Act. Journal of the British Academy, 7(s1), 61-76.
5. Jog, D., & Mekoth, N. (2019). Risk Perception and Tourist Types: A Study Among International Tourists. International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management in the Digital Age (IJTHMDA), 3(2), 22-43.
6. Deepti, J., & Nandakumar, M. (2018). Importance-responsibility comparison of tourists’ actions: a host perspective. International Journal of Tourism and Travel, 11(1/2), 1-7.
7. N. Mekoth, Tom, M & Jog, D (2017). Stress, Gender and Coping, Empirical Evidences from Retired Teachers, Siddhant Journal of Decision Making, 17(1).
8. Jog, D & N Mekoth. (2017) Development of a Tourist Risk Perception (TRP) scale, International Journal of Tourism and Travel, 10(1), 1-5
9. Jena, S. K., & Jog, D. (2016). Price competition in a tourism supply chain. Tourism Economics, 1354816616674611. (SCOPUS Listed)
Research paper publication in Edited Book:
1.Jog, D. (2018). Responsible Practices of Stakeholders for Sustained Tourism Destination Development. In Handbook of Research on Urban Governance and Management in the Developing World (pp. 264-281). IGI Global.
1. Jog, D & Rodrigues, F (2021), Making meat, better: Indian Consumers' preference and acceptance for plant-based meat, 8th PAN IIM WMC 2021 Conference, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, 16-18 December 2021.
2. Jog, D & Champaneri, A (2020), The role of consumer typology on the consumers' green involvement and its effect on green purchase behaviour, 04th International Conference on Marketing, Technology & Society 2020, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, 1-4, 7-9 December 2020.
3. Jog, D, (2020), An impact of Place attachment on stakeholder responsible behavior – A mediating role of environmental attitude, in INDAM International Conference, at Indian Institute of Management Tiruchirappalli. 2-4 January 2020 Publications in Conference Proceedings: Page 3 of 4
4. Jog, D, (2019), The role of place attachment and destination emotion in stakeholder responsible behaviour, a conceptual paper, in IAARHIES International Conference, Mumbai, 10-11 September 2019. (Conference Proceeding)
5. Jog D. & N Mekoth (2018) Importance-responsibility comparison of tourists’ actions - A host perspective, International Tourism Conference on Sustaining Tourist Destinations: Implications for Developing Countries, 3-5 November 2017.
6. Jog D. & N Mekoth (2016) Empowerment among married women in Goa: An economic and socio demographic explanation, Proceedings of Startup India - International Conference on “Entrepreneurship and Women Empowerment"18-19 November 2016
7. Jog D. & N Mekoth (2016) Culture and consumption – KFC’s Adaptations, Proceedings of Mangalore Academy of Professional Studies for National Level seminar on diverse challenges for Business Organization, 5 October 2016
8. Jog D. & N Mekoth (2015), Educational tourism as an avenue of responsible tourism, Proceedings of conference ‘Vision India: The Road Ahead’. Valia College of Commerce, Mumbai.
Marketing Research
Services Marketing
Green marketing
Email ID: [email protected]