Dr. Ishita Das

Ishita is Assistant Professor of Law and her academic interests include International Space Law, Cyber Law, International Environmental Law, International Trade Law, and Business Law. She has completed her undergraduate training from National Law University, Jodhpur, specializing in Business Law. After her graduation, she has been associated with a think-tank, head-quartered in the UK, working on diverse issues ranging from trade policy and sustainability to foreign policy and public health. She has also worked with the Central Government working on areas concerning violence against women and the Right to Information in Delhi. Subsequently, she pursued LL.M. from The W.B. National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata, specializing in Corporate and Commercial Law. She was also the Gold-Medalist of her batch, winning several gold medals based on her academic performance. She has an academic experience of about 2 years wherein she has taught courses such as Cyber Law, and Law and Justice in a Globalizing World, among others, to both undergraduate and graduate students at the National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam. Subsequently, she joined Amity Law School, Noida, as Assistant Professor – I, wherein she taught courses such as Information Technology Law, and International Environmental Law, inter alia. In her free time, she likes to play basketball, paint or sketch, and write poems or short stories.
BBA (Hons.), LL.B. (Hons.), from National Law University, Jodhpur [2014]
LL.M. [Gold-Medalist], from The W.B. National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata [2018]
UGG – NET [2018]
PhD (pursuing), from the NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad [2020-present]
Ishita’s research interests include International Space Law, Cyber Law, International Trade Law, Environmental Law, and Business Law. She has publications in the form of journal articles, book chapters, newspaper articles, and blogs in these areas. She was the ‘1st Runner Up’ at the First Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Air & Space Law and Policy Essay Competition, presented at the NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad (2020). She has also won the First National Legal Essay Competition for Essay titled, “Soaring in Stormy Skies: International Aviation Disputes and the Role of the ICAO”, organized by Law College Dehradun, Uttaranchal University, in association with the International Law Students Association (2018).
Journal Articles
Ishita Das, Cyber Warfare and Security of Space Assets: Unravelling the Challenges Concerning Attribution in Light of the Viasat Attack 2022 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SPACE LAW (forthcoming, 2023) [SCOPUS-indexed].
Ishita Das, The Outer Space and Cyber-attacks: How India’s Proposed National Space Law deals with Cyber Security 2021 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SPACE LAW (forthcoming, 2022) [SCOPUS-indexed].
Ishita Das, ‘The Outer Space and Cyber-attacks: Attributing Responsibility under International Space Law’ 7 2020 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SPACE LAW (2020) [SCOPUS-indexed].
Ishita Das, ‘The Need for Implementing a Cross Border Insolvency Regime within the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016’ 45 (2) VIKALPA 104, 114 (2020) [SCOPUS-indexed].
Ishita Das, ‘Bringing a Piece of Moon to Your Honey’: The Legal Challenges relating to Mining of the Lunar Resources, 8-9 INDIAN J. AIR & SPACE L. 59, 82 (2020).
Ishita Das, ‘Commercial Development and the Space Activities Bill, 2017: A Critical Analysis of the Liability System’, 3 INDIAN J. L. & INT’L AFF. 159, 176 (2019).
Ishita Das, ‘International Trade and Competition Policy: Reconsidering the Role of the WTO’, 2 (1) MUMBAI NAT’L L. U. L. REV. 75, 88 (2019).
Rachit Ranjan & Ishita Das, ‘The Prospect of an Indo-Chinese Role in Reconstructing Christchurch’, 3(4) GLOBAL POL’Y J. 1, 15 (2015).
Ishita Das, ‘A Balancing Act: The Clove Cigarettes Dispute’ 1(2) LATIN AM. J. INT’L TRADE L. 819, 826 (2013).
Book Chapters
Ishita Das, Space Technology and Cyber Security: Analysing this Interface from an International Perspective, in EMERGING CONTOURS OF BUSINESS, LAW AND GOVERNANCE IN TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS (Shefali Raizada et al. eds., Thomson Reuters Publications, forthcoming, 2023).
Ishita Das, A Review of the Draft Space-based Remote Sensing Policy 2020: Challenges and Opportunities, in FUNDAMENTALS OF NATIONAL SPACE LAWS (Sandeepa Bhat B. & Souvik Kumar Guha eds., Thomson Reuters Publications, 2022) [ISBN: 978-93-93702-83-8].
Ishita Das, ‘Rethinking Rainwater Harvesting for Addressing Climate Change: Policy Measures for Water Conservation in India’ in AGRICULTURAL WATER GOVERNANCE: SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES AND STRATEGIES (M.K. Ramesh & Sairam Bhat eds., NLSIU, UAS & IIWM Joint Publication, 2021) [ISBN 978-93-91111-06-9].
Ishita Das, ‘Special Provisions for J&K and the North-East States: Boon or Bane?’ in RULE OF LAW IN REPUBLIC INDIA (Abir Dey & Parag Agarwal eds., Jus Dicere Publications, 2018) [ISBN: 978-93-5300-724-9].
Ishita Das, ‘India’s ‘Look East Policy’ and the WTO: Construing Regionalism in Tandem with Multilateralism’ in NORTH EAST IN INDIA’S LOOK EAST: ISSUES AND OPPORTUNITIES (Imankalyan Lahiri & Pahi Saikia eds., JAIR Publications, 2015) [ISBN: 978-93-85000-003].
Ishita Das, ‘Consumer Interest and Regulation: Bridging the Gap between Competition and Consumer Protection’, in CONSUMER ACTIVISM, COMPETITION AND CONSUMER PROTECTION (P. Jaswal et al. eds., Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab Publications, 2012) [ISBN: 978-8190809-0-3].
Opinion Pieces/Blog Posts
Ishita Das, “A Study of the Baghjan Oil Field Disaster: Unravelling the Legal Implications”, NLUO Blog for Animal and Environmental Jurisprudence and Rights (July 2020).
Ishita Das, “Cross-border Insolvency under the IBC 2016: Opportunities and Challenges”, The Centre for Business and Commercial Laws [CBCL] Blog (June 2018).
Ishita Das, “Westward Bound: Building Stronger Indo-GCC Ties” Swarajya (Sep. 2015).
Ishita Das and Shashwat Tiwari, “Its Time Now to Act West”, The Statesman (Aug. 2015).
Ishita Das, “Legalising the Rhino Horn Trade: Is it the Way Forward?” Oval Observer Foundation Insights (Apr. 2015).
Ishita Das, “The Road from Rio to Paris: The Evolution of CBDR?” Oval Observer Foundation Insights (Mar. 2015).
Ishita Das, “Engaging with the World through FTAs”, Oval Observer Foundation Insights (Jan. 2015).
Ishita Das, “Switching off the Sun? The India-US Solar Cells Dispute”, Oval Observer Foundation Insights (Jan. 2015).
Ishita Das, “Benefits of Mediation to the Business Community”, The Indian Arbitrator (Mar. 2013).
Ishita Das, “CJEU’s Role in Reducing Discriminatory Treatment: Construing Domestic Law in Tandem with EU Law”, King’s Student Law Review-Blog Series (July 2012).
Resource Speaker
Presented views on the topic, ‘Rethinking Rainwater Harvesting for Addressing Climate Change: Policy Measures for Water Conservation in India’ at the Online National Seminar on Strengthening Agricultural Water Use Law, Policy and Management in India jointly organized by the CEERA, NLSIU, Bangalore, and the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, in collaboration with ICAR-IIWM, Bhubaneswar (26 Mar., 2021).
Paper Presentations
Presented a Research Paper titled, “Cyber Warfare and Security of Space Assets: Unravelling the Challenges Concerning Attribution in Light of the Viasat Attack” at the 73rd International Astronautical Congress held at Paris, France (18-22 Sep., 2022).
Presented a Research Paper titled, “The Outer Space and Cyber-attacks: How India’s Proposed National Space Law deals with Cyber Security” at the 72nd International Astronautical Congress held at Dubai, the UAE (25-29 Oct., 2021).
Presented a Research Paper titled, “The Outer Space and Cyber-attacks: Attributing Responsibility under International Space Law” at the 71st International Astronautical Congress held online due to COVID-19 (12-14 Oct., 2020).
Presented a Research Paper titled, “The Legal Challenges relating to Mining of the Lunar Resources” at the International Legal and Policy Conference on ‘The Future of Transport-Opportunities and Challenges in Aviation and Space Industry’ at NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad (2-3 Feb., 2020).
Presented a Research Paper titled, “Commercialization of Space and Creation of Space Debris: The Need for Strengthening International Space Law” at the United Nations/China Forum on Space Solutions: Realizing the Sustainable Development Goals, jointly organized by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs [UNOOSA] and the China National Space Administration [CNSA], at Changsha, China (24-27 Apr., 2019).
Presented a Research Paper titled, “Commercial Development and the Space Activities Bill, 2017: A Critical Analysis of the Liability System” at the International Symposium on International Humanitarian Law, Law on Torture, and Space Law jointly organized by the Indian Society of International Law [ISIL] and the Indian Journal of Law and International Affairs [IJLIA], in association with the Amnesty International, India, and the Indian Space Research Organization [ISRO], at New Delhi (13-14 Apr., 2019), among several others over the course of 2012 to 2020.
Company Law, Code of Civil Procedure and Law of Limitation, International Space Law
Email: [email protected]