Gade Mallikarjun

Mr. G. Mallikarjun did his LL.M (Spl. in Labour Laws) from Kakatiya University, Warangal , with first division (University First Rank and secured Two Gold Medals). He was awarded with the Ph.D. degree in 2008 from Kakatiya University for his doctoral thesis “Contribution of International Labour Organisation to the Development of Human Rights”.
His interests in academics made him shift from the profession of a law practitioner to a law teacher. He started his career by practicing as an advocate for four years at Warangal District Court and took up both civil and criminal litigations. After teaching for a few years in two Warangal-based law Colleges he joined NALSAR in January 2009.
His prior experience as a law practitioner helped him in the direction of adding a practical dimension to his teaching at NALSAR. His teaching has always ranged from core law courses such as Administrative Law, Family Law, and Property Law to niche courses like Land Laws and Insurance Law.
He has been the chief warden over the last five years and with a team of wardens he oversees the halls of residence for men. His approach as a warden has always been not to encroach upon the liberties of the students and at the same time to make the students understand that an argument of liberty comes with a readiness for responsibility. On the administrative front, he being one of the members of the Academic and Examination Committee, acquired experience of conducting university examinations.
B.Sc, LL.B, LL.M, Ph.D ( Kakatiya University)
My areas of interest are law of torts, property law, human rights, and women and law.
1. Development of Human Rights under the Aegis of The United Nations: An Overview, published in online journal, Universal Review, 2018, ISSN NO: 2277-2723, available at http://universalreview.org/gallery/4.%20nov%20urj%20-%20cw.pdf.
2. Increasing Scenario of Cyber Risks in Indian Banking Sector and the Initiative Measures to Tackle, publish in the book on “ Business Management Practices: New Tends and Challenges “, Manju and Ombir Singh, et. al. (eds), Bharti Publications, New Delhi ( 2018), ISBN 978-93-86608-60-4
3. ‘Protecting Online Copy Right Infringements: The Emerging Legal Issues and Challenges’, published in International Journal of Engineering, Technology, Science and Research (IJETSR), 2018, ISSN 2394-3386, available at,http://www.ijetsr.com/images/short_pdf/1516243209_644-648-SJ55
4. ‘Cyber-Crimes and the Cyber Law in Indian: An Overview, published in International Journal of Enhanced Research in Management and Computer Applications (IJERMCA), Vol. 6 Issue 12, 12 December-2017, ISSN 2319-74771 , available at http://www.erpublications.com/uploaded_files/download/dr-g-mallikarjun_I...
5. ‘Cyber-crimes in Indian: Issues Relating to Investigation and Adjudication’ published in the proceeding of seminar on "Law, Science and Technology", Rajavenkateshan P.R.L. et. al. (eds), VIT School Of Law. VIT University, Chennai, July 23, 2016, (ISBN: 978-93-81992-08-1)
6. ‘Real Estate Industry in India: Need for Effective Regulatory Mechanism’ published in In Law Magazine, Published by NLSIU Vol 2016, ISSN 2349-624X
7. Labour Rights as Human Rights and their Promotion in the Context of Economic Globalisation’ Rajavenkatesan P.R.L. et. al. (eds), VIT School Of Law. VIT University, Chennai, 2016, (ISBN: )
8. "Making Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)as a Legal Mandate in India: A Welcome Measure" published in NLUA Law & Policy Review, Vol. 2, 2016, (ISSN : 2455-8672)
9. ‘SAFTA and its Dispute Settlement Mechanism: An Appraisal’ published in M.K. Nambyar SAARC LAW Journal, Vol. II&II, 2016,(ISSN 2348-8646)
10. ‘Live-in Relationships in India: Need For Legal Protection’, published in the book “ Justice Triumphs” essays in Honour of Professor V.R.C Krishnaiah, DR. R. Narayana, et. al. (eds), Asia Law House, Hyderabad, 2016, (ISBN: 978-81-933160-8-5)
- Real Estate Industry in India: Need for Effective Regulatory Mechanism
- Real Estate Industry in India: Need for Effective Regulatory Mechanis‘Labour Rights as Human Rights and their Promotion in the Context of Economic Globalisation’ published in the proceeding of seminar on “Emerging Trends in Human Rights”, Rajavenkateshan P.R.L. et. al. (eds), VIT School Of Law. VIT University, Chennai, 2016, (ISBN: 9789381992878) pp. 162-17
11. ‘Consumer Protection in a Global Market: Legal Issues in Indian Context’, published in the Andhra Law Times, Vol. (cxcv), (Part 9), May 2015.
12. ‘Child Abuse: A Gross Violation of Human Rights’ published in the proceeding of seminar, Jayakumar. YF et, al. (eds), “Human Rights Education-New Challenges”, (Asia Law House, Hyderabad, 2015). ISBN: 9780674047662) pp. 234-241.
13. Dr. G. Mallikarjun and B. Md. Irfan, ‘Right to Privacy In India: The Technical And Legal Framework’, Journal of Positive School Psychology, Vol. 6, No. 3 (2022), 5785–5790, available at: View of Right To Privacy In India: The Technical And Legal Framework (journalppw.com) http://journalppw.com.ISSN: 2717-7564, (Scopus Indexed).
14. Dr. G. Mallikarjun , ‘Questioning the Possibility of Upliftment of Farmers ln Telangana and Andhra Pradesh Through Entrepreneurial Option in Land Tenancy’, JETIR December 2022, Volume 9, Issue 12 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162) (UGC recognized journal )
15. Dr. G. Mallikarjun, ‘Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Cyber Space: An Indian Perspective’, published in book titled “Changing Dynamics of Intellectual Property Rights”, Published by Satyam International, New Delhi, India, 2021, P. 17-25, ISBN : 978-81-949509-8-1.
Papers Presented in National and International seminars :
- Presented a paper on “Global Trade and Sustainable Development: The Positive Role of the WTO”, in the Two-Day National Seminar on ‘Globalisation and Sustainable Development-Indian Experience’, organized by Department of Economics, Osmania University, Hyderabad, during 23 and 024th, February, 2018
- Presented a paper on “ The Role of cyber Forensics in Resolving Cyber Crimes: An Overview”, in the Two-Day National Seminar on “Information Technology and Law –Issues , Concerns and Challenges ” on 08 and 09th, March 2016, organized by University College of Law, Osmania University, Hyderabad.
- Presented a paper on “Incidence of Cyber Crimes and Emerging Issues””, in the Two-Day National Seminar on “ Criminal Justice System in India – Recent Trends” on 23rd & 24th, April 2016, organized by University College of Law, Osmania University, Hyderabad.
- Presented a paper on ‘Labour Rights as Human Rights and their Promotion in the Context of Economic Globalisation’ in the One-Day National Seminar on “Emerging Trends in Human Rights”, on 08 and 09th, March 2016, organized by VIT School Of Law, VIT University, Chennai.
- Presented a paper on ‘Corporate Governance and the Companies Act 2013: An Appraisal’ in the Two-Day National Research Seminar on “Corporate Laws & Challenges to the New Governments” on July 25th & 26th 2015, jointly organized by P.G. College of Law, Osmania University, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad and The Institute Company Secretaries of India, New Delhi.
- Presented a paper on ‘Promotion of Good Governance and Combating Corruption: Indian Context’ in the Two-Day National Seminar on “Good Governance and Human Rights: Issues and Challenges” on March 29th & 30th 2015, organized by University College of Law, Kakatiya University, Warangal.
- Presented a paper on ‘Corporate Social Responsibility in India: Emerging Issues and Concerns’ in the Two-Day National Seminar on “Legal Regime of Corporate Social Responsibility in India” on March 14th & 15th 2015, organized by University College of Law, Osmania University, Hyderabad.
- Presented a paper on ‘Consumer Protection in the Era of Globalization: Emerging Issues and Challenges’, in the One-Day National Seminar on “Global Consumerism: Challenges and Possibilities”; Organized by Center for Consumer Protection Law and Advocacy, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab on 21st February, 2015 in association with Indian Council of Social
- d, March, 8–9, 2014)
Administrative law, Family Law, Property Law, Law of Insurance, Criminal Law and Land Laws.