K. Vidyullatha Reddy

Before joining NALSAR University of LawI worked as in-charge Principal of Manair Law College, Khammam for four years, besides being a law teacher at the same institute.That original exposure has always made me view administrative work as an integral part of my official duties.I can be aptly described as a law teacher who has nearly two decades of experience and is also actively involved in the administration oflegal education institutions.Currently, I assist the administration by overseeing post graduate legal education as Chairperson of the Post Graduate Legal Education Centre and co-curricular activities as Convener of the Moot Court Committee. In the past I have also worked as convener of University examination committee.
I have been actively involved in organizing various training programs and conferences on behalf of the University. Some of the training programs coordinated by me include advocates training programs funded by Ministry of Law of Justice and Ministry of Environment and Forests, south India law teachers training program in association with British Council, month long training programs for advocates aspiring to be judges. I have coordinated the International conference on consumer law in association with International association of consumer law the first ever conference of the organization in India.
The setting up of the legal aid cell and coordinating its activities is amongst my passionate ventures at the University. I am actively involved in outreach programs and have taken steps to ensure the setting up of legal aid clinics within and outside the University.
My nonacademic interests include watching regional politics and telugu movies.
B. Com, LL.B, LL.M, Ph.D. (Kakatiya University)
I have been actively involved in various research projects undertaken by the University which include project on grievance redress funded by Centre for good governance, Government of A.P, Coparcenary rights of women funded by National Commission for Women, solid waste management in Hyderabad city funded by Ministry of Environment and Forests, Nano technology and its impact on environment funded by Sastri Indo-Canadian Institute besides others.
I participated the Law Teaching and Legal Research Skills Program at Cardiff University, sponsored by British Council and Cardiff University, U.K.
I am the editor-in-chief of Environmental Law and Practice Review (ELPR) the university environment Centre journal.
- Authored: Municipal Solid Waste—Law and Practice (S.Gogia & Co., Hyderabad, 2006)
- Edited: Global Perspectives in Consumer Law (along with two others)- (S. Gogia & Co., Hyderabad) 2011
- Municipal Solid Waste Management in Hyderabad City – (Ministry of Environment and Forests funded by World Bank) in 2003
- Coparcenary Rights of Women in Andhra Pradesh – (National Commission for women) in August 2004 (along with two others)
- Regulation and Development of Nanotechnology in India – Report submitted to Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute – 2010 (along with one other)
- Chapter on Law of Evidence in the edited book for Masters in Taxation and Business Laws
Recent Articles/Papers:
- Restructuring Indian Financial Sector with Vibrant Securitization Market (Colloquium Opus Law Journal, Volume, 1 Issue 2, National Law University Odisha) 2014
- Land Use based Environmental Issues in Telangana (Environment Law & Practice Review (ELPR) Volume -3) 2014
- Privatization of Garbage Management Services in Hyderabad – Legal Concerns (Andhra Law Times) 2013
- Use based Entitlements – Changing Dimension of Land Ownership in India (Nalsar Law Review, volume 6) 2011
- Green Consumerism and Packaging Waste Management: Indian Legal Scenario (NALSAR Law Review, Volume 4) 2010
- Creating Infrastructure for Management of Surface water: Issues and Challenges Faced by A.P. Government (Dr.Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University Journal Vol.1 No.1) 2008
Organised / Co-ordinated
(Training Programs/Workshops/ Seminars)
- Seminar on Sustainable Solid Waste Management along with CII Telanagana, 2014
- Rajiv Gandhi Advocates Training Program a one month training program to advocates, funded by Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of India, 2013
- National Conference on Sustainable Use of Energy – Issues and Challenges”, 2011
- Workshop on Nanotechnology and Law for finalizing the draft report ,2010
- 12 th International Conference on Consumer Law in association with International Association of Consumer Law (IACL), 2009.
Presented Papers/Resource Person/ Delivered Lectures
- At the one day conference on Development vs. Environment in the technical session on “Solid Waste Management’ organized by CII Andhra Pradesh, 2012.
- Participated the Meeting of Conference of Parties of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (COP/MOP on UNCBD, 2012)
- At the Workshop Organized by National Green Corps on status of Environmental Education and implementation of Supreme Court Judgment and UGC Guidelines held at Institute of Engineers, Khairatabad, Hyderabad on 10 th March, 2012
- At the Workshop Organized by Landesa for the judges in charge of district legal service authority on “The Land Related legal Needs of the poor and the Need for Legal Aid” on 8th September, 2012
- Presented paper on “Emission Trading in Municipal Solid Waste – Issues and Challenges” at the National Seminar on Solid Waste Management Legal Facies – organized by ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education (IFHE) on 5 th February, 2011
- Presented paper on “NALSAR Legal Aid Program – Strategizing an adoptable Action Plan” at the First National Conference on Legal Aid Organized by National University of Juridical Studies (NUJS) Kolkata on 19th February, 2011
- Delivered lecture on “Mohammedan Law of Inheritance” at the 20th orientation Course to Senior Civil Judges at A.P. Judicial Academy, on 24th June, 2010.
- Delivered lecture on “Environmental Laws and the Role of Subordinate Courts” to the Advocates at Khammam Bar Association, Khammam District, on 5th August, 2010.
- Delivered lecture on “Over view of Environmental Laws in India” at the orientation program to the lectures and University teachers at the UGC Academic Staff College, OU Campus on 22 nd August, 2010.
- Delivered lectures on Law of Evidence to the trainee officers of the foundation Course at NADT, Nagpur 23 -24 September, 2010.
- Delivered Lecture at the training program for legal staff of Indian Railways on “Environmental laws and Indian Railways” on 13 th September, 2010.
- Presented paper on “Irrigation Infrastructure and Environmental Issues with special reference to Jalayagnam program’ on 25 th April at Hotel Taj Deccan being organized by Supreme Courts advocates and Delhi High Court Judges.
- Deliverd lecture on “Global Warming and Climate Change” at the 62 nd orientation program to the lectures and University teachers at the UGC Academic Staff college, OU Campus on 3 rd July, 2009
- Deliverd lecture on “Women’s Property Rights and Legal issues” at the UGC workshop on capacity building of women managers in higher education organized by St. Anns college for women on 23 rd July, 2009.
- Delivered series of lectures on Law of Evidence to the IRS trainee officers at NADT, Nagpur from 14 – 16 th December, 2009.
Courses taught Environmental Law, Law of Evidence, Consumer Law, Banking and Finance. I coordinate clinical courses and legal aid program of the University.
CurrentlyI am offering Bio safety Law, and Regulation of Financial services as seminar papers. I am also co- coordinating the legal aid and social justice clinic students.
I propose to develop seminar courses in competition law and energy law.