A. Kishore Kumar

Dr. A. Kishore Kumar is presently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management Studies, NALSAR University of Law. Dr. Kishore has nearly two decades of teaching and research experience in the field of Management Education, especially in Human Resource Management area. He has done his Masters in Human Resource Management from Kakatiya University, Warangal, Telangana. He was awarded M. Phil. degree in the year 2004 and Ph. D in2010 from Kakatiya University. He has also done M.Sc. (Psychology) from AcharyaNagarjuna University. Dr. Kishore has qualified in UGC-NET in 2008. Prior to joining NALSAR University of Law, he worked with various reputed institutions in Hyderabad.
M. Sc. (Psychology) from AcharyaNagarjuna University, Guntur, A.P.
Ph. D from Kakatiya University, Warangal, T.S.
M. Phil from Kakatiya University, Warangal, T. S.
Master of Human Resource Management from Kakatiya University, Warangal, T. S.
Bachelor of Science (Computer Sciences) form Kakatiya University, Warangal, T. S.
Leadership, Employee Motivation and Stress Management
1. NarsimhaRao, P, Prathap, K &Kishore Kumar, A. (2017). Changing Face of Employee Relations in India: Causes of Unrest and Coping Strategies.Auroras Journal of Management, 7(1), 51-63,ISSN NO: 2278 – 263X.
2.Sreenivas Reddy, G & Kishore Kumar, A.(2015). Role of Leadership in Organizational Effectiveness in Software Industry, Auroras Journal of Management, 6(3), 18-35, ISSN NO: 2278 – 263X.
3.Kakumanu, Ramesh Kumar, Israel Raju, V &Kishore Kumar, A. (2015). Impact of Family Sentiments on Indian Women and Their Buying Behaviour.Journal of Commerce and Trade, 10(1), 74-85,ISSN NO: 0973-4503.
4. Ramesh Kumar, K&Kishore Kumar, A. (2013). Online Display Advertisements and their Contribution in Drawing Attention of Online Users, Paripex – Indian Journal of Research, 2(7), 10-13,ISSN-2250-1991.
5.Kishore Kumar, A. (2007). Globalization and Building Leadership for 21st Century, ICFAI MBA Review, 38-41.
- Participated in Webinar on “NAAC Assessment and Accreditation Process” organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Osmania University, in association with NAAC, Bengaluru on 19th August 2020.
2. Participated in One Day International Webinar on “Teaching Through the Pandemic” organized by Sardar Patel College, Secunderabad on 18th May 2020.
3. Participated in Two Day National Webinar on “Covid-19 Lockdown Impact on Small & Single Owner Businesses” organized by Department of Business Management, Osmania University, Hyderabad on 30th& 31st July 2020.
4.Participated in Webinar on “Give Wings to Your Stress” organized by Department of Business Management, Balaji Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal on 23rd July 2020.
5.Participated in Webinar on “Post Covid-19: Strategies to Sustain Employability” organized by Department of Business Management, P.G. Centre, Kollapur, Mahabubnagar on 23rd June 2020.
6.Presented Paper entitled “Impact of Demonetization on Rural Economy and Agriculture” in National Level Conference organized by VignanaBharathi Institute of Technology, Ghatkesar, Hyderabad on 17th&18th February 2017.
7.Presented paper entitled “Building Positive Employment Relations in India: The Way Forward” in National Level Seminar organized by Department of Public Administration and HRM, Kakatiya University, Warangal on 27th& 28th July 2013.
8.Presented paper entitled “Talent Retention Strategies in Essar Group” in National Seminar organized by Aurora’s Post-Graduate College, Hyderabad sponsored by AICTE on 1st May 2013.
Organizational Structure and Design, Strategic Compensation and Performance Management, Human Resource Management.
Organizational Behaviour, Management of Industrial Relations, Management of Change, Organizational Development.
Dr. A. Kishore Kumar
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Management Studies
NALSAR University of Law
Shameerpet, Hyderabad – 500101
Ph: +91(40)-23498421
Cell: 9700430068
Email: [email protected]