Nimushakavi Vasanthi, Registrar

Nimushakavi Vasanthi is a Professor of Constitutional Law and has been instrumental in designing and teaching courses in constitutional law at the undergraduate and post graduate level. A graduate from Osmania University she has been at the University since 2000. She teaches courses in the area of constitutional law and labour law. Her recent work has been in areas at the intersection of labour, gender and rights.
B. Com (Hons) 1989
LL.B., Osmania University 1992
LL.M, Osmania University 1995
N.E.T 1997
Ph.D. Osmania University 2005
. She has been associated with several projects of the University including
- A study of working conditions and applicable laws to women in the Telugu Film and Television Industry, National Commission for Women 2021.
- Member, Review of election laws, The Representation of the People Act, 1951 particularly along the parameters of inclusiveness, integrity, transparency, accuracy and effectiveness for the Election Commission of India 2019
- Member, Ford Foundation Project on Socio-Economic Rights 2017
- Financial Inclusion of the Chenchu tribe in Andhra Pradesh, 2012 Reserve Bank of India
- Regulatory Impact of Legislation on Domestic Workers” 2009-2011 ICSSR
- Human Rights Education and Criminal Justice Project for the Ford Foundation,2005
- NHRC-CHRC-IGNOU-Linkage project on disability and human rights, southern region ,2005
- Member of the child rights project, carried on under the UNICEF-CRC-Govt of A.P. Report on the status of the child, 2000
- Principal investigator of the Environmental Management Capacity Building project under the Ministry of Environment and forests and World Bank, 2000
Constitutional policy and Environmental Jurisprudence in India, (Macmillan India 2006)
N.Vasanthi and Sarasu Thomas (Eds.) Social Exclusion and Rights of Persons with Disability (NLSIU 2013)
Book Chapters:
Chapter on Maharashtra in Annual Survey of State Laws in India 2020 (Eds. Amita Dhanda and Faizan Mustafa) Nalsar University of Law ( 2022)
“Tribes and their Land”, in Ayan Haz (Ed.) Environment and Society: Perspectives across disciplines.(Lambert Publications, 2015) pp. 82-114.ISBN: 978-3-659-40672-0
“Cross-Border Divorce Decrees—Recognition in India and Public Policy Considerations”. In Garimella S., Jolly S.(Eds.) Private International Law. (Springer, 2017)pp.111-132
“Extending Legal Protection to Domestic Workers” . in Neetha N. (eds) Working at Others’ Homes: The specifics and challenges of Paid Domestic Work (Tulika Books, 2018) ISBN 9788193401552
“The Right to Work for Persons with Disability in India: A Critical Disability Theory Perspective” , in: Mehrotra N. (eds) Disability Studies in India. (Springer, 2020)pp 243-259 https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811526152
Journal Articles:
“A case comment on the Niyamgiri Hills case”, Environmental Law and Practice Review, Vol.3 2014.
“Strengthening Clinical Legal Education in India,” Social Change 42(4) 443-449 2012
“Organising domestic workers and workplace rights: A case study from Hyderabad”, J.Workplace rights, Vol.16(1)31-46,2011-2012 .
“Addressing Paid Domestic Work: A Public Policy Concern,” Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.XLVI No43 October 22, 2011.
“Resurrecting/Renegotiating labour rights in a Globalising world: Critical Theory and Contract Labour”, NALSAR Law Review 2009
“Deconstructing Sustainable Development” Sirish Deshpande, Nimushakavi Vasanthi, Justicia, Osmania University Law Journal 2007
“Disability and the Right to Work”, Supreme December 2006
Study Material
“Gender and Law”, IGNOU Study material (2012)
Unit on Human Rights for the Course on Gender sensitisation for B R Ambedkar Open University Course Material, 2017.
Judicial systems in India and Legal Aid, 7 lessons prepared and delivered , SWAYAM Course
15 Lessons prepared as Subject Expert, Script writer and Presenter in Labour Law for UGC-MHRD National Mission on Education through ICT e-content development program
MHRD-ARPIT, Refresher Course in Law, ( 8) 2019
- Panel Discussion: Reflections on being a Teacher | Amita Dhanda, Faizan Mustafa, N. Vasanthi https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X2zFIrR3AF5mORZYHV5xrE9AW5O8B7ds/view?u...
- Defining the Worker | N. Vasanthi
- Impact of Globalisation, Liberalisation, Privatisation on Labour Law| N. Vasanthi
- Understanding the Power Dynamics of International Law | Interview of Judge Neeru Chadha by N. Vasanthi
- Critically Reading Labour Legislations | N. Vasanthi
https://youtu.be/jGDn5WMgxjE ...
- Critiquing the New Codes of Industrial Relations and Wages | N .Vasanthi
- Evaluating the New Codes of Social Security and OHS | N. Vasanthi
- Interface between Labour and Competition Law | N. Vasanthi
Full papers presented in conferences:
- De-centering consent in sexual assault: The Case of Marital Rape, Indian Feminist Judgment Project ( Righting together) 6-7 October 2018 New Delhi organized by NLU-Delhi and Jindal Global Law School ( paper submitted being processed for publication )
- “Financial Inclusion of the Chenchu Tribe” at an International Conference on Financial Inclusion: Issues, Opportunities and Challenges, IPE 29-30thDecember 2014 ( published in 2018)
- “ Inclusive Growth and inclusive Banking: Achieving Financial Inclusion” , Banking Law and Financial Regulation Conference 2011,3-4th December 2011, NLU, Delhi.
- Teaching Legal Education and Strategic Planning International Conference, Buenos Aires April 13-15th 2011.
- Unorganised labour and law ,Legal Strategies For The Enforcement Of Social And Economic Rights 6th September 2011 Bangalore
- “Regulating Transnational Care Work” at the International Conference on Labour Law and Labour Market in the New World Economy held in Milan, Italy in May 2010.
- “Teaching and Learning from Clinical Experiences: Teaching a Domestic Violence Clinic” National Workshop on Legal Education- Challenges and Perspectives June 23rd and 24th 2007, Hyderabad
- REGULATORY APPROACHES TOWARDS PAID DOMESTIC WORK ,Paid Domestic Work as “Decent Work”: Inter-disciplinary Conversations in the Indian Context ,Organised by the Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London 18th August - 20th August 2020.
- The Law and reality of the Right to work, Contemporary Struggles towards the Realization of Socio-Economic Rights from November 2 to 5, 2017 at NALSAR, Hyderabad.
- Religion at the Workplace: Indian Perspectives, International Conference on Peace, Stability and Sustainable Development: The Role of Religion, Jan 13-17th 2017
- “Current Debates on Human Rights Law” Social Sciences University of Ankara, June 2019.
- Role of Law in Financial Inclusion, National Conference On Regulatory Aspects Of Financial Inclusion, 23-24th August 2012 Council for Social Development, Hyderabad
- Employment Discrimination and Rights of Persons With Disability In India, Conference paper, National Conference on Social Exclusion and Rights of Persons with Disability, October 19-20th 2012, Council for Social Development, Hyderabad
Conferences Organized
Courts and the Constitution 2018, 2019
GIAN (Global Initiative for Academic Networks) course on Exploring Interconnections: Irish and Indian Constitutions which saw Justice John Macmenamin of the Irish Supreme Court participating in teaching a course on comparative aspects of constitutional law in November 2017.
CCLP 2016 One week teaching seminar on Comparative Constitutional Law Perspectives, November 21-26, 2016 by centre for constitutional law, policy and good governance and SAARC Law Centre
One day regional consultation on Gender Based Violence March 26th 2019. The consultations saw participation by students and faculty of EFLU, BITS and HCU.
Teaches courses both at the undergraduate and post graduate level in Constitutional law, Labour law, Discrimination law, Clinical Legal Education and Comparative constitutional law.
Offerred a course on Care Workers Migration, Global Classroom TAU-NALSAR ( Collaborative course with Tel Aviv University ) Taught an international class composed of students of Tel Aviv and Nalsar. 2018.
Offerred a course on Constitutionalising Labour Rights: A perspective from India at Buchaman Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University Dec 2021