Harathi Vageeshan

Dr. H.Vageeshan is born in 1971, In Khilla GhanPur Village of Mahabub Nagar district of Telangana. Comes from a family of a government school master, did his schooling in various Government schools across the district. He took interest in social and political activities from his high school days. As he looks back he opines the public funded common schooling system and the plural milieu of those schools contributed substantially for his mental makeup.
After acquiring Bachelor’s Degree in Arts, went on to do his Masters in Political Science in Osmania University, Hyderabad. Interactions with youthful minds from varied social economic and academic backgrounds and political perspectives provided insights to him. He finished his bachelors in Law and education form the same university. Later became a UGC Research Fellow in Political Science, and did his Ph.D in the area of Democratic Decentralization and Rural Development.
All these processes enriched him to become an ardent student of political social and economic life of Deccan in general and Telangana In particular. This training broadened his horizons of thinking and contributed immensely to understand human living in social political and economic contexts. In a way this academic journey helped him to be conscious of the inevitable interconnected trio, state, society and market and their interplay on the process human and non-human process of life.
His formal and informal leanings in the University and elsewhere paved way for him to venture in to academics and activism. This journey prompted him to blend pragmatism with passion. In the later years this learning helped him to a part of Government and Non-Government sponsored endeavors in Rural Development and Democratic Governance. Work in the field of development helped him to have an insight in the travails, grit, and grief of the underprivileged in the Rural, Adivasi and Urban Locations. These experiences made him to realize the India in three silos, namely the Urban, Rural and the Indigenous. Much of his firsthand knowledge about, Women, Dalits, Adivasis, Occupation Castes and their ilk came from the work in the development sector. This awareness also made him to reject and work against all kinds of birth based discriminations in whatever humble way possible. Work in the field made him to move beyond books and allowed to acquire multidimensional perspectives of life and its plurality and work towards understanding the connect between social theory and practice in social sciences .
He has more than a decade and a half experience in teaching learning process. He is a writer and a translator and has several papers and books to his credit. He engaged with the Telangana question since the early 1990’s. Later wrote a critical monograph on Telangana named “VIphala Andhraprdesh’’ ( Failed Andhra Pradesh) in 2010, which explores in to subterranean fault lines underneath building of linguistic based “Telugu Nationalism” from early twentieth century and its contemporary consequences. This engagement made him to look deeper in to the question of democracy, hegemony, politics of culture marginalisation and empowerment in Indian Politics. This effort mad him to re visit his learning about the wider aspects of Indian government and politics.
Thus teaching and working in the area of social arena shaped and influencing his academic journey. He is keenly interested in Political economy, Development Praxis, Social Research Surveys and Political Analysis. He loves to read books, meet people and visit places. His political ideas are relatively left of center with constructive skepticism as a world view. Believes religious and cultural pluralism and appreciates non obscurantist civic nationalism and universalism.
- Ph.D awarded by the Department Political Science, Osmania University, Hyderabad ,on the theme titled 'Panchayati Raj Leadership and its Role in Rural Development: A Study of Warangal District in Andhra Pradesh’ under the supervision of Prof. Yoga Jyotsna, in December 2016
- JRF NET (UGC): Received 1997 in Political Science
- SLET (State Level Lecturer Eligibility Test Cleared): In Political Science Conducted by A.P. College Service Commission in 1995.
- Master Degree in Political Science: First Class from Osmania University in 1995.
- Bachelor Degree in Law: First Class from Osmania University in 1998 (Stood State Second in LawCET - 1995)
- Bachelor Degree in Education: First Class from Osmania University in 1994.
- Bachelor Degree in Arts: First Class from Osmania University in 1992.
- English Proficiency Test (NELT): Cleared the conducted by Orient Long man and CIEFL in 2001.
Slno |
Duration |
Work done |
1 |
2018 December |
Coordinated pre poll survey before the State Legislative Assembly Elections of Telangana for CSDS Newdelhi. |
2 |
From August to Novemer 2018 |
Addition Coordinator of the Research Project on’’ Legal Aid to the Prisoners in Telangana” |
3 |
2018 June |
Coordinated the Mood of the Nations Survey by CS DS New Delhi |
4 |
2011-12 |
Prepared instruction material for field assistants on Integrated water shed Management Programme supported by APMASS Hyderabad.. |
5 |
2009-10 |
The status Functioning of District Planning Committees in Andhra Pradesh A study of Warangal district. |
6 |
2006-2007 |
Degree of Devolution of Powers ,Functions and Finances to Panchayat Raj Institutions in Andhra Pradesh with Focus on Education
7 |
2005-2006 |
Participated in the field study Role of panchayts in Disaster Preparedness and Rehabilitation in costal Andhra Pradesh. |
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2005-2006 |
The emergence and effects and Panchayat Secretary system and its implications a micro study of a village in Medak district
9 |
2004 – 005 |
Worked as research investigator in UGC’s major research project on Participation of Rural women in Income Generation Programmes through of Self Help Groups in Telangana. A Case study of Mahabubnagar and Rangareddy districts |
10 |
2000-2001 |
Worked extensively on field as a Social Organizer with VELUGU project using various PRA techniques. |
11 |
1995-997. |
Worked as Research Investigator in UGC sponsored Major Research Project on Evaluation of Rural Development Programmed in Ranga Reddy District of Andhra Pradesh during
- Authored TELANGANA : VIPHALANDHRAPRDESH( an analysis of Telangana Problem), Sakala Publications Hyderabad 2010
- Co-authored 'Panchayati Raj Elections-2001 in Andhra Pradesh' (in Telugu) Suparna Publications 2004.
- Published an Over view of International affairs with special reference to India in Telugu in a Monthly Udyoga Sopanam in 2004 and in 2005
- Translations
- Mahatma Jyothi Rao Phule's ‘Shet Karyancha Asud’ in to Telugu, for Hyderabad Book Trust, Hyderabad, in 2005.
- Bharat Ratna Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's ‘State and Minorities’ in to Telugu for Hyderabad Book Trust, Hyderabad, in 2005.
- ‘Minor works of Jyothi Baphule’ in to Telugu for Hyderabad Book Trust, Hyderabad, in 2005.
- Associate Editor in District Encyclopaedia Publication Unit, Hyderabad for volumes on Mahabubnagar, Cuddapah, Kurnool, Karimnagar, in 2004-05.
- Translated Right to Food – a Hand Book for German Agro Action in to Teluge 2007
- Chapters in Books:
- Chapter in Telugu on The Progress of Movement for Separate Telangna State 1990s to 2014 for Intermediate Second Year Civics for students of Telangana state, published by Telugu Acadamy in 2015
- Contributed a chapter on Telugu Nationalism and Telagna Identity (a Study of Political Changes from the early 1980s to early 1990s) in the book Telangana Movement and Formation of the Telangana state Published by Telugu Acadamy in 2016
- Contributed two chapters namely Media and Pressure Groups and On Right to information Act in the Book on Indian Government and Politics, published by the Telugu Academy in 2017 ,
- Panchayats and Parallel Bodies in Andhra Pradesh: Understanding and Observations, in Indian Journal of Social Science Research, July September 2012 ,Volume 1 Number 4,Pno 42-54,ISSN no2277-2227
- Bhakti Movement in North India its context and contributions in Indian Journal of Social Science Research, October December 2012,Vol 1 No-5,Pno244-250
- Civil Society Organizations and The Panchayti Raj Institutions, A Possible Synergy , Coauthored with Sudarshan Bala Boyina in ,Local Government Quarterly, October –December 2013, Vol: LXXXIII,No 4 PP 95-104.
- Abhivruddi Pia Chacha Jaragali (There must be discussion on development) in Telugu in Veekshanam, Telugu Monthly, June 2016 ISSN 2231-6892 29-30 PP.
- Niyama Baddha Praja Swaamyam Kosam Poratam ( A struggle for Rule Based Democracy) in) in Telugu in Veekshanam, Telugu Monthly , in December 2016 ISSN 2231- 6892 PP55-57
- Nerpulu Bhasha ( Learning and Language) in Telugu Monthly ,Amma Nudi ,June 2016,PP22-24
(In ascending order)
- Presented a paper on Measures to tackle Financial Crisis in the University in a seminar on Resource Gap Options organized by Osmania University, Hyderabad July 1999.
- Presented a Paper on Panchayati Raj Institution as Democratically Decentralized Self-Government Agencies organised by Prakasham Institute of Development Studies at Ranga Reddy District's Zilla Parishad Hall, Hyderabad December 1999.
- Presented a paper on Role of Panchayati Raj in Democratic Transformation in a seminar on Panchayati Raj and Rural Development organized by at Kakatiya University, Warangal In March 2000.
- Presented a Paper on Drought People's Reactions and State's Response (A study in Mahabubnagar district of Andhra Pradesh) in National Seminar on Social Movement and State's Response: Public Policy Perspective organized by Department of Political Science, in Osmania University, March 2000.
- Presented a paper on Democratic Decentralization in an Era of Liberalization: Implications at Grass root level (A case of Panchayati Raj Institutions in A.P.) in National Seminar on Liberalization and its impact on State and Society in India conducted by Department of Political Science, Osmania University, Hyderabad, March 2002.
- Presented a paper on PRIs and Participatory Village Level Institution: Scenario in Andhra Pradesh in Conference of Citizenship and Governance organized by PRIA, New Delhi, and February 2003.
- Presented a paper on “Emergence of New Telangana Consciousness since early 1990s" Paper submitted in National Seminar on Regional History conducted by department of History Osmania University, Hyderabad in April 2004.
- Presented a paper on Dalit Women Panchayat Representatives: Civil Society Interventions in a Seminar conducted by German Agro Action on Grassroots governance in Bangalore in 2005
- Presented a paper on Convergence between Gram Panchyats and Vana SamRakshana Samithis conducted by AP forest academy in june2006
- Presented a Paper on the Role of Panchayths and National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme In the seminar conducted On status of Democratic Decentralization conducted by the Department of Public Administration Osmania University in June 2007
- Presented a paper on Panchyathi Raj Institutions and Agriculture : a Case of Andhra Pradesh in a seminar conducted on the changing Nature of the state in the era of Globalisation conducted by the department of political science Osmania University in March2007
- Presented a Paper on Natural Resource Management and Panchayti Raj Institutions in Andhra Pradesh” In December 2008 in a seminar conducted by MGNIRSA in Hyderabad.
- Presented a paper on Panchayats and Natural Resource Management Post 73rd Amendment Context in Andhra Pradesh in seminar on “Resource management and Village Panchayats: Experiences and emerging Concerns” conducted by MGNIRSA on November 2008
- Presented a paper on Empowerment Fictitious and Real : A Case of PRIs in Andhra Pradesh in 2010 In a seminar conducted by Department of Political science in Osmania University
- Presented a paper titled Can Panchayats Deliver? A look in to the functioning Panchayats in Andhra Pradesh since 1995.In a Seminar Conducted on Rural development Governance by the Department of Sociology ,Nagpur University in March 2011
- A paper titled Dignified Citizenship for All: Need for Addressing Exclusion from Human Rights Perspective in India, National seminar on Human Rights and Values in Education Organized by P.G. Department of Legal Studies & Research, on 30and 31March 2015, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, AndhraPrdesh.
- A paper titled ‘Limits of Linguistic Solidarity:Tectonic shift in the politics of Telugu Lands from mid 1990s in National Seminar on ‘Emerging Trends of State Politics in India: Retrospect and Prospect’ (21-22, January, 2016) going to be organized by MPISSR, Ujjain.
- Presented a paper on Nature of Regime and Panchayati Raj Institution in Andhra Pradesh. In an International Seminar Decentralisation Poverty and Marginalization in 2016 November, held at Kerala Institute of Local Administration ( KILA) in Thrissure, Kerala
- Presented a paper titled Trends of Centralizations: An insight in to Democratic Decentralization in Telangana. In a national seminar On Politics and Prospects in State Governments, conducted by the Osmania University department of Political Science, Hyderabad in November 2017.
- Presented a paper Social Sciences and the Society , In a National Seminar on New Trends in Social Science Research and Practice Conducted By the Kakatiya Degree College, in Warangal in November 2017.
- Presented a paper on ‘Electioneering as Democracy: The Problem of Overemphasis in A national Conference on electoral Politics in Contemporary India: Emerging Trends’ by Department of Political Science, Moulana Azad National Urdu University, in February 2018, in Hyderabad.
Courses Taught : Political Theory: Introduction; International Relations; Politico Legal Frame work of Democratic Decentralization in India; Development Democracy and Decentralization.