K. V. K. Santhy

Dr. K.V.K. Santhy is been teaching Criminal Law since 24 years, did Doctoral Thesis on “Penal Reforms in India” at Osmania University. She is the Proctor of the University and takes care of discipline on campus. She has been associated with many projects such as “Study of the Indian Penal Code from Gender Perspective” commissioned by NCW, “Law on Grievance Redressal in the Public offices in A P” by Centre for Good Governance, as Coordinator for the project to draft the Amendment Act for “Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994,” with National Deceased Donor Transplantation Network, Mumbai and submitted to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare coordinator of the Project “Defective Investigation leading to acquittals” commissioned by Bureau of Police Research Development, New Delhi and a UGC Major Research Project on “Sentencing perspectives in the State of Andhra Pradesh”. Delivered guest lectures on Criminal Law at NADT, Nagpur and on International Humanitarian Law - Women at ICRC, New Delhi and ASCII, Hyderabad. She is been the Co-Investigator for GIGA ( Global Internet Governance and Advocacy) an initiative of Dept of Information and technology since three years. Coordinated a three day National Workshop on “Advanced Training to teachers in the South Asian Region on International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law” with ICRC.
She visited Max Planck Research Institute for International Criminal Law, Germany as a part of Post Doctoral Research programme on “Punishment and Sentencing”. Submitted report on “Counterfeit Drugs in India” to Max Planck under the Guidance of Professor Dr. Hans-Georg Koch. Publications: Book on “Sentencing: the use and misuse of Discretion”, “Police Torture: Legal Issues and Remedies”, “The significance of Fair Trial under Human Rights Law in matters of criminal justice: a case study of the trial of Former Iraqi Leader, Mr. Saddam Hussein”, ‘Issues in Human Rights’ Edited by Azizur Rahman, Bangladesh, “A critique of the Transplantation of Human organs Act in India”, Practical Lawyer. Participated in National and International Seminars on issues like, Community Sentence, Law on Sea Piracy, Restorative Justice in Europe, Forensic Law and Cyber Laws.
Delivered lectures in NISA, Hyderabad, NADT Nagpur, CFSL, Hyderabad, National Police Academy, Telagana Police Academy, Women and Child Welfare Department, Andhra Pradesh on issues such as cyber laws, criminal law, sentencing issues in India, Sexual harassment at work place etc,
Membership in Organisations/Boards:
1. Joined as Board Member, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Council as Board member, an initiative by Society for Cyberabad Security Council (SCSC), a Not-for-Profit organisation in collaboration with Cyberabad Metropolitan Police and Telangana State Police Cyber Security Bureau.
The CISO Council is a unique platform designed to unite the expertise and experience of CISOs across different industries spread across India. Our common goal is to enhance cyber security, foster information sharing, and collectively address emerging threats that affect both public safety and industry security. As a board member responsibilities will include:
- Setting the strategic direction and goals of the CISO Council.
- Collaborating with industry peers to influence cybersecurity policies and practices.
- Providing guidance and expertise to law enforcement agencies.
- Participating in periodic meetings and contributing to the council's initiatives.
2. Appointed as member of committee constituted for designing course curriculum of cyber security to be introduced at Undergraduate and post graduate level in the State of Telangana by Telangana Higher Education Council on 11. 01. 2023.
BSc, LL.M, PhD (Osmania)
Internet Governance, cyber laws and sentencing.
Researcher for the project Drafting Rules for the State of Telangana funded by UNICEF for a period of one year. Conducted Four Workshops involving all Stake Holders. Final draft submitted.
Book on :”Sentencing :Use and misuse of Discretion”, Asia Law House
Book Chapters
- “The significance of Fair Trial under Human Rights Law in matters of criminal justice: a case study of the trial of Former Iraqi Leader, Mr. Saddam Hussein” in AzizurRehmanChowdhury et al (eds.), Issues in Human Rights(New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers, 2009)
Research Article/ chapter in Book
- “Real Diseases and Fake Drugs”, the uneasy coexistence – exploring the regulatory frameworks and its failure in India, Thomson’s Crime Prevention And Crime Control – An Indian Perspective by Sarfaraz Ahmed Khan , Thomson Reutors, 1st Edition 2022.
- “Plea Bargaining in US and India: Confessions for Concessions”NALSAR Law Review (2013) 84
- “How to stop organ scandals? A critique of the transplantation of human organs act in India,” Practical Lawyer (2008) 14
- “A critical analysis of International rules of evidence of ICC”,Osmania University Journal (2008) 127
- “Police Torture Issues and Remedies”, 8Supreme Laws Today(2007) 41
- "Possibilities and Limits of the Criminal Law against Pharmaceutical Counterfeiting”, country report from India, (MAX Planck Institute for foreign and International Criminal Law, 2012).
- Written an article for the Book journal “Law, Judiciary and Governance” “Law, Judiciary and Governance” on "Online Obscenity And The Judicial Dilemma", Published by Lexis Nexis, ISBN-93-5035-983-9.
- "The Need of Law Regulating Space Imaging in India", in the Book “Justice Triumphs”, Published By Asia Law House, Isbn:978-81-933160-8-5.
- "The Concept of Letters Rogatory in The Modern System of Criminal Procedure,”, published In (Orient Journal Of Law and Social Sciences), Vol XI, Issue 10, Sept 2017, ISSN 0973-7480, UGC Journal No 64806.
- "The Rule of Presumption of Innocence: A Boon or Bane in The System of Criminal Justice Administration", published in OJSL(Orient Journal law and Social Sciences), Vol XI, issue 12, ISSN 0973-7480, UGC Journal No 64806.
- “The realm of forensic toxicology in criminal justice system of India”, International Journal of Law, Policy and Social Review, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2023, Page No. 42-46, ISSN: 2664-6838, Print ISSN: 2664-682X.
- “Protection to The Rights of Victims of Crime Under International Law”, International journal of Advanced Research, IJAR, Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(01), 245-258, ISSN: 2320-5407.
- “A review on the changing dimensions of digital forensics in criminal Investigations”, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy Journal Vol. LXXI, No. 1-2, 160-183, June, December 2022.
- “A Review On The Ethical And Legal Implications of The Use of DNA Databases And Big Data In Criminal Investigations”, Central European Management Journal, ISSN:2336-2693, ISSN:2336-48903, 30(3).
- Chapter on “ Real Diseases and Fake Drugs, the Un-easy coexistence -exploring the regulatory frame works and the failure in India”, P 78-94, Crime Prevention and Crime Control, 1st Edition, 2022, Thomson Reuters, ISBN-10:9789393702104.
- Digital Evidence at Trial in India: Challenges Regarding: The Reliability of Electronic Documents, American Research Journal of Humanities & Social Science (ARJHSS), E-ISSN: 2378-702X ,Volume-06, Issue-02, pp-82-88 .
Lectures delivered:
- "Protection of Child From Child Sexual Abuse" on April 11, 2017 at CISF, Hyderabad.
Paper Presentation:
- Presented a paper titled ‘IT Act - Relevancy Of 65-B Certificate" at Cyber Forensics and Admissibility of Digital Evidence (National) on November 26, 2017 at CFSL, Ministry Of Home Affairs,Hyderabad organised by Central Forensic Lab
- Presented a paper titled "Legal challenges in the water dispute between India and Pakistan : A critical analysis" at International Conference On Water Sharing In Saarc Region"Legal Issues And Challenges" On March 25-26, 2017 at NALSAR organised by Mk Nambiyaar Saarc Law Centre
- Presented a paper titled "Encountering the Encounters: the liability of police in a fake encounter" (National) at a conference on Protection of Human Rights : Issues and Challenges on March 30-31, 2017 at Kakatiya University, Warangal.
- Presented a paper titled “Medical Negligence and the Rule of Law” (National) at a Conference on Consumer Law - Redressal Mechanism and Recent Developments on Consumer Law organised by Ministry Of Consumer Affairs at Pendekanti Law College, Hyderabad.
Published Articles:
- Published an Article in Journal of Campus Law Centre, University of Delhi, Volume X:2023, ISSN:2321-4716. on “Analysis of the Challenges in Enforcement of Human Rights of Migrant Labourer
- Published an article in a Book “ BRICS Unravelling the Abyss”, on “International Security Perspectives on Transnational organised crime” ISBN :9788196656836, published by BLOOMSBURY.
- Published an article in a book “ Policing and Police Administration in India “ published by ICFAI : ISBN: 978-93-92347-33-7 on the topic “Legal reforms for prevention of emerging forms of cyber victimisation”.
- Published a Paper in NALSAR LAW Review Vol 8, 2023 on “Evidentiary Value of DNA Profiling in Paternity disputes in India - An assessment”.
- Article Published : “The realm of forensic toxicology in criminal justice system of India”, International Journal of Law, Policy and Social Review, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2023, Page No. 42-46, ISSN: 2664-6838, Print ISSN: 2664-682X.
- Research Paper Published in American Research Journal of Humanities & Social Science (ARJHSS) E-ISSN: 2378-702X, Volume-06, Issue-02, pp-82-88 on “Digital Evidence at Trial in India: Challenges Regarding the Reliability of Electronic Documents”.
- Article Published in International Journal of Law, Policy and Social Review ISSN: 2664-6838, Print ISSN: 2664-682X on “The realm of forensic toxicology in criminal justice system of India” published on 18-02-2023.
- Published article on “PROTECTION TO THE RIGHS OF VICTIMS OF CRIME UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW” in International Journal of Advanced Research”, Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(01), 245-258 published in January 2023.
- International Conference on Nuances of Criminal Investigation and Dynamics of Forensic Evidence”, 20th to 22nd August, 2021. Paper submitted on “ Evaluation of Digital Evidence: Evolution of Judicial Process” conducted by ICFAI and NFSU.
- 3rd International Conference on Criminology and Forensic Science in the Global South Organised by Dept of Criminology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in collaboration with Rykoku University, Japan and National Forensic University, India on August 8th and 9th, Paper submitted on “ Online Child Sexual Abuse in India : Analysis of Police and laws in India”.
- Conducted four day Training Programme on cyber crimes and Financial Crimes to Senior Prosecutors of Uttar Pradesh from March 11-14, 2021..
- National Webinar organised by Association for Democratic reforms (ADR) , on 25th October on “Institutional Laxity towards increasing criminality in Indian Legislature”.
- National Webinar On DNA Finger Printing and technology – Its Success and Future, on 2nd September, 2021, Submitted a paper on “ Future of Ethics involved in using DNA data” by CCMB, Hyderabad.
- National Webinar on “ E Commerce and Cyber Crimes: Issues and Challenges”, on 27th October, 2021 by Telangana University, Submitted a paper on “Cyber Crimes- Jurisdictional and Preventive Measures”.
- Lectured on “Cyber Security and Forensics” on 14.07.2021 in internship programme conducted by Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security, JNTUH.
- National Webinar on “ Rights of Women and Children” , paper presented on “Online Child sexual abuse: Insufficient Laws and Policies and the road ahead in India”, conducted by District Legal Services Authority, Kokrajhar and IQAC, Kokrajhar Law college from 11th to 13th August, 2020.
- The International Criminal Law Interest Group (ICL Interest Group) of the Asian Society of International Law (AsianSIL) and the European Society of International Law’s Interest Group on International Criminal Justice, co-organized a seminar entitled “Teaching International Criminal Law” on 26 November 2022, at 5.30 p.m. Vietnam time.
- Presented a paper on “Legal Reforms for Prevention of Emerging forms of Cyber Victimisation”, 3 Day International Conference on Legal Contours of Victimology, organised by ICFAI and Indian Society of Victimology, on September 9-11, 2022.
- Presented Paper on “ IT and Justice Delivery system: the way forward”, on 10th International Conference on ‘Big Data Analytics’, held at IIT Hyderabad, India on 19th December, 2022.
XIII National Conference, 2023 on The Future of Legaltech in Information Technology, Cyber Crime Investigation and Cyber Forensics in India, Jan 27th, 2023. - Presented Paper on “ Social Media and Governance” International Seminar , 2022 edition of India School on Internet Governance (inSIG2022) organized in the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIIT-H). from 26th September to 28th of September,2022 in IIIT Hyderabad.
- Presented Paper on “ Emerging Cyber Investigative techniques: Issues in Admissibility”, in 13th Asian Criminology Conference, from 20-23 July, 2022.
- Presented a paper on “Improvement in status of women”, in the National Consultation Review of Criminal Law - on 16th February 2022, jointly conducted by NCW ( National Commission for women) and Tamilnadu Dr Ambedkar Law University, Chennai, at Chennai.
- Presented Paper on “Need for data protection Laws and the future of data Privacy: A comparative Study of European Union (GDPR) and US ( Californian Law,CCPR)”, organised by Law Mantra In collaboration with RGNLU, Patiala, MNLU, Nagpur, NLS Bangalore on 18th December.
- Invited Lecture : the University and the Centre for Criminal Justice & Administration (CCJA), DSNLU as a Resource Person to deliberate on the 2-Day National Colloquium on the newly proposed "Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita Bill, 2023." The dates for the National Colloquium are the 28th and 29th of October 2023. Lecture on “ 1. Chapter V - Offences against women and children (clauses 63-97) of BNS Bill with emphasis on Clause 69 - Non-Rape Offences. 2. Organized Crime - (Clause 10) { cybercrime and other aspects}.”
- Presented a paper on 3rd Maharshi Mahesh Yogi International Conference on comparative labour laws in South-Asia : labour and Management Perspective on 28th and 29th August, 2023 on the topic “ An Analysis of the Challenges in enforcement of Human Rights of Migrant Labourers”.
- Invited by IIULER ( Indian International university of Legal Education and Research, Goa as a resource person at induction course for 23-24 batch of post graduates on criminal law and research on 3rd August 2023.
- Invited by CCMB Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology to deliver a lecture on prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace on 13/12/2023.
- Invited by ICMR-NARFBR to deliver lecture on Sexual Harassment at Work Place on 8.12.2023.
- Invited by ISACA to speak on Cyber Crimes and IT Act on 16th December, 2023.
- Presented a Paper on “E- courts and their role in redefining access to justice in age of digital transformation in International Conference” conducted by Dr BR Ambedkar Law College, Hyderabad in collaboration with NALSA, Osmania University on 8th, 9th and 10th November of 2023.
- Delivered Expert Lecture on “Peace and Security amongst BRICS Nations” in International Symposium on “peace Security amongst BRICS Nations” organised by NFSU, Delhi Campus along with university of Kwazulu- Natal, South Africa on 4th and 5th May, 2023.
- Participated in International Symposium on “ Remaking Criminology: Contemporary Insights from the criminal justice System” conducted by Delhi Metropolitan Education Bureau along with Jail Management and penology, Govt of Philippines and presented a paper on “ Restorative Justice and Criminal Law” on 17th-18th March.
- Invited by National Health Academy as a part of ‘Pink Dental Congress’ as Panel Discussant to speak on “ Solutions to women legal issues” on March 18th 2023.
- Invited as a guest speaker in the 3rd Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Law (SAIL) held from 24- 26 February, 2023.
- Invited By CDFD Centre for DNA Finger Printing and Diagnostics, Hyderabad to deliver a lecture on Gender Equality at the workplace on March 9TH 2023
- Invited as resource person for the National Conference 23, to speak on “ The future of Legal Tech in Information Technology, Cyber Investigation and Cyber Forensics in India” held on 27th and 28th of January 2023”.
- Delivered Lectures on the invitation of Bihar Institute of Public Administration and Rural Development, Gaya.
A) 27.06.2023 : Arrest, Summon and warrants
B) 28.06.2023 : Power of Executive Magistrates.
C) 29.07.2023: Administrative Law : Law of Estoppel
D) 29.06.2023 : Code of criminal Procedure
E) 30.06.2023 : Arrest and Investigation
F) 01.07.2023 : IPC General Exceptions and Private Defence
G) Classes from Feb 16 to 26 on powers of executive Magistrates.
30. Delivered Lectures in DSNLU Visakhapatnam fro 17th to 18th on cyber crimes and Cyber security.
31. Initiated the following new courses in distance mode:
- MA in Criminal Law and Forensic Science
- Diploma in Data Protection and Cyber Security.
Taught courses in Substantive and Procedural Criminal law; the Law of Evidence, Ethics and Court Management; Internet crimes, International Criminal Law, Drug trafficking, Sentencing Dilemmas and Cyber crimes.