Sudhanshu Kumar (ON EOL)

Dr. Sudhanshu Kumar is currently working as an Assistant Professor of law at NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad. He is also the Coordinator for the Centre for Corporate and Competition Laws at NALSAR. He offers papers on corporate and competition law for both undergraduate and post-graduate students. Some of his publications include books on competition and consumer laws of India. He has worked on multiple Government sponsored projects and has been engaged in training professionals and administrative officers on corporate and commercial laws. Dr. Kumar is also a member of the Network of Indian Competition Experts (NICE) of the Competition Commission of India.
B.A. LL.B (hons.) [CNLU, Patna]
- Co-investigator, A Study to create evidence based proposals for Reforms of Legal Education of India [National Law Universities], Project by Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of India, 2016. [Report submitted in March 2018] [available at https://doj.gov.in/sites/default/files/Final%20Report%20%20NALSAR%20.pdf]
- Faculty Coordinator, Repeal Laws Compendium – Telangana 2017, Centre for Civil Society, 2017, ISBN: 978-81-87984-34-4, available at http://ccs.in/sites/default/files/research/repeal-laws-compendium-telangana.pdf
- Data Analyst, A Study on Court Management Techniques for Improving the Efficiency of Sub-ordinate Courts, Project by Department of Justice, Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of India, 2016 [available at http://doj.gov.in/sites/default/files/Final%20DOJ%20Report_Revised%20%281%29.pdf
Books - Published
- Kumar, S. (2022), Regulating Cartels in India: Effectiveness of Competition Law, Routledge UK (Taylor & Francis) Nov. 2022. [ISBN 9781032187310]
- Shahi, G. & Kumar, S. (2021), Indian Competition Law, Taxmann Publications, July 2021.
- Kumar, S. & Verma, A. (2021), Guide to Capital Market and Securities law, Thomson Reuters, July 2021.
- Kumar, S. (2019). S M Dugar Guide to Competition Law (Revised & Edited Book; 8th Ed.)., Lexis Nexis.
- Kumar, S. (2017), The Law of Consumer Protection M Dugar Guide to Competition Law (Revised & Edited Book; 3rd Ed.)., Lexis Nexis.
- Kumar, S. (2017). S M Dugar Guide to Competition Law (Revised & Edited Book; 7th Ed.), Volume 1 and Volume 2, Lexis Nexis.
- Kumar, S & Pasayat, A. (2016). S M Dugar Guide to Competition Law (Revised & Edited Book; 6th Ed.), Volume 1 and Volume 2, Lexis Nexis.
- Specialist Editor, CR Datta on Company Law, Treatise on Companies Act 2013, 7th Edition, LexisNexis, 2017. [ISBN: 978-93-5035-883-2]
- Kumar, S & Shahi, G., Conundrums of the application of Supply side substitutability to define Relevant Market, 8 NLS Business Law Review (Advance Article), 2022.
- Kumar, S. & Shahi, G., Competition Amendment Bill, 2022 – A Critical Examination, 55(1) Corporate Professionals Today 1 (Sept 22); [2022] 141 taxmann.com 321 (August 18, 2022).
- Kumar, S. & Shahi, G., Extending Antitrust to Indian Space and Defense Commerce, 54(7) Corporate Professionals Today 898 (August 2022); [2022] 140 taxmann.com 559 (July 26, 2022).
- Kumar, S. & Shahi, G., Lifting of Association’s veil: Inadequacies in penalizing trade associations for anti-competitive behaviour, 7(1) Indian Competition Law Review 4. (NLU Jodhpur, July 2022).
- Kumar, S., Critical Examination of the use of Aggravating and Mitigating factors in Cartel cases in India, 6(1) Indian Competition Law Review 1. (NLU Jodhpur, Jan 2021)
Training Material
- Content Writer, Training Module [Competition Law] for Administrative and Judicial Training Academies, in collaboration with Competition Commission of India (CCI) (Released on 23rd August 2019).
Web Articles
- “Role and Regulation of Cartel Ringleaders”, NLS Business Law Review Blog (Oct 18, 2020) https://nlsblr.com/role-and-regulation-of-cartel-ring-leaders/
- Moderator and Panelist, CCI Roadshow on Competition Law, “Open House on Trade Association, Cartels, Vertical Restraints & Leniency”, Feb 25, 2019, Hyderabad. For more information visit: https://www.cci.gov.in/sites/default/files/whats_newdocument/HydDraftAgenda_0.pdf
- Moderator, Session on “Legal regime of CSR” during a workshop on CSR Policies, organized by NALSAR University of law in collaboration with , Tel Aviv University, Israel, Feb 9-10 2019.
- Panelist, FICCI Seminar, “A report on Direct Selling jointly compiled by FICCI-KPMG report – Direct Selling: Andhra Pradesh and Telangana”, October 29, 2015, Hyderabad. For more information visit: http://www.fdsaindia.org/pdf/FICCIKPMGEventHyd.pdf.
Courses Taught: (At Nalsar)
- Company Law
- Capital Market and Securities
- Competition Laws
- Labour Laws.
External Academic Engagements
- Guest Faculty, National Academy of Direct Taxes, Nagpur, 5-9th May, 2014.
- Guest Faculty, Central Institute of Rural Electrification (CIRE), January, 2015.
- Took sessions for IAS Officers [One Week In-service Training (lST) Programme for Officers of All India Service (lAS, IPS & IFoS)], 15-19th Jan, 2018, NALSAR, Hyderabad.
- Took sessions on competition laws, Online refresher course in law – AICTE approved FDP programme 1/9/2019 – 31/12/2019 https://swayam.gov.in/nd2_arp19_ap57/preview