Vivek Mukherjee

As a student, I have actively been involved with theatre arts. In my spare time, I like to work on my culinary and percussionist skills.
Pursuing PhD from NALSAR, Hyderabad.
LL.M- NLSIU Bangalore (Human Rights Law).
B.A.LL.B (Hons)- NLIU Bhopal.
I am currently involved in 4 research projects: a project on Legal Personhood of Elephants in India in collaboration with Nonhuman Rights Project, USA; a project on Illegal Wildlife Trade and Zoonotic Diseases with Harvard Animal Law and Policy Program; a funded research project on Farm Animal Protection in collaboration with Humane Society International, India; and, a book project with Prof. Faizan Mustafa on Decisional Privacy and Freedom of Religion in India to be published by Penguin Random House India.
I co-ordinate the Animal Law Centre at NALSAR. My research interest lies in Animal Laws, Climate Change Law, Human Rights Laws, Agriculture Laws, Privacy Laws and emerging issues in Public International Law and Environmental Laws.
Singh A, Mukherjee V. 2019. Race to the bottom: Sino-US trade war and consequent plastic waste mismanagement in the Global South. Management and Economics Research Journal, Vol. 5, 9.
"Vivek Mukherjee, A History of Neglect: The North-South Divide in Climate Change Technology Transfer", Book Chapter in RGNUL-CELS Edited Book on Environmental Laws.
Singh A, Mukherjee V. 2019. Race to the bottom: Sino-US trade war and consequent plastic waste mismanagement in the Global South. Management and Economics Research Journal, Vol. 5, 9.
Vivek Mukherjee, "Re-Looking the Issue of Environmentally Displaced Person from an Environmental Justice Perspective", RMLNLU J., 10, p.177.
Mukherjee, V. and Mustafa, F., 2019. Climate Change and Right to Development. Manag Econ Res J, 5(2019), p.7607.
Mustafa. F, Mukherjee. V, Holy Cow, Privacy, and Unholy Laws. Economic & Political Weekly, 52(51), p.55.)
“Legal protection of children from all forms of corporal punishment in home and school”, Indian Law Review, NLIU Bhopal (ISSN 2229-7960, Cite as: ILR (VII) 2015)
“Understanding the INDCs of India, China, Brazil and South Africa – A commoner’s perspective” in FLEDGE website
Presented paper titled “Animal agriculture and climate change - global overview and a case for regulating pollution in India” in a conference on Environmentally harmful government subsidies to livestock industries in Israel organized by Environment Justice and Protection of Animal Rights Clinic, Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University, Israel on May 20, 2019.
Attended a conference on Perspectives on a National Food Strategy at The Sonia and Edward Kossoy Conference Room, Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University on May 28, 2019.
Attended Conference on Animal Protection: Exemptions to Animal Welfare Act in the 21st Century organized by Israel Bar Association at Tel Aviv on May 16, 2019.
Presented paper titled “Liability of MNCs for Human Rights violation of peasants in South Asia” in the 2018 Regional Conference of Asian Society of International Law in Beijing on October 13-14, 2018.
Presented research paper titled “GREENING THE INDIAN CONSTRUCTION SECTOR: FIRST STEP TO EFFECTUATE INDIA’S AMBITIOUS INDC” in a National Seminar on “Law and Practice in Real Estate in India” at NLSIU, Bangalore.
Presented paper in the UGC sponsored two days’ National Seminar on ‘Changing Dimensions of Human Rights’ at Bangalore University in 2016.
Presented a paper titled “Right to Development and Climate Change” at the two-day international conference on new dimensions in Public International Law at University of Mysore on 30th March, 2016.
Invited as guest for Regional conference on environment-2016 organized by NGT,UNEP, Dr. Ambedkar Law University and Southern State Pollution Control Boards on October 22nd, 2016.
Climate Change Law and Politics (3 credit elective) (2017, 2018, 2019)
Agroecology and Law: Themes and Perspectives (3 credit seminar) (2018,2019,2020)
Environmental Law (2018,2020)
Basic Principles of Public International Law (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)
Animal Law Clinic (2019)
Labour Law I (2019)
Torts Law (2016)
International Maritime Law (2016)
Energy Law (2016)
Moot Clinic (2016)
Address: Vivek Mukherjee, Quarter no. A1 (faculty quarters), Post Box No.1, Justice City, Shameerpet, R.R. District, Hyderabad, Telangana 500101
Mobile: +91 7895096267
Office: +91 40 2349 8220
Email: [email protected]