Chimirala Uma Maheshwari

Dr. Uma Maheshwari is currently an Assistant Professor at NALSAR University of Law. She has completed her Ph.D from The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad (2013).
She is a part of NALSAR for 2 years and in teaching since 20 years. In her teaching stint, she has received many awards & latest is being "Awarded Full Scholarship by UNESCO and University of Mahidol, Thailand to attend 5thInternational Conference on Language and Education: Sustainable Development through Multilingual Education, from 19th Oct, 2016 to 21st Oct 2016, at Bangkok, Thailand".
- 2009 – 2013 PhD.
The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad
- 2012 APSET
- 2007- 2011 M. Phil (English)
Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur
- 2000-2002 Master of Arts (English)
Osmania University, Hyderabad
- 1993- 1996 Bachelor of Arts
Osmania University, Hyderabad (1996).
S.no | Title of the project | Funding agency | Period of project | Grant value |
1 | Literacy engagement and task performance as a function of Task Complexity and Multilingual Proficiency: A study with young multilingual tribal learners of Pota-Cabin Schools (Sukhma and Dantewada, Chhattisgarh) | Indian Council of Social Sciences Research (ICSSR) | March 2018-March 2020 | 8,60,000 INR |
- Shailendra Kumar Singh and Chimirala, U.M. (2018). The Linguistic Landscapes of India. Edited the Special Issue in Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics.
- Chimirala, U. M. (2018). English as an Affirmative Action ……but Affirming What? A study of interactions in the affirmative space. BELTA Journal, 2 (1), 29-45.
- Chimirala, U. M. (2018). Appropriating to the schoolscape: A study of reference of Linguistic Landscape in dyad text construction. Special Issue on The Linguistic Landscapes of India Guest Edited by Shailendra Kumar Singh and Uma Maheshwari Chimirala in Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 44 (1-2), 38-65.
- Chimirala, U. M. (2018). Understanding the Linguistic Landscaping in North East Indiawith reference to three Case studies: Aizwal, Shillong and Thahekhu Village. Special Issue on The Linguistic Landscapes of India Guest Edited by Shailendra Kumar Singh and Uma Maheshwari Chimirala in Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 44 (1-2), 153-169.
- Chimirala, U. M. (2017). Teacher’s ‘other’ language preference: A study of Monolingual mindset in the classroom space. In Hywle Coleman (eds) Multilingualisms and Development. New Delhi: British Council.
- Chimirala, U. M. (2017). Living the trans languaging space: An emic perspective. In Anand Mahanand and Mahindra Mishra (eds) Multilingual Education in India – A Case for English. Viva Publications: Delhi.
- Chimirala, U. M. (2016). Conceptualizing ‘Learner Participation’ in Feedback: Constructing the ‘Learning Space’. In Sathuvalli Mohanraj (Eds) The spectrum. Hyderabad: English and Foreign Languages University Press. 978-93-80425-06-1.
- Chimirala Uma Maheshwari, (2015). Book review on Multilingual Education: Between language learning and Translanguaging. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge”.The Journal of English Language Teaching, 57 (3) 108-111. ISSN 0973-5208.
- Lina Mukhopadhyay., & Chimirala Uma Maheshwari. (2014). Is Variability In ESL Writing Assessment Based On Raters’ Educational Background? A study. LANGUAGING -A Journal of Language Teaching and Language Studies, 5, 39-56. ISSN 2229-323X.
- Chimirala Uma Maheshwari (2014). Diverging Perceptions of Learning in a Critical Episode in a Translanguaging Space. Folklore Foundation, Lokaratna, VII, 62-77. ISSN 2347-6427.
- Sathuvalli Mohanraj & Chimirala Uma Maheshwari. (2014).Learner Perspective of L1 Use in L2 Collaborative Writing: An Emic View. ELT Worldwide, 2014, 1(1), 1-16. ISSN 2303-3037.
- Sathuvalli Mohanraj & Chimirala Uma Maheshwari (2013). Exploring L1 mediated Lexical searches: Emerging Evidence from Beginner level Collaborative Writing. The Journal for ESL Teachers and Learners, vol II, 40-50. ISSN 2320-7140.
- Chimirala Uma Maheshwari, (2012). A Case for Feedback on Content: Exploring its Impact on Writing Ability”. The Journal of English Language Teaching, 8, 84-93. ISSN 0973-5208.
- Chimirala Uma Maheshwari (2010). Learning to Read: Training My ESL Learners”. Humanising Language Teaching, 12(3). ISSN 1755-9715.
Submitted For Publication:
- Chimirala, U.M. (submitted). Constraints in realizing linguistically sensitive practices: A study of teacher perceptions. In Amaliraj (ed) Untitled book in honour of Prof Rajagopal and Prof V D Singh to be published by The English and Foreign Languages University Press.
- Chimirala, U.M. (submitted). Appropriating to the schoolscape: A study of reference of Linguistic Landscape in dyad text construction.In Shailendra Singh (ed) Special issue in Linguistic Landscaping in International Journal of Indian Applied Linguistics.
National Conferences:
- Chimirala, U.M. (2012). Conceptualizing participatory Feedback: Constructing and Nurturing the‘learning space’. Paper presented at the 1st Colloquium, English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad.(November 2012).
- Chimirala, U.M.(2012). In Defence of feedback on Content: Nurturing Language Development. Paper Presented at the 1stNational seminar on English Language Teaching In India: Issues, Debates and Strategies, KL University, Vijayawada. (December 2012).
- Chimirala, U.M.(2011). Exploring Learning Opportunities for L2 Writing through collaborative Dialogue. Paper Presented At 4th National & 8th Vidharbha ELTAI Conference on Teaching English (organized by ELTAI), Nagpur, India.
- Chimirala, U.M.(2011). Exploring L1asa Resource in an L2 Classroom: Theoretical Arguments. Paper Presented at One-Day National seminar on Problems of Teaching English Language in Rural and Urban Areas and Its Remedies, Rajura, India.
International Conferences:
- Chimirala. U.M. (2017). Constraints in realizing linguistically sensitive practices. Paper presented at NCERT, Delhi, ELT in rural areas and English as Medium of Instruction, March 20-23, 2017
- Chimirala. U.M. (2016). Looking through the teachers’ ‘other languages’ use/preference: A study of the monolingual mindset in MLE classrooms in Andhra Pradesh, India. paper presented in 5th International Conference on Language and Education: Sustainable Development through Multilingual Education, 19-21 October 2016, Bangkok
- Chimirala. U.M. (2015). Monolingual mindset and access to educational opportunities: A study of statute, policy and practice of languages in education in multilingual India.Paper presented at the 11th Language and development: Multilingualism and Development.conference, 18-20 Nov, New Delhi.
- Chimirala. U.M. (2015).Does anticipatory listening impact oral task performance? A study Paper presented at Invited Symposium at the10th International conference organized by International Association for Improvement of Mother Tongue Education and University of Southern Denmark, Odense, 3 June 2015 to 5 June 2015.
- Chimirala. U.M.(2015). Impact of ‘anticipation’ and peer assessment on oral task performance. Paper presented at The 20th International NELTA ConferenceheldinKathmandu,Nepal from Feb17th to 19th 2015.
- Chimirala, U.M. and Hayat, S. (2015). Designing, teaching and assessing task-specific listening skills: A workshop. Workshop conducted at The20th International NELTA Conference held in Kathmandu, Nepal from Feb17th to 19th 2015.
- Chimirala, U.M. (2015).L1 Use in L2 Collaborative Writing: AnEmic View. Paper presented at 2nd International AINET Conference on Jan9th,2015 at Nagpur, India.
- Chimirala, U.M. (2015). Conceptualising participatory feedback interactions: Constructing and nurturing the‘LearningSpace’.Paper presented atthe5th International Conference–Confluence 5, on Jan 23 and 24th, 2015 at Nagpur, India.
- Chimirala, U. M.(2014). Diverging perceptions of learning in a critical episode in at rans languaging space. Paper presented at the 36th Annual and 2nd International Conference of the Linguists Society of India, Dec1st - 4th,2014, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India.
- Chimirala, U.M.(2014). Agency and Investment through Translanguaging: A Case of Conflicting Intentions and Realizations.Paper presented at the 1st International Conference: When East Meets West: The teaching and learning of reading and writing in the multilingual and multicultural context. University ofHong Kong: Hong Kong. 12th–14th June, 2014. athuvalli, M.&Chimirala, U.M (2012). Exploring L1asa Multi DimensionalTool in Collaborative writing. Paper Presented at the 10th Asia TEFLInternational Conference byTEFSOL INDIA at Gurgaon, Delhi.
- Sathuvalli, M. & Chimirala, U.M. (2013). Exploring L1 mediated Lexical Searches: Emerging Evidence from Beginner Level Writers. Paper Presented at the 3rd International Conference on Teaching and Learning of English as Second Language, Confluence 2013, and Nagpur, India.
- Chimirala, U. M. (2013). Understanding Agency and Investment in Language Learning: The Educational Programmes of A.P. vs. Collaborative Writing. Paper presented at the 35th Annual and 1st International Conference of the Linguists Society of India, Nov27-29,2013, CIIL Mysore, India.
- Chimirala.U.M.(2012). Augmenting Writing Ability through Feedback on Idea Units. Paper Presented at the17th International Conference at Kathmandu, Nepal. 2012.
- Chimirala. U. M. (2012). Assessing Writing: Effect of Rater Educational Background. Paper Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Assessing and Evaluating Teacher Educators at Hyderabad, India.
- Chimirala, U. M. (2012). Appropriating Experience in Feedback on Content: Traversing the path of Literacy. Paper Presented at the 10th Asia TEFL International Conference byTEFSOL INDIA at Gurgaon, Delhi.
- Research Methodology
- Cognition and writing
- Reading and Writing for Academia
- Research writing
- Introduction to Researching
- Language Conflict and Language Rights
Dr. Chimirala Uma Maheshwari
Ph. No: +91-9490187028
E-mail: [email protected]