Akansha Singh

Akansha Singh has completed her M.A. in English from the Centre for English Studies, JNU. As part of her M.A. program she wrote her dissertation on the fiction of Borges titled, “Wounds of Unfulfillment: Fragmented Narratives of Jorge Luis Borges”. She has done her B.A. (Hons) in English with minors in Sociology from Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi. Before joining NALSAR she was teaching at Ashoka University. Her areas of research and teaching interest include comparative literary studies, resistance literature, translation studies. She is currently working on a comparative cross- cultural study of nationalism in the mid- twentieth century India and Argentina as part of her PhD dissertation, with specific focus on authors— Jorge Luis Borges and Gajanan Madhav Muktibodh.
- PhD (Pursuing) Department of English, University of Delhi
- M.A. English (2018), J.N.U.
- B.A. (Hons) English with a minor in Sociology (2016), University of Delhi
- UGC NET English (2018)
Singh, Akansha. “Between Modernity and Modernism: Reading Affect in Muktibodh’s Translated Poetry.” Journal of Postcolonial Writing, (2024), 1–16.
Singh, Akansha “Periodicals and Nation-Building: The Public Sphere, Modernity, and Modernism in Modern Review and Visva Bharati Quarterly" Text Matters: A Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture (ISSN: 2083-2931), vol. 13, (2023), pp. 482- 501.
Singh, Akansha "Subverting Narratives of Nationalism: A Cross- National Study of Borges and Muktibodh" Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities (ISSN: 0975-2935), vol. 14, no. 3 (2022), pp. 1- 15.
Mukherjee and Singh “Impact of FDI Policy on Animal Husbandry Sector in India: A Post COVID-19 Scenario”, Journal of Indian Law and Society (ISSN: 2277-5552), vol. 13, no. 1 (2022) pp. 166- 87.
Mukherjee and Singh “Rethinking India’s Approach to Tackle Imapct of Climate Change on Agriculture: A Post Pandemic Scenario”, Centre of Development Policy and Practice (2022) pp. 1- 8.
Mukherjee and Singh “Bihar, The Annual Survey of State Laws in India”, NALSAR University of Law, Volume 1 (2022), pp. 23- 35.
“The Judging of Live- In Relationships” dated 28th June, 2021. (Link)
“Revisiting Muktibodh: A Life of Poetry, Promise and Protest” dated 3rd October, 2020. (Link)
“Deficient Measures, Covid Nationalism, and the Crisis in Opportunity” dated 20th March, 2020. (Link)
Singh and Mukherjee “Race to the Bottom: Sino-US Trade War and Consequent Plastic Waste Mismanagement in the Global South” Management and Economics Research Journal (ISSN: 2469-4339), vol. 5, no. s4 (2019), pp. 1-9.
Singh, Akansha “Ecdysis: A Study of the Dislocated American Frontier in Arthur Miller’s The Misfits” New Academia: An International Journal of English Language and Literary Theory (ISSN: 2347-2073), vol. 7, no. 4 (2018), pp. 293- 99.
Singh, Akansha “Rape, Media and Collective Conscience: Mob Justice in Dimapur” Mass Media (ISSN: 2277-7369), vol. 4, no. 40 (2015), pp. 15- 19
- Presented a paper titled, “Beyond Coloniality: A Comparative Study of Affect in Muktibodh’s Translated Poetry” at the IACLALS Annual Conference, March 2022: Circulations, Mediations, Negotiations: New Perspectives on Translation from South Asia.
- Presented a paper titled, “De-Westernizing Modernism: Literary Internationalism in Indian Periodicals 1930- 1950” at the Graduate Writing Workshop: Comparing World Literatures in the Postcolonial World, 2021 organized by the Hong Kong University.
- Presented a paper titled, “Hangman in the Noose: Writing as an Act of Resistance in Hangman’s Journal” at the Memory, Cognition, Literature workshop 2021 jointly organized by IIT, Madras and Jamia Millia Islamia University.
- Winter School on ‘Literature in a Globalised World’ organized under UGC- DAAD- IGP (Indo- German Partnership in Higher Education) between JNU, New Delhi, India and JMU, Würzburg, Germany.
- TOIndia Summer School 2017 on ‘Politics, Development and Social Change in Contemporary India’ organized by University of Turin, Italy.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Rape, Media and Collective Conscience: Mob Justice in Dimapur’ at the national conference on Contested Knowledge: Event, Truth, and Politics, 2015 organized by University of Delhi.
- Approaching Nationalisms: Origins and Forms
- Basics of Academic Writing
- ESL and Mentor- Mentee Workshops
- Locating Texts: Methods and Forms
- Re- Imagining Surveillance
- Tracing Patterns in Acts of Resistance
- History II
- Law and Literature (Tutorials)
Email: [email protected]