Bishakha Ghosh

I am an Economist by training with specialisation in Financial Economics and Ecological Economics. I earned a Master of Philosophy degree in Development Studies with specialisation in Economics from Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad andpursuing Ph.D. in Development Studies with specialisation in Economics from there as well. I am in the advanced state of earning my Ph.D.
For my M.Phil. degree, I studied how resource endowments affect farmers’ ability to access water for irrigation in two districts in West Bengal. I understood that, biophysical factorsalso determine farmers’ ability to access water for irrigation. Hence, for my Ph.D., I studied how ecological, socioeconomic and institutional factors such as water logging, water level depletion, ingress of salinity, land use land change (LULC) and collective actiongovern the access and utilisation of both single and multiple sources of irrigationin the Eastern Gangetic Basin. Jamshedji Tata Trust supported my Ph.D. through Institutional Doctoral Fellowship at Research Unit for Livelihoods and Natural Resources/Centre for Economic and Social Studies.
I gained valuable research experience by contributing to various projects funded by national (both government and private) and international agencies on river basins, sustainable small farm agriculture, economic value of biodiversity loss through minimising by-catch in marine fisheries, equity issues in WaSH (UNICEF) and economic analysis of value chains in dry-fishes (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada).
During the course of my research work, I was proposed and seconded to become a member of Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE) and was also latergiven an opportunity to assist the then Secretary of INSEE, in organising their Tenth Biennial Conference on “Climate Change and Disasters: Challenges, Opportunities and Responses in November, 2019.
I am passionate about continuing research in Natural Resources Management, Agriculture and Gender.
B.SC (Honours Economics, Mathematics and Statistics) – University of Calcutta
M.Sc. (Economics) – Kalyani University
Post-Graduate Diploma in Financial Economics – Kalyani University
M.Phil. (Development Studies with specialisation in Economics) – Centre for Economic and Social Studies
Ph.D. (Development Studies with specialisation in Economics) –Pursuing – Centre for Economic and Social Studies.
Jamshedji Tata Fellowship in Research Unit for Livelihoods and Natural Resources at CESS.
Ghosh B, Reddy E.B. Uday Bhaskar (2011): Prerequisites of Water Management Institutions for Contrast scenario Between Water Availability and Poverty Level A Case Study from Ganges River Basin, India, Help Symposium 2011, Panama. Organized by UNESCO.
- Tenth INSEE Biennial Conference on “Climate Change and Disasters: Challenges, Opportunities and Responses” in Hyderabad, 2019.
- Sixth INSEE Biennial Conference on “Nature, Economy and Society: Understanding the Linkages” in Hyderabad, 2011.
- Fifth Biennial Conference on “Environmental Governance” in Ahmedabad, 2009.
- Presented “Analyzing variation in the incidence of Urban poverty at River basin level of India: A case of Ganges River basin” in National Seminar On “Urbanization & Urban Development in India: Trends, Problems and Prospects” in, 2010at Osmania University, Hyderabad.
- Presented “Inefficiency in Irrigation water use and its relation with level of Expenditure : A Study on Surface Water Irrigation in India” in UGC National Seminar on Natural Resources Management and Livelihoods in Drought Prone Regions, in 2010 at Sri Kishnadevaraya University, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh.
- Workshop on “Non-market Valuation of Environmental Goods and Services” in 2019 by INSEE-CESS in Hyderabad.
- Workshop on “Behavioural and Experimental Economics for Environmental Policy” in 2019 in Hyderabad by South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE).
- International Workshop on “Statistical methods for Environmental Analysis” Jointly organized by C. R. Rao Advanced Institute of Mathematics , Statistics and Computer Science and Centre for earth and Space Sciences, University of Delhi held in 2013 in Hyderabad.
- Workshop on “Nature, Economy and Society: Understanding the Linkages“2011 in Hyderabad.
- “Data processing course for Social Scientists”in 2010, by Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi, at Council for Social Development, Hyderabad.
- Tutorial at Gujarat Vidyapeeth, Ahmadabad on “Introduction to Theoretical Ecological Economics: Analytical Study of Scale”, in 2009.
Microeconomics and Macroeconomics