Chandrima Chatterjee

Dr. Chandrima Chatterjee, an alumna of IIT Kharagpur and University of Calcutta, joined NALSAR University of Law as Assistant Professor of Economics in September 2023. Dr. Chatterjee earned her Ph.D. in Economics from the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. Prior to joining the Ph.D. programme, She was part of ‘SANDHI’ project funded by Ministry of Human Resource and Development, Government of India at IIT Kharagpur and as a research fellow she was responsible for data analysis, report writing and publication. During her Ph.D., she acquired the skill of analysing big data along with hands on expertise on statistical softwares such as STATA, E-views and others. She also has an expertise on designing primary survey and experimental research. She was awarded with institutional travel grant twice by IIT Kharagpur to present her research work in conferences abroad. Her teaching portfolio spans diverse subjects such as Law and Economics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Indian Economy, Applied Economics, Microfinance, Health Economics, Statistics and Economics of Finance. In addition to her role in academia, Dr. Chatterjee is actively engaged in empirical research and has published numerous articles in journals of international repute with publishers such as Wiley, Emerald, Wolters Kluwer etc. She is especially interested in interdisciplinary and collaborative research.
She loves to travel and learn about the cultural diversity across the globe.
B.Sc. (Economics Honours) (University of Calcutta)
M.Sc. (University of Calcutta)
M.Phil. (University of Kalyani)
Ph.D. (Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur)
Her doctoral thesis is on “Health Care of the Elderly in India: An Investigation of Utilization, Costing and Financing”
Her major research area focuses on health care economics, health care financing, health insurance, population ageing, sanitation, sustainable consumption and other interdisciplinary areas of research.
Chatterjee, C., Chandra Nayak, N., & Mahakud, J. (2022). Factors Affecting the Incidence of Health Insurance Penetration among Elderly: Evidence from India. Journal of Public Affairs (upcoming) (Scopus, ESCI, ABDC-B)
Chatterjee, C., Chandra Nayak, N., & Mahakud, J. (2022). Magnitude and determinants of inpatient health expenditure among the elderly in India. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 37(3), 1402-1420. (Scopus, SCI-Impact Factor 1.5, Scimago-Q2)
Chatterjee, C., Nayak, N. C., Mahakud, J., & Chatterjee, S. C. (2019). Factors affecting the choice of health care utilisation between private and public services among the elderly population in India. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 34(1), e736-e751. https://doi.org/10.1002/hpm.2686 (Scopus, SCI-Impact Factor 1.45, Scimago-Q2)
Bhattacharyya, T., Chatterjee, C., & Chatterjee, S. C. (2019). Health delivery system for older adults in academic campus in India. International Journal of Health Governance. 24(4), 310-
https://doi.org/10.1108/IJHG-06-2019-0042 (Scopus, ESCI, Scimago-Q2)
Chatterjee C., 2017. Status of Labour Security of Urban Informal Workers in Selected Districts of West Bengal. Conference Proceedings, State of the Informal Sector in Indian Economy in the Context of Inclusive Growth, ed. Bagchi, s., P.126, ISBN. 978-81-933615-1-1
Paper presented in 26th Annual Conference of American Society of Business and Behavioural Sciences in Las Vegas, USA in March 2019.
Paper Presented in 6th International conference on Economics and Finance Research held in Kyoto, Japan from March 25-27, 2017, organized by International Economics Development and Research Centre.
Paper presented in 11th Doctoral Thesis Conference held in ICFAI Business School Hyderabad from April 18-20, 2018.
Paper presented in UGC sponsored National Seminar “State of the Informal Sector in Indian Economy in the context of Inclusive growth” organized by City College of Commerce and Business Administration in collaboration with University of Kalyani, Department of Economics
Paper presented in UGC sponsored National Seminar “Cost Competitiveness in Micro Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in India” organized by K.K. Das College Kolkata in collaboration with The institute of Cost Accountants of India”.
Law and Economics
Game Theory and Applied Economics
Indian Economy
Managerial Economics
Email. [email protected]
Ph. 9433702571