P Srinivas Subbarao

Dr. Srinivas Subbarao Pasumarti, from a freedom fighter family in Andhra Pradesh, is a distinguished academician with over 29+ years of experience in teaching, research, and academic administration. Presently, he is the professor of management and head of the Department of Management Studies at NALSAR University of Law,Hyderabad.
Centre for Law, Entrepreneurship and Action Research
NALSAR Entrepreneurship Foundation.
International Affairs
Course Coordinator
Advanced Diploma in Business Sustainability
Advanced Diploma in Pharmaceutical Laws and Regulations.
Career Highlights"
- Selected and Trained under the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India, Leadership for Academicians Program (LEAP) at the University of Cambridge, UK, and IIT Kharagpur.
- Invited by the University of Bristol, UK, to deliver a lecture on Campus Wellbeing and Campus Startup Culture
- IICA, Government of India Certified Level-1 trainer on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Certified International Climate Leader, The Climate Reality Project (TCRP), USA, trained by AL Gore, Noble Laureate and former US Vice-President, Sep’2020
- Experienced academic professional having worked on National and International ranking, affiliation & accreditation (trained in AACSB, AMBA, and UI Green Metric, THE Impact Ranking (SDG), etc.) along with institutional building and branding.
- Trained in AICTE-UKIERI National Level Technical Leadership Program
- Received prestigious Charted Management Institute (CMI), UK Level 5 Certification in Leadership and Management.
- Received a One-Time Capital Grant of One Crore Rupees from the Dept. of MSME, Govt. of Odisha, for developing a state-of-the-art incubation center at Sri Sri University.
- International Assignment: Visited China for a period of two months under the India-China Academic Exchange Program to do research in China on the topic “FDI APPROACH – INDIA AND CHINA A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS,” which is jointly funded by MHRD, GOI & CASS, Beijing, China in 2013
- Academic Administrator- HoD, Dean, CEO, DSW and Pro-VC, CEO, Incubation Centre, Registrar, Chairmen, Board of Research, Director Training & Placements, Member, Executive, Academic & Governing Councils, Chairperson- FDP & MDP Committee.
Awards and Scholarships:
- Awarded Odisha Inc Award in Promoting Entrepreneurship, received from Shri Pratap Jena, Hon’ble Minister of Health, Law and Information & Broadcasting, Government of Odisha, at the Eighth Odisha Living Legend Awards, Odisha Diary Foundation, 2018
- Awarded Best Startup Boot-camp Award from Shri Naveen Patnaik, the Chief Minister of Odisha, for generating a record of 535 startup ideas by Sri Sri University during the Startup India Yatra (2018).
- Received the “AIMS-IRMA Outstanding Management Teacher Award" on 26th Dec 2016 at the AIMS-14 conference inaugurated in MICA by the Director IIMA. Received the award from Prof. RC Natarajan, Director, IRMA, Anand
- Received the Best Teacher Award from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, for the academic years 2009-2013
- Received Ugadi Puraskaram State Award– 2012 in recognition of outstanding accomplishments and contributions in the “Teaching, Administration & Research” given by the ASPIRE & SEWS, a state-level organization.
- Received Lifetime Achievement Award from Indian Institute of Management and Education for achievements in the field of Education in 2006.
- Recipient of National Merit Scholarship for two years Post Graduate Level, Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India.
- Received Telugu Vigyanaparithosakam (merit scholarship) Scholarship for three years, at Graduate Level, Andhra Pradesh State Government.
- Fellow of Odisha Commerce Association conferred in 2019.
- Received the Outstanding Leadership Award in Higher Education from the World Education Summit held on 22-24th September 2021.
- Received the AIMS International Distinguished Service Award, which will be presented on 8 January 2021 during the 19th AIMS and 4th Conference in Jaipuria International Conference on Management.
MDPs & Consultancy
- Co-convenor of the program Higher Management Course (HMC) for Col. and Superintending Engineers (to be promoted to Chief Engineers) in MIT Pune campus from 11-17th March 2022.
- Trained the middle-level managers on the Executive Leadership Development Program for Managers of Perennial Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Pune, on campus from 12th-14 March 2022 and 11th-13th April 2022 in two batches.
- Organized five days of Online FDP on E-Learning, E-Teaching, and E-Research from the 13th to the 17th of August 2020.
- Trained 65 OAS & ORS officers of the Department of Revenue & Disaster Management, Govt. of Odisha, on Creativity & Innovation, Team Building, and Good Governance to Public servants in May 2018
- Trained 20 Officers of Paradip Port Trust on Cyber Security on 29th March 2018 in the Port Training Hall.
- Trained 20 middle-level officers on Ease of Doing Business on 8th & 9th November 2018
- Trained 24 senior-level officers of Paradip Port Trust on Retirement Planning and Employee Benefits held on 11th February 2019 & 17th &18th Jan 2020.
- Undertaken the Consultancy works of Paradip Port Trust on HR activities like MoU preparation, Developing Case Studies, & Preparation of the Administrative Manual.
- Worked as a Lead Research Consultant & Faculty Coordinator has completed the research-based consulting project titled “Study of Dealer Process Efficiency, Productivity & Resource Utilization for Increasing Customer
- Satisfaction & Revenue” – Development of Case Study & Business Simulation: A Gamification Based Approach” at Skoda Auto Volkswagen India Pvt. Ltd., from 12th May 2022 to 12th August 2022.
- Executive Development Program for HR & Admin Managers of M/S. Borosil India Ltd., on campus from 30th Sep to 2nd Oct’2022 on the topic” Finance for Non-Finance executives”.
- M.Com., MBA., M.A (Public Admin)
- PGD T & T M., B.L., B. Com-Andhra University
- LLM., M.H.R.M., M.Sc. (Psychology) – Acharya Nagarjuna University
- PhD (Entrepreneurship) – Nagpur University
- PhD (Corporate Law) – National Law University Odisha
- D.Litt. (International Business) – Berhampur University
- Postdoctoral – CARME, Portugal
- FDPM – Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
- Ten PhDs awarded & 2 have been submitted (Under evaluation at Sri Sri University) from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Rayalaseema University, Sri Sri University, and Dr Vishwanath MIT World Peace University.
- Currently, 3 scholars are pursuing research (PhD) in Entrepreneurship, ESG, and HRM.
- He is an Approved guide for the PhD students at Andhra University, Acharya Nagarjuna University, JNTU-Kakinada, Rayalaseema University, Vignan University, Sri Sri University, and Dr Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University.
- Awarded one MPhil from Alagappa University.
- So far, he has mentored more than50 startups
- He guided 185 MBA projects in different universities
Membership in Professional organizations and Editorial Boards:
- Member, All India Management Association (AIMA), New Delhi
- Member, AIMS International, USA
- Member, Association for Asian Studies, USA
- Member, International Society for Development and Sustainability, Japan
- Member, Society for Global Business and Economic Development, USA
- Member, Board of Studies, Dept. of Commerce, M.R. College (Estd.1879)
- Member of the Case Research Society of India. Ahmadabad
- Member, Alumni of Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad
- Member, International Council for Small Business (ICSB), USA
- Member, Board of Studies, School of Management, NICMAR University, Pune
Member in Editorial Boards:
- Member, Editorial Board, Startup Unfold
- Member, Editorial Board, Odisha Journal of Commerce (UGC-CARE listed).
- Member, Editorial Board of the Journal ITIHAS (An Indian Journal on Management Research)
- Associate Editor, International Journal Acta de Gerencia Ciencia
- Member of the Institutional Innovation Council, NLUO, Cuttack.
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board, TIJRP, Singapore
- Member, Editorial Board, Universal Journal of Management, USA
- Member Editorial Board of the AIMS Journal of Research
- Co-editor of the Journal of Management and Organization (JMO) Cambridge University Press publication, Special Issue on the role of new ICT-based systems in modern management. JMO Impact Factor: 4.139
- Co-editor of the Journal Management of Environmental Quality which is a Scopus-indexed Emerald Journal special issue on circular economy conference with a high impact factor of 4.21 Co-editor of the Journal of Indian Business Research (Scopus and ABDC “C” Category journal) Special issue on Innovations in Business, Trade & Commerce
Publications: Prof. P. Srinivas Subbarao - Patents filed and Published:
1. Title of the patent “Promoting Entrepreneurship Culture on the Campus” Application No. 202041018068 A filed on 28-04-2020 and published on 29/05/2020 in patent. Journal dt.29-05-2020 Page No.20536
2. Title of the patent “Entrepreneurship Sustainability prediction system based on Climate or Environment Change” Application No. 202041020446 A filed on 14-05-2020 and published on 29/05/2020 in patent Journal dt.29-05-2020 Page No.20509
3. Title of the patent “Smart Modular Breakfast Making Machine for Batter based foods” Application No. 202041024941 filed on 13-06-2020 and published on 19/06/2020 in patent Journal No.25/2020
4. Title of the patent “A Device for Anxiety Management” Application No. 202121016004 filed on 05-04-2021 and published on 16/04/2021.
5. Title of the patent “A System for Stimulating Quality Analytics” Application No. 202131016713 filed on 10-04-2021 and published on 07/05/2021.
6. Title of the patent “Device for measuring employee attrition” Application No. 202131016865 filed on 09-04-2021 and published on 07/05/2021.
7. Title of the patent “Artificial intelligence-based animal detention and identification system for the protection of field crops” Application No. 202141018335 filed on 21-04-2021 and published on 30/04/2021.
8. Title of the patent “Customer Grievance Redressal Mechanism of co-operative Banks in India” Application No. 202131027198 filed on 18-06-2021 and published on 09/07/2021.
9. Title of the patent: “Proposed model for revival of small business through private investment along with Govt. support during Covid-19 financial crisis” Application No.202131027197 filed on 18-06-2021 and published on 09/07/2021.
10. Title of the patent “System of assessment of entrepreneurship and method there of” Application No. 202121034467A was filed on 30-07-2021 and published on 20/08/2021.
11. Title of the patent” A Novel System for Dispensing Sanitizer” Application No.202121034468A filed on 30-07-2021 and published on 20/08/2021.
12. Title of the patent “A System and Method for Donating Pharmaceutical Products” Application No. 202221004219 A filed on 25/01/2022 and published on 18/02/22.
13. Title of the patent “Medical Equipment and Medical Care Provider Centralized Management Application No. 202221004222 A filed on 25/01/2022 and published on 18/02/22.
14. Title of the patent “Incentivized financial investment system” Application No. 202221003788 A filed on 24/01/22 and published on 18/02/22.
15. Title of the patent “Self-learning monetary independence banking application device and method” Application No. 202221003789 A filed on 24/01/22 and published on 18/02/22.
16. Title of the patent “Workflow management system for Advertising” Application No. 202221003787 A filed on 24/01/22 and published on 18/02/22.
17. Title of the patent “Trash and recycle receptacle assembly” Application No. 202221003790 A filed on 24/01/22 and published on 18/02/22.
18. Title of the patent “A Device for infusing and blending of tea” Application No. 202221003791 A filed on 24/01/22 and published on 18/02/22.
19. Title of the patent “Voluntary teaching based online learning system for enhanced education and method thereof” Application No. 202221028247 A filed on 17/05/22 and published on 15/07/22.
20. Title of the patent “Unified consulting system for multiple professional services and method thereof” Application No. 202221028251 A filed on 17/05/22 and published on 15/07/22.
21. Title of the patent “Method for determining the viability of a business” Application No. 202221028250 A filed on 17/05/22 and published on 15/07/22.
22. Title of the patent “A system for training need assessment in employees and method thereof” Application No. 202311009394 filed on 13/02/23 and published on 17/02/23.
23. Title of the patent “Method for Sustainable Development of Cities” Application No. 20231013317 A filed on 28/02/23 and published on 17/03/23.
24. Title of the patent “A System and Method for Managing and Accessing Digital Content” Application No. 202321036546 filed on 26/05/23 and published on 11/08/23.
25. Title of the patent “A System and Method for Linking Internet Advertisements to consumer purchasing behaviour” Application No. 202441025095 filed on 28/03/24 and published on 05/04/24.
26. Title of the patent “System for evaluating Entrepreneurial success probability and method thereof” Application No. 202441029945 filed on 12/04/24 and published on 19/04/24.
International Patent – UK
27. A patent was filed and registered titled “A Display Device for Human Resource Out Comes and Structural Analysis to Inspire Employees.” Design No.6316879 Registration dt.05-11-2023 and Grant dt.11-10-2023.
Presentations and Conference Proceedings
Best Paper Award with Publication
1. Conference- International conference on innovations in business, trade & commerce
Paper Title- An empirical investigation of customer characteristics on retail format selection - a mediating role of store image.
Date-11-12th March 2022
Publication: journal of Indian Business Research, Emerald publication (Scopus with ABDC)
2. Conference- International conference on circular economy- redefining the world and driving towards sustainability".
Paper title- Aligning industry 4.0 with sustainable performance: mediating role of circular economy capabilities and supply chain resilience.
Date-18-19 May,2022
University-Department of Economics, MIT World Peace University partnership with Helwan University, Egypt Catholic University, Erbil and the Climate Reality Project, USA
Publication: Scopus indexed Emerald journal- “Management of Environmental Quality”, impact factor of 4.21.
- Digital Infrastructure and Applications for Smart Cities and Societies-Role of Artificial Intelligence, paper accepted for SmartCom - 2023 - Jaipur, India,
- Apposite Compensation & Rewards Retain the Employees in the Small Business paper presented in the Chitkara University Doctoral Consortium - CUDC 2021 (CUDC-21) held on November 12-13, 2021, at Chitkara University, Punjab
- Innovative Digital Weather Modification to Increase Farm Produce and Boost Economy Through Cloud Seeding Catalyst Injections for Sustainability paper presented in the International Conference on Sustainability and Equity: Digital Society to be held by KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India during November 23-25, 2020. (Online)
- Impact of Startup Odisha Policy: A Study paper presented in the 4th International Business Administrative Sciences Student Conference - IBASSC 2019 held on 2nd May 2019 in Erbil, Kurdistan Region, IRAQ organized by Administrative Sciences and Economics, Tishk International University, Erbil. (Online)
- How Corporate Governance framework embeds Operational Resilience in finance industry? paper presented in the 4th International Business Administrative Sciences Student Conference - IBASSC 2019 held on 2nd May 2019 in Erbil, Kurdistan Region, IRAQ organized by Administrative Sciences and Economics, Tishk International University, Erbil.(Online)
- “An Evaluation on Green Manufacturing It’s technique, Significance and Rationality” paper presented in the ICAMME to be held from 15-17th March 2019 at KIIT University, Bhubaneswar which is accepted for publication in the International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences which is indexed by Scopus.
- Social Perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability” paper presented in the National conference on Fostering Economic Transformation through Inclusive Business: Innovate and Inspire, which will be organized by the Centre for Advanced research in Financial Inclusion, School of Management, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal held on 22-23rd Feb’2019 and is published in the ISBN conference proceedings titled” Fostering Innovation In Financial Inclusion” Page No.332-346.
- Challenges in Promoting Innovation and Entrepreneurship in University Education Paper presented in the Int. conference on Technology & Business Management, held at American University in the Emirates, Dubai, UAE March 23-25, 2015
- Social banking an instrument for inclusive growth in post Economic crisis in India paper accepted for presentation in 13th FRAP – International Research conference on Finance, Risk and Accounting Perspectives, Cambridge University, UK. From 18-20 Nov 2013
- Is BRICS Bank become triumphant? Paper presented in the Int. conference on Management and Information Technology, held at Bangkok, Thailand 22-25 Sep”2013
- Emerging Trends in Green Banking for Sustainable Development” paper accepted for presentation for the international conference on Emerging Markets and the Dynamics of Management held on 17-18 May 2012 in London, UK.
- “Is Financial Engineering leads to Global Financial Crisis? Paper accepted for presentation in the 13th international conference on “Banking & Finance – Lessons learned from the financial crisis” organized by the Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karvina, in Ostrava, Czech Republic, held on 12-13th October 2011 (Paper accepted)
- “The Proposed Direct Tax Code is a boon or burst to FII’s”. Paper accepted for presentation in the international conference at Singapore held from 21-23rd July 2010 organized by the SGBED, USA.
- “Role of Credit information Bureaus in Banking” paper presented in the 5th International Convention of Asian Scholars held at Kuala Lampur, Malaysia from August 2-5, 2007.
- “Quality FDI and economic Development” paper presented in the 10th International Conference of the Society of Global Business and Economic Development held from August 8-11, 2007, at Kyoto, Japan, jointly Organized by Montclair State University, USA and Ryukoku University, Japan.
- “Will Basel II fuel the consolidation (M&A) process in Indian Banking?” paper presented in the Third AIMS International Conference on Management held from, 1-4 January 2006 at Ahmadabad, jointly organized by AIMS International and Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmadabad.
- “Is FTAs an engine of India’s economic growth?” paper presented in the 2nd International Conference on Business Management and Economics held at Cesme, Izmir (Turkey) from 15-18th June 2006.
- “Measures to improve the investors’ confidence in Indian Primary Market: A study” paper accepted for presentation in 9th Bi-Annual conference of European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES) held at the University of Brighton, Brighton, United Kingdom from 7th to 9th September 2006
- Bancassurance in India; Challenges and Strategies” paper accepted for presentation in the Hawaii International conference on Business held at Honolulu, Hawaii islands, USA from 26th to 29th May 2005.
- “Institutional financing to Indian small industry in an era of liberalization” paper accepted for presentation in the International Conference on Business Management and Economics held at Cesme, Izmir (Turkey) from 16-19th June 2005.
- “What we need to learn from China in Foreign Direct Investment “paper presented in the ICAS4 conference held at Shanghai, China from 20th to 24th August 2005.
- “Role of TQM in Indian SME sector” presented in the 11th International conference on the Productivity and Quality Research held on 12-14th December 2005 at New Delhi jointly organized by IIT, New Delhi and ISPQR, Miami, USA.
- “Small industry in Pre & Post WTO Scenario” presented in the IIDS 6th International seminar on “Ten years of WTO and towards an Asian Union” held at Aquinas College, Colombo, Sri Lanka on 27-28th November 2004.
- “Corporate Governance in Indian Banking Industry – Excellence in crisis”. Paper Presented in the 4th MAAOE-2003 conference held at Melbourne, Australia on 20-22nd October 2003 Organized by RMIT University & Melbourne University.
- Indian Small Industry, A SWOT analysis in the regime of WTO, paper presented in the 3rd International convention of Asia Scholars, held in Singapore, 2003 jointly organized by National University of Singapore, Asia Management Association and IIAS, Netherlands.
- Presented paper titled “Perception of Employees on retention in small business “in International conference on Digital Transformation: A Strategic approach towards Sustainable Development (ICDTSD) on 11th-12th Feb’2022 organized by IMERT, Pune.
- Presented paper titled “The state of Innovation Entrepreneurship “in India – A Post Pandemic Bibliometric Analysis” International conference on Digital Transformation: A Strategic approach towards Sustainable Development (ICDTSD) on 11th-12th Feb’2022 organized by IMERT, Pune.
- Participated 72nd All India Commerce Conference-2019 and International Seminar held at KIIT Deemed University, Bhubaneswar from 22nd to 24th Dec’2019.
- Organizational Culture, Knowledge sharing behavior and Innovation capability: Evidence from Indian SME. Received the Best Paper award in the National Seminar on “Business Transformation through strategy and Innovation held in BIITM, Bhubaneswar on 11th July 2018.
- “Changing contour in the Role of Independent Directors in Indian Public Sector Undertakings” paper accepted in the International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance 2017 to be held at IIT Kharagpur which is jointly organized by IIT Bombay, IIT Kanpur, IIT Delhi, IIT Roorkee held on during 7-8 June 2017.
- “A Study on Opportunities and Challenges in Financing of Start-up Enterprises in the State of Odisha” paper presented in the International Conference on “Cross Cultural Dimensions of Management: Issues and Challenges in the Era of Globalization” held at Berhampur University, Berhampur held on 24-25 November 2016.
- “Education, Innovation and Entrepreneurship the three cornerstones of Inclusive and sustainable growth” paper presented in the National Seminar on “Integrating development for entrepreneurial advancement and leadership’ (IDEAL-2013) held at Asian Business School, Noida held on 13th Sept.2013.
- “Gandhian engineering the way to change the developing world” paper presented in the 46th Engineers Day seminar organized by The Institute of Engineers (India), Visakhapatnam chapter organized in Visakhapatnam on 15th Sep.2013.
- “Role of Commercial Banks for Green Banking in India” paper presented in the Ninth AIMS International Conference on Management organized at the Foundation for Liberal and Management Education, Pune from 1-4 Jan’2012.
- “A Critical evaluation of the Social Entrepreneurship activities of the Indian ICT Industry” paper presented in the Platinum Jubilee conference of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences; Mumbai held on 17-19th Feb 2012.
- “Accomplishment of Gandhian Globalization is a Myth or Reality” paper presented in the UGC- National Seminar on Globalization, Governance and Gandhi held at Gandhian Studies center, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam on 28th -29th March 2012.
- “E-Entrepreneurship an opportunity for Empowerment of Women in the Digital Era” presented in the 9th bi-annual conference on Entrepreneurship held at EDI, Ahmedabad from 18-20th February 2011.
- “Allowing More FDI in Insurance Sector is an Impedimenta or Impetuous” presented in the National seminar on Emerging Paradigms in Insurance Industry (NCEPII – 2011) organized by the Pondicherry University, Karaikal campus on 26-03-2011.
- ” Privatization of Insurance sector - A ban or boon to the Investors” presented in the National seminar on Emerging Paradigms in Insurance Industry (NCEPII – 2011) organized by the Pondicherry University, Karaikal campus on 26-03-2011.
- Gandhian Principles of Management and Its Contemporary Relevance" presented in the National seminar on Conflict Resolution, Peace and Gandhi. Organized by Gandhian Center, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam on 28&29-3-2011.
- “CSR priorities in the ICT Industry” presented in the National Conference on “Best Practices in Corporate Social Responsibility” organized by the Institute of Public Enterprises and Global Leadership Forum, Hyderabad on 3-4 June 2011.
- “Impact of ICT on Women Empowerment” paper presented and published in the PIMR Sixth National IT Conference – 2011 on “Information and Communication Technologies: Enhancing Business Competencies through Innovative Practices” held on 9-10th Sep 2011 at Prestige Institute of Management & Research, Indore.
- “Role of Commercial Banks for Financial Inclusion in Rural India” paper presented (also published) in the National Conference on Role of Banking sector in Rural Economic Development held on 23rd September 2011, Organized by Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Coimbatore.
- “Protection of Women against Sexual Harassment at workplace – A Case Study of BPO Industry” paper presented in the National Seminar on “Gender at workplace – organized by the A.P University of Law, Vizag on Sep. 2011.
- “Infrastructure finance in India - role of commercial banks” paper presented in National Seminar on Changing Business Practices in 21st Century at CMR College of Engineering, Hyderabad held on 11th &12th November 2011.
- “Impact of globalization on contract labor (regulation and abolition) act, 1970 in Indian manufacturing industry “paper presented in the National Seminar on “Dynamics of Industrial Relations in India – Emerging Challenges and Strategies” organized by the Dept. of Commerce & Management Studies, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam during 11-12th November 2011.
- “A critical evaluation of Corporate Social Accountability Management Standards in Indian Manufacturing sector” paper presented in the “National Seminar on Dynamics of Industrial Relations in India – Emerging Challenges and Strategies” organized by the Dept. of Commerce & Management Studies, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam during 11-12th November 2011.
- “Performance evaluation through HR scorecard” presented in National seminar on “Dynamics of HR tools for Competitive Advantage” held at Andhra University on 19-20 November 2010.
- “A Study on designing & Implementing 360-degree feedback system” presented in National seminar on “Dynamics of HR tools for Competitive Advantage” held at Andhra University on 19-20 November 2010.
- “Financial Inclusion through housing finance” is presented in the National seminar on Financial Inclusion jointly organized by the Andhra University and Indian Bank’s Association at Visakhapatnam on July 19-21, 2009
- “Role of Government in Disaster Management & Preparedness with special reference to the State of Andhra Pradesh” paper presented in the National Seminar on “Climate Change and Economic Development” Organized by Department of Economics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur (Maharashtra) on 16-18 March 2009.
- “Impact of Global Financial crisis on Indian tourism and Hospitality sector” presented in the National Seminar on “Crisis Management - Challenges to tourism and hospitality industry” held at Pondicherry University on 30-4-2009.
- “Financial Conglomerates – Challenges to Regulators” presented in the National seminar on Dynamics of Banking Sector reforms: Emerging Issues, Challenges and strategies” held at Andhra University on 19-21 July 2009 sponsored by AICTE, UGC and Indian Banks Association.
- “A Study on Foreign Direct Investment in Indian Tourism” presented in the Conference on ‘Tourism in India – Challenges Ahead’ organized jointly by IIM Kozhikode and IIM, Lucknow held at IIM, Kozhikode from 15-17th May 2008.
- Imbibing MBO in Teaching – A Successful Experiment of a Result Oriented Strategy"” presented in the “National Seminar cum Workshop on Teaching, Learning & Evaluation Process” Organized by NAAC and CMS, GITAM Visakhapatnam held on 30th & 31st July 2006.
- “Health Insurance in India: Challenges and Opportunities” presented in the 58th All India Commerce Conference held in Varanasi, from 27-29th, December 2005
- “Corporate Governance in Indian capital market” paper presented and published in the proceedings of “National Seminar on Strategies for Turnaround” held at Andhra university on 15-17th Dec,2005, Page Nos.17-21
- “Women Entrepreneurs in the global economy: Impedimenta and impetuous” presented in the seminar on “Women Leadership - challenges and Strategies organized by Department of Commerce & Management studies, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam held on 19-20th November 2004.
- Is Securitization Ordinance improving the profits of PSBs by reducing the NPAs, presented in the 55th All India Commerce Conference, 2002.
- Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Small Business Management
- International Business
- Legal Aspects of Business