Rosmy Joan

Dr. Rosmy Joan specializes in International Economic Law. Prior to her joining at NALSAR University of Law, Dr. Joan worked at the National Law University, Jodhpur for over more than a decade. At NLUJ she headed the Centre for Advanced Research and Training in Arbitration Law (CARTAL); Centre for Studies in Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Law and Policy (CSENRLP); Centre for Studies in Global Trade Engagements and Negotiations (C-GTen) and TradeLab Network; External Initiatives Committee; ADR Committee; and the journals- Trade, Law and Development (TL&D); and Indian Journal of Arbitration Law (IJAL).
Dr. Joan holds B.A. LL.B (Hons.) degree from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala with University First Rank and LL.M in Corporate Laws and International Trade Law from O.P. Jindal Global University with Gold Medal. She was a Savitri Jindal Merit cum Means Graduate Scholar during the Master’s Programme and was awarded the First Position in Dean’s List Award consecutively for two years. During the Masters Programme, she has also completed the Harvard Law School Course on International Negotiation with 100% marks. She holds her doctoral degree in International Investment Law and Policy from the National Law University, Jodhpur.
Dr. Joan has won many accolades of national and international repute. Acknowledging her outstanding academic excellence, the Nani A. Palkhivala Memorial Trust, Mumbai awarded her prestigious Nani A. Palkhivala Gold Medal in 2013. In 2015, The Hague Academy of International Law, The Netherlands honoured her with their distinguished The City of the Hague Scholarship for attending the Summer Session on Private International Law at the Peace Palace, The Hague, The Netherlands. Her alma mater, O. P. Jindal Global University honoured her with the Distinguished Alumni Award for Exemplary Accomplishments in Professional Work in 2019. She was selected as a Host Faculty under the Fulbright-Nehru Specialist Programme and hosted Prof. Jacqueline Lang Weaver, A. A. White Professor of Law at the University of Houston Law Center, Houston, Texas in February 2020. Dr. Joan has been awarded the prestigious Shastri Indo-Canadian Fellowship for Academicians in the area of Energy Law (2019-20). Dr. Joan also won the prestigious grant by the International Atomic Energy Agency (ICNL 2022).
Dr. Joan is a frequent speaker at venues around the world and writes extensively on the issues in public and private laws. Dr. Joan has teaching experience at the doctoral, postgraduate and the undergraduate levels. She very frequently organizes training programmes and certificate courses for researchers, practitioners, academicians, bureaucrats, judges, judicial officers and students. She also organized a number of legal aid camps.
B.A. LL.B (Hons.); LL.M; Ph.D
Successfully guided doctoral scholars and LL.M Dissertations.
- The Zeroing Odyssey: Navigating Modern WTO Trade Wars with Nothingness, in Recent Issues in Trade Remedies under the WTO Regime, CITIL & DGTR, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India (2024).
- Mega-Regional Trade Agreements: An Analysis of the New System of International Economic Governance, XLVII (1&2) CULR (2023).
- Rajasthan, in Ground Water Law and Management in India: From an Elitist to an Egalitarian Paradigm, Springer, Singapore (2021).
- Mobilization of Financial Institutions for Better Environmental Governance and Sustainable Development, 15 JILT 59 (2021).
- National Courts and the Interpretation of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: Some Reflections on Internationality, Uniformity and Good Faith, in Contracts For The International Sale Of Goods: A Multidisciplinary Perspective, Sweet & Maxwell, Thomson Reuters, Hong Kong (2019).
- Investment Rule Making and Good Governance in International Investment Arbitration, 6 (2) RFMLR 1, 1-19 (2019).
- The Standards for Determining ‘Countermeasures’ in the WTO Arbitral Proceedings, SNLCLJ 1 (2017).
- A paper on Nuclear Energy to Combat Climate Change: An Analysis of Nuclear Energy Law Regime in India in the International Atomic Energy Agency First International Conference on Nuclear Law: The Global Debate scheduled from April 25 to 29, 2022 in Vienna, Austria.
- A paper on International Investments in Natural Resources: Some Governance Concerns from a Developing Country Perspective in the 7th Biennial Conference of the Society of International Economic Law organized by the Society of International Economic Law in collaboration with Bocconi University, Milan from July 07 to 09, 2021.
- A paper on Green Bank and a Market for Green Bonds: The Future of Clean Energy Market in India in the 8th Biennial Conference of the Asian Society of International Law organized by UNSW, Canberra at the Australian Defense Force Academy from May 20 to 28, 2021.
- A paper on Renegotiation of Indian Bilateral Investment Treaties: An Analysis from a Development Perspective in the 50th Anniversary UNCITRAL Congress on Modernizing International Trade Law to Support Innovation and Sustainable Development held in July 2017 at the UNCITRAL Secretariat, Vienna, Austria.
- A paper on Whither Corporate Debt Markets for the Indian Infrastructure Development in the 11th Asian Law Institute (ASLI) Conference held at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 29th and 30th May 2014.
- Presented eight issues on international commercial arbitration in the discussion on Complex Issues in International Arbitration in the symposium jointly organized by the American Bar Association Section of International Law, the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes and the London Court of International Arbitration at George Washington University School of Law, Washington D. C. held on 23rd April 2013.
- Speaker in the Seventh Annual International Investment Treaty Arbitration Conference on Investor-State Dispute Resolution in the Energy Sector organized by the Juris Conferences LLC at Grand Hyatt, Washington D. C. held on 22nd April 2013.
- A paper on Euthanasia Good Death or Not? in the Second Annual Younger Comparativists Conference organized by the American Society of Comparative Law at the Indiana University, Indianapolis, USA held during 18th to 19th April 2013.
- Co Chair in the Two Day International Conference on International Trade in Marine Life and Fisheries organized by HNLU Raipur in association with the Shastri Indo Canadian Institute from 25th March 2023 to 26th March 2023.
- A paper on Free Trade in Essential Medicines: An Analysis of TRIPS Plus Commitments and TRIPS Flexibilities in International Investment Agreements Negotiations in the International Conference on International Economic Law scheduled during 19-20 May 2017 at the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies Dehradun.
- A paper on Model Bilateral Investment Treaties and the Role of the State in Investment Rule Making in the South Asia International Economic Law Network Inaugural Conference organized by UNSW Sydney and JGU Delhi during 29-30 April 2017 in New Delhi.
- A paper on International Investment Agreements Reform in India: The Quest for Regulatory Autonomy over Corporate Sovereignty in the International Conference on Law and Policy at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi from 22nd to 23rd October 2016.
- A paper on Proposal for Quota Reform in IMF in the Light of Global Economic Crisis in the International Conference on Global Economic Crisis, Macroeconomic Dynamics and Development Challenges of Developing Economies organized by the Centre for Jawaharlal Nehru Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi & The Indian Council of Social Science Research at New Delhi during 24-25 February 2014.
- A paper on Proposal for Empowering Panchayats and Municipalities to Better Realize Sustainable Development within the Indian Mining Sector in the International Conference on Sustainable Development organized by the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Patiala; Ontario International Development Agency; and the International Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Law at Laurentian University, Canada at Judicial Academy, Chandigarh during 04-05 December 2013.
A paper on How to Make India as Arbitration Hub? in the international seminar on Institutional Arbitration and Online Dispute Resolution Techniques organized by the Construction Industry Arbitration Council in support with United Nations UNCITRAL, Planning Commission-Government of India, Asian African Legal Consultative Organization and Construction Industry Development Council dated 31st January, 2013 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
Private International Law; Alternative Dispute Resolution; Arbitration Law; International Investment Law & Policy; Trade Remedies (ADA, SCMA & SA); The General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (Trade in Goods); Dispute Settlement in International Trade; Trade in Services; Trade in Agriculture; Energy Law; International Project Finance; Property Law; Contract Law; Law of Tort and Consumer Protection; Research Methodology; Health Laws; and Human Rights
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