Sourabh Bharti

My career in law teaching started in 2009 when a faculty position in the IP specialization fell vacant in NALSAR just as I had completed my LLM. I was asked if I would be ready to step forward to take up the job. Having experienced the academic environment at NALSAR, it was impossible for me to decline the opportunity to teach at my alma mater.
I accepted the offer in awareness of the challenges that I was going to face to justify my presence amongst the esteemed faculty of one of the top most law universities in the country. If it was not for the rigorous academic training I received in my undergraduate days at Government Gandhi Memorial Science College, Jammu, one of the few institutions of academic excellence in north India,it would have been next to impossible for me to feel confident enough to take up the responsibility of teaching at NALSAR.
My initial understanding of good teaching was formed by being exposed to analytical skills and communicative clarity of my professors in GGM Science College. These skills stood me in good stead when I shifted from Science to Law. At the Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, I experienced the exhilaration of being taught by some of the best professors in the country.
NALSAR attracts some of the best students of the country and this makes teaching a challenge for any teacher here. The university is also home to people from varied backgrounds with highly varied life experiences. Teaching a class with such diverse set of students therefore becomes a highly enriching experience. Participants in the process of learning, including the teachers, invariably get exposed to the social, political and economic contexts of the legal problems discussed in the class and thereby appreciate the depth of the statement that lawyers are social engineers.
The serenity of NALSAR has helped the poet in me to flourish. The green and clean environment continuously invites me to go for morning jogs and evening walks,-------invitations I am happy to report I accept regularly.
B.Sc. (Govt. Gandhi Memorial College, Jammu, J&K),LL.B. (Faculty of Law, University of Delhi), LL.M. (NALSAR University of Law).
My research interests include exploring the points of conflict between the modern Intellectual Property Rights Systems and the Traditional Knowledge Systems and I am currently pursuing Ph.D. from NALSAR on the same theme.
- Copyright protection and Software Industry, National Seminar on the Relevance of Intellectual Property Rights in Electronics & IT (Confederation of Indian Industries, Hyderabad, February, 2013)
Courses Taught Intellectual Property Rights ; Jurisprudence; Professional Ethics; IPR, Biogenetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge ; Law of Copyright; Law of Trademarks; IPR, Biogenetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge, Administrative Law.;
Course Taught outside NALSAR
Taught a one credit course on the fundamentals of IP at Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Hyderabad in 2013
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Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]