T. Raghavendra Rao

Before joining NALSAR I have worked as faculty member at NUJS, Kolkata, M.S. University of Baroda, and ICFAI University. I have more than 30 years of teaching and research experience and specialize in Environmental Law and Family Law. I have published articles and papers in reputed law journals and participated and presented papers in several National and International Conferences.
M.L. (Andhra University), Ph.D. ( Environmental Law)(Andhra University)
Environmental Law, Health Law, Labour and Industrial Laws, Water Laws
- Environmental Jurisprudence: Indian Perspective. (2006) ISSN/ ISBN No. 978-93-800-87-14-6.
- Judicial Activism in Environmental Law: Indian Perspective (2011) ISSN/ ISBN No. 978-93-800-87-14-6.
- Climate Change, Environmental Protection and the Law (Indian Law Review, NLIU, Bhopal 2010)
- Bio-Diversity and the Law: Indian Perspective, Berhampur University 2011 (Conference proceedings)
- Energy, Environmental Pollution and the Law: Indian Perspective (Conference Proceedings 2011)
- Regional Trade Agreements and SAFTA: An Appraisal (NALSAR, 2011)
- Environmental Protection and the Law: SAARC Perspective (Andhra University, 2010)
- Consumer Protection and the Law: Indian Perspective (Andhra University, 2010)
- Air Pollution and the Law – An Appraisal, ICFAI Journal of Environmental Law 2003 ISSN No. 0972-6942
- Coastal Zone Management and the Law, ICFAI Journal of Environmental Law 2003 ISSN No. 0972-6942
- Biodiversity and the Law – An Appraisal, ICFAI Journal of Environmental Law 2004 ISSN No. 0972-6942
- Population Explosion – Environmental Pollution and the Law, ICFAI Journal of Environmental Law 2004 ISSN No. 0972-6942
- Environmental Protection in the Constitution of India – An Appraisal, ICFAI Journal of Environmental Law 2005 ISSN No. 0972-6942
- Enforcement of Copyright law Indian Perspective, Osmania University, Hyderabad (2004)
- TRIPS – Protection of Plant Varieties and the law – Indian Perspective, Osmania University, Hyderabad (2004).
- Regional Trade Agreements and SAFTA: An Appraisal
- “Freedom of Expression, Media and the Law Indian Context” at National seminar on “Expanding Contours of Freedom of expression in India: Constitutional and Legal Perspectives” at PLC, Osmania University, Hyderabad (October, 2015).
- “Energy, Environmental Pollution and the Law: Indian Perspective”. Energy Law and Policy in India, NLSIU, Bangalore (2016).
- “Corporate Social Responsibility, Environment and Health Issues: Indian Perspective” - Seminar Proceedings on Corporate Social Responsibility: Emerging Trends and Challenges, New Law College, Pune University (March,2017).(ISBN:978-93-24457-40-9)
- “Environmental Concerns, Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainable Development and the Law” - Book on Sustainable Development ,Response to Global Warming and Climate Change, published by A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, New Delhi.(ISBN:978-93-313-2974-5) (2017)
- “Corporate Social Responsibility and the Law: Indian Perspective” - Book on “Corporate Social Responsibility, Public Sectors, Private Sectors and MNCs”, published by Vrinda Publishing House, Chennai (ISBN: 978-93-85518-08-9) (2017)
- “Affirmative Action and Constitution of India: An Appraisal” - Book on Affirmative Action in India, Issues and Perspectives published by Mittal Publications, Delhi. (ISBN: 81-8324-815-2) (2017).
- Mergers and Acquisitions in the Aviation Sector: Legal Issues and Challenges, Book on Aviation and Space industry, Future of Transport Opportunities and Challenges - Center for Aerospace and Defence Laws, NALSAR University of Law, Neelkamal Publications. (ISBN 978939536848-3 (2023) )
Book Reviews:
- The Environmental Economic Revolution: How Business will thrive and the Earth Survive in Years to Come (Michael Silver Stein), ICFAI Journal of Environmental Law 2002 ISSN No. 0972-6942
- High Noon – 20 Global Problems, 20 years to solve them, ICFAI Journal of Environmental Law 2003 ISSN No. 0972-6942
- Environmental Law & Policy in India (Shyam Divan, Armen Rosancranz), ICFAI Journal of Environmental Law 2003 ISSN No. 0972-6942
- Environmental issues and Sustainable Development (S.C Kalwar), ICFAI Journal of Environmental Law 2003 ISSN No. 0972-6942
- Encyclopedia of Environment and Pollution Laws (R.S. Bedi & A.S. Bedi), ICFAI Journal of Environmental Law 2003 ISSN No. 0972-6942
- International Handbook of Pollution Control (Edward J. Kormandy), ICFAI Journal of Environmental Law 2004 ISSN No. 0972-6942
- Hazardous waste liability warren Fredman), ICFAI Journal of Environmental Law 2004 ISSN No. 0972-6942
- Bio-Medical Waste and the Law (Dr. S.V. Joga Rao), ICFAI Journal of Environmental Law 2005 ISSN No. 0972-6942
- Law on Protection of Personal and Official Information in India (Book Review), NALSAR 2011.
1. Participated and presented a paper on Disarment – NPT Environmental Pollution and the Law in the National Seminar (Nagarjuna University, March 1995).
2. Participated and presented a paper on Protective Measures to Emancipate Child Labour (Utkal University, May, 1995).
3. Participated and Presented a paper on Child Labour and the Law in the National Seminar( Jeypore Law College, Jaipur, March 1997)
4. Participated and Presented a paper on Coastal Zone Management and the Law in National Seminar on Oceanography and Coastal Zone Management (NIO, Visakhapatnam, April, 1997)
5. Participated and Presented a paper on in National Seminar on Family Law (Pondicherry University, August, 1997)
6. Participated and Presented a paper on Refugees Law in the National Seminar (University of Madras, November 1997)
7. Participated and Presented a paper on Legal Protection of Forest and Wild Life in the National Seminar (WWF Madras, November, 1997)
8. Participated and Presented a paper in the International Congress on Sustainable Development of Environment and Wild Life (MPISSR, Ujjain, December, 1997)
9. Participated and Presented a paper on International Commercial Arbitration in Indian Perspective in the UGC National Seminar(University of Madras, January, 1996)
10. Participated and Presented a paper in the UGC National Seminar on Protection of Forests : Legal Aspects (Andhra University, Feb, 2001)
11. Participated in the National Seminar on Dimensions of Education under the Indian Constitution (Hyderabad, July, 2003)
12. Participated and Presented a paper in the UGC National Seminar on Urban Lakes Environmental Status, Economics and Management Options (Hyderabad, April, 2003)
13. Participated and Presented a paper in the National Seminar on Industrial Pollution Environmental Protection and the Law (Hyderabad, October, 2003)
14. Participated and Presented a paper in the National Seminar on Enforcement of Copyright Law : Indian Perspective (OU, Hyderabad, January, 2004)
15. Participated and Presented a paper in the National Seminar on TRIPS : Protection of Plant Verities and the Law : Indian Perspective (OU, Hyderabad, August, 2004)
16. Participated in the Two-Day Sensitization Programme on Abatement of Pollution ( NALSAR University of Law, District Bar Association, Srikakulam ( March, 2005)
17. Participated and Presented a paper in the National Seminar on Development of Constitutional Law in India through Judicial Process(Hyderabad, March, 2006)
18. Participated in the International Seminar on Intellectual Property Education and Research ( Maxplank Institute for IPR, WIPO, NALSAR University of Law, November, 2006)
19. Participated in the International Conference on Impact of TRIPS in Indo-US Exchange (University of Oklahoma College of Law and Michigan State University College of Law, NALSAR University of Law, December, 2006.
20. Participated in the National Workshop on Legal Education Challenges and Perspectives
(Hyderabad, June, 2007)
21. Participated in the National Conference on the Liberalization and Privatization of Airlines and Airports in India, NALSAR University of Law, April, 2008.
22. Participated and presented a paper on Human Rights and ICC (ICRC, NALSAR University of Law,( March, 2009.
23. Participated and presented a paper in the Aerospace Law Meet (NALSAR University of Law (March, 2009).
24. Participated in the National Workshop on SAARC Trade Relations : Legal Issues and Challenges (NALSAR University of Law, Feb, 2010)
25. Participated and presented a paper on Environmental Protection and the Law : SAARC Perspective in International Seminar on SAARC Towards a greater Connectivity ( AU Visakhapatnam, March, 2010)
26. Participated and presented a paper on Consumer Protection and the Law : Indian Perspective in the National Seminar ( AU Visakhapatnam, August, 2010)
27. Participated as resource person in the National seminar on Bio-Diversity Environmental Issues and Concerns (SK University/Rayalseema University, Dec, 2010)
28. Participated and presented a paper on Hazardous Waste, Environmental Pollution and the Law: Indian Perspective, (ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education, Hyderabad, Feb, 2011.)
29. Participated and presented a paper on Child, Human Rights and the Law in the UGC / SAAP National Seminar (AU, March, 2011)
30. Participated in the International Conference on Promoting Intra Regional Trade in South Asia: Role of SAARC, (NALSAR University of Law, March, 2011)
31. Participated and Presented a paper on Sustainable use of Energy Issues and Challenges in National Seminar (NALSAR, April, 2011)
32. Participated
33. and presented a paper on Energy, Environmental Pollution and the Law : Indian Perspective, (SK University and Rayalseema University, August, 2011)
34. Participated and presented a paper on Biodiversity and the Law: Indian Perspective in the UGC National Seminar on IPRs Issues and Challenges (Berhampur University, Dec, 2011).
35. Participated in the GIGA National Seminar on Internet Law and Governance – An Insight for Judiciary, (G0IGA / NALSAR, March, 2012).
36. Participated in the GIGA International Conference on Revisiting Internet Governance – Lessons Learnt and Road Ahead, (GIGA / NALSAR, April, 2012).
37. Submitted a paper to the National Seminar on Clinical Trails, Human Rights and the Law, AU Visakhapatnam, March, 2012.
Seminars/Conferences 2011-2012
1) National Seminar on Environmental Law – Contemporary Issues, Challenges and Future Perspectives. ( DS National Law University 2012)
2) International Conference on India – Sri Lanka Relations: Strengthening SAARC, (Osmania University 2012)
3) National Seminar on impact and effectiveness of consumer protection Act : Problems and perspectives ( IIPA, Andhra University, 2013)
4) UGC National Seminar on Human Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility ( Andhra University 2013)
5) National Workshop on NRI Marriages: Need for a New Legal Regime. (NALSAR University of Law, 2013)
6) International Conference on Regional Economic Cooperation in SAARC: Problems and Prospects for Investments (NALSAR University of Law 2013)
7) National Work Shop on Liberalization and Privatization of Space Activities in India : Emerging Legal Issues (NALSAR University of Law 2013)
Seminars/Conferences (2015)
• Presented paper on “Good Governance and Human Rights: Indian Context” at UGC National Seminar on “Good Governance and Human Rights: Issues and Challenges, University College of Law, Kakatiya University, Warangal held in March, 2015.
• Presented paper on “Human Rights and Environmental Education: Policy and the Law-Indian Context” at National Seminar on “Human Rights and Values in Education” at Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur held in March, 2015.
• Presented paper on “Energy, Environmental Pollution and the Law: Indian Context” at National seminar on “Energy Law and Policy” at MNRE (Govt. of India), CEERA&CSD, NLSIU Bangalore held in July, 2015.
• Presented paper on “Freedom of Expression, Media and the Law Indian Context” at National seminar on “Expanding Contours of Freedom of expression in India: Constitutional and Legal Perspectives” at PLC, Osmania University, Hyderabad held in October, 2015.
1. Presented a paper on “Real Estate: Policy and the Law: Indian Perspective in the National Seminar on Law and Practice in Real Estate in India, NLSIU, Bangalore (January, 2016).
2. Presented a paper on “ Rule of Law and Judicial Activism in India: in the National Seminar on Rule of Law and Frontiers of Judicial Activism, , Savithribai Phule Pune University, New Law College,Ahmednagar(January,2016).
3. Presented a paper on “Environmental Protection: Sustainable Development, Policy and the Law: Indian Context: in the National Conference on Indian Society and Emerging Social Issues, RGNLU, Punjab,ICSSR(April,2016).
4. Presented a paper on “Cybercrimes: Banking and Financial Institutions: Indian Context in the National Seminar on “Information Technology and the Law; Issues, concerns and Challenges, College of Law, Osmania University, Hyderabad (April, 2016).
- 6. Participated in the National seminar on Law and Practice in Real Estate in India organised by MHUPA, NLSIU, Bangalore( January,2016)
- 7. Participated in the National Seminar on Rule of Law and Frontiers of Judicial Activism, organised bySavithribai Phule Pune University, New Law College, Ahmednagar(January,2016)
- 8. Participated in the National conference on Indian Society and Emerging Social Issues organised by ICSSR,RGNLU, Punjab (April,2016)
- 9. Participated in the National Seminar on Information Technology and the Law: issues, Concerns and Challenges organised by Dept. Of Law, College of Law, Osmania University, Hyderabad (April, 2016).
- 10. Attended the Professional Development Training Workshop on Teaching, Practice of Consumer Rights Advocacy and Access to Justice, held under the auspices of IBA Chair on CLE, chair on CLP (Government of India), M.K. Nambyar Academy for CLE, MILAT, Kochi, NLSIU, Bangalore (2016).
- 11. Participated in the Regional Workshop on Elimination of Bonded Labour held under the auspices of NHRC, Govts Telangana and A.P., Hyderabad (September 2016).
- 12. Participated in the Ist Indo-Canadian Conference on Entrepreneurial Universities: The Future of Indian Universities, CMS NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad (November 2016).
Seminars/Conferences (2017-18):
• Presented a paper on “Corporate Social Responsibility, Environment and Health Issues” at the National Seminar on “Corporate Social Responsibility, Emerging Trends and Challenges organised by New Law College, Pune University (March, 2017).
• Presented a paper titled “Corporate Social Responsibility and the Law: Indian Perspective” at the International Seminar on Corporate Social Responsibility and got Best Paper Presentation Award at Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur (March, 2017).
• Presented a paper titled “Water Disputes between India and Pakistan: Policy and the Law: An Appraisal” at the International conference on Water sharing in SAARC Region: Legal Issues and Challenges at NALSAR (March, 2017)
• Presented a paper titled “Nuclear Energy, Policy and the Law: Indian Perspective” at the National Seminar on Renewable Energy, Sustainable Development and Consumer Protection at Rajiv Gandhi National Law University, Punjab (March, 2017).
• Participated in the Telangana State Level Seminar on “Consumer Law- Redressal Mechanism and Recent Developments” and presented a paper on “ Consumer Protection and the Law in India: An Appraisal under the aegis of Consumer Law Chair, Nalsar University of Law &Pendekanti Law College, (Osmania University), Hyderabad.( October,2017).
• Participated in The Andhra Pradesh State Level Seminar on “ Emerging Trends in Consumer Law: Redressal Mechanisms “ and presented a paper on “ Consumer Protection Act and Consumer Protection Bill,2015: An Appraisal, under the aegis of Consumer Law Chair, Nalsar University of Law, V.D. Siddhartha Law College,( Krishna University), Vijayawada.(October,2017)
• Participated in the Workshop on “Consumer Protection Bill-2018”, Organized by FTAPCCI under the aegis of Consumer Law Chair, Nalsar University of Law, Hyderabad (October, 2018).
1) UGC Refresher Course for Law Teachers, Academic Staff College, NLSIU Bangalore,
(October 1994)
2) UGC Refresher Course in Law, Academic Staff College, Andhra University. (August 1995)
3)UGC Refresher Course, Teachers Training Program on Teaching Environmental Law in the Universities, CERA, Academic Staff College, NLSIU Bangalore. (November 1998)
4) Orientation Course for Law Teachers, Academic Staff College, Andhra University.( December 2000)
5) ICRC and UNHCR, Teaching Session on IHL and Refugee Law, NLSIU Bangalore. ( May 2006). Conferred with Best Country Paper Presentations Award.
6) Course on Environmental Protection and the Law, CPR Environmental Education Centre, MOEF Government of India, (Chennai, November 1997)
7) Faculty Development Program for University Teachers ( ICFAI, Hyderabad, April 2003)
8) Training Program on Law Teaching and Legal Research Skills, Cardiff Law School, British Council, South India, NALSAR University of Law, ( March 2007)
9) Sensitization and Training Program on Human Rights Protection for Refugees and International Humanitarian Law, UNHCR, ICRC and NALSAR University of Law (October 2005)
10) Professional Development Training Workshop on Consumer Rights Advocacy and Access to Justice, IBA Chair on Continuing Legal Education, Chair on Consumer Law and Practice, NLSIU Banglore in Asssociation with M. K. Nambiar Academy for CLE, Kochi, and Menon Institute of Legal Advocacy and Training ( MILAT), NLSIU Banglore ( July 2016)
Courses Taught -Environmental Law; Human Rights; International Humanitarian Law; Refugee Laws; Labour Laws; International Trade Laws; Marine Pollution Laws; SEBI- Capital Issues & Listing; Company Administration-Mergers & Acquisitions, Energy Law, Corporate Insolvency Law, Corporate Environmental Law, Law of Environment and Health. Current- Health Law, Water Disputes Law, Industrial Laws & Social Security Legislations, Labour Laws