Amita Dhanda, Emeritus

I started my professional career in 1984 as a researcher at the Indian Law Institute, New Delhi. Due to these research capabilities, Justice Bhagwati the then Chief Justice of India selected me to clerk for him till 1986. My stint at the Supreme Court happened when the institution of research clerks was viewed with scepticism and suspicion and hence making a space for the position was an uphill task. Even so the learnings on judicial culture and psychology are irreplaceable. After my return from the Court in 1987, I worked at the Indian Law Institute till 1999, where I had the hands on opportunity to learn to research, write, edit and teach in association with renowned scholars. The Supreme Court Commission to investigate the condition of persons with mental illness in the jails of West Bengal; chairing the Committee to suggest amendments to the Disability Act of 1995; and co-editing a festschrift in honour of Prof Lotika Sarkar were heart-warming work assignments; and negotiating employee entitlements as President of the Employee Welfare Association brought home to me the difference between the rhetoric and reality of law.
In 1999 I joined NALSAR as its first full time professor. Since I had pre-dominant experience in research I had the enthusiasm of a fresh recruit towards my teaching, which coupled with the authority of seniority, allowed experimentation. My enthusiasm was re-doubled by the fact that as a single discipline university we had easier protocols for floating courses, amending curriculums and experimenting with evaluation. I have taught like a researcher and my courses do not impart existing information but dwell on questions that need further investigation. Since our students stay with us over extended periods of time, I have enjoyed the opportunity to build learning together relationships with them.
I am also defined by my feminist pride in my traditional build; my sweet tooth, which keeps me traditionally built; and my work obsessions, which trump my fitness travails and cause me to miss the movies I should see but watch the soaps I should miss.
I am continuing with NALSAR as a Professor Emerita, with effect from February 1,2021.
- B.A. (Hons.), University of Delhi, 1976
- LL.B., University of Delhi, 1979
- LL.M., University of Delhi, 1982
- Ph.D., University of Delhi, 1995 (For the Thesis: A Critical Appraisal of the Laws Relating to the Mentally Ill)
Research Consultancies
- Awarded a three-year project by Ford Foundation entitled Incubating a Discourse for Cooperation, Contentment and Care to Enable Justice for All (2018–2021).
- Completed a project on Knowledge Based Intervention to Strengthen the Realisation of Socio-Economic Rights. The project produced four publication worthy books and innumerable locally consumable knowledge products. Also undertook numerous conversations with local, national and international players (2014–2017).
- Resource Person for Training Workshop on Empowerment of Self Advocates organized by Vidyasagar in Chennai (November 24–26, 2008).
- Resource Person for Training of Zonal Disability Advocates organized by the National Trust in Hyderabad (November 4–5, 2008).
- Resource Person for the workshop titled, How has the CRPD Addressed the Question of Forced Interventions at the International Conference on Risks and Rights organized by ANZPPL in Sydney (October 23, 2008).
- Resource Person for the National Workshop on Harmonizing PWDA with Disabilities Rights in New Delhi (March 2008).
- Key Resource Person at Regional Symposium on Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Shishu Sarothi, Guwahati (November 23, 2007).
- Legal Resource Person at Regional Consultation on Legal Capacity & Guardianship under the National Trust Act, Tamil Nadu Judicial Academy, Chennai (June 2007).
- Resource Person for the Northern Region Teacher Training Workshop, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi (January 26–28, 2007).
- Legal Resource Person in Training Programs organized by the Gujarat Legal Services Authority and Bapu Trust, Pune to train judicial officers in Gujarat (January and March 2005).
- Commissioned by the National Human Rights Commission as resource person for a training the trainer program on Disability Rights.
- Commissioned by the National Commission for Women to suggest amendments to the Mental Health Act from a gender perspective.
- Commissioned by the Supreme Court to be the research consultant for the exhibition to commemorate 50 years of the Supreme Court and my work was appreciatively acknowledged by the Chairperson of the Exhibition Committee Mr. Justice G. B. Pattanaik, Judge Supreme Court of India.
- Commissioned by National Human Rights Commission to prepare a status paper on the legal status of persons with epilepsy. The same was submitted in January 1998.
- Legal Resource Person at the National Consultation on Codification of Criminal Laws for Women, Andhra Pradesh Judicial Academy and National Commission for Women, Hyderabad (February 1997).
- Honorary Consultant to Ministry of Welfare and National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped on legislation for persons with mental disability (March–June 1994).
- Legal Resource person in Training Programme on Law and Mental Health for Judicial Officers and Mental Health Professionals, organised by Training Directorate, High Court of Kerala, at Trivandrum, (February 1992, March 1994, February 1995).
- Temporary Consultant on AIDS and Law to the World Health Organisation, New Delhi (November 1991).
- Temporary Consultant on Promotion of Mental Health through Law to the World Health Organisation, Geneva (March 1990).
Disability Rights Initiatives
Disability Rights Advocacy
- NGO Delegate and Legal Resource-Person in the United Nations Ad Hoc Committee on the Disability Convention to assist in the adoption of a Disability Convention which accords recognition to the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Wrote a series of concept papers on legal capacity which substantially contributed to the legal provision finally adopted by the United Nations.
- Intervened as petitioner-in-person as a Founder Trustee of Bapu Trust in Saarthak v. Union of India to highlight the perspective of users and survivors and to keep the Court informed with international developments in disability rights.
Country Reporting Process
- Prepared the draft Country Report for the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment to be submitted to the United Nations Treaty body on the Convention Rights of Persons with Disabilities (May 2012).
- Written a chapter on “The Process of State Party Reporting to the CRPD Committee: The Indian Experience” for Emily Kakoullis and Kelley Johnson (eds.), Recognising Rights in Different Cultural Contexts (Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming).
Legislative Reform
- Prepared a Memorandum on the Mental Health Care Bill, 2013 and then testified before the Rajya Sabha Joint Committee on October 21, 2013.
- Legal Consultant to the Committee established by Ministry of Social Justice and empowerment to formulate a new law on Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The legislation was prepared and submitted with full justification (June 2011).
- Prepared the National Trust for the Legal Capacity and Support and Support for Persons with Disabilities Amendment, Bill of 2011 to bring the National Trust Act in harmony with the UNCRPD (July 2011).
- Prepared Consultation paper for a Consortium of Non-Governmental Organizations suggesting amendments to the Persons with Disabilities Act to bring it in harmony with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and facilitated discussions on the same in New Delhi (March 2008).
- Jointly prepared with Gabor Gombos a consultation paper for the National Trust suggesting amendments to the National Trust Act to bring it in harmony with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and facilitated discussions on the same at Bangalore and Guwahati (July–August 2008)
Persons with Disabilities Act 1995
- Nominated by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment as Chairperson of a high-powered Committee to suggest Amendments to the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunity, Full Participation and Protection of Rights) Act 1995 in August 1998. After extensive consultations with non-governmental organisations and experts, submitted Interim Report in December 1998 and after regional consultations, the Final Report in March 1999.
Court Initiated Reforms
- Appointed co-commissioner in June 1992 by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in the case of Sheela Barse v. State of West Bengal W.P. (Crl) No.237 of 1989 to investigate the conditions of persons with mental illness in the jails of West Bengal.
- Conducted field studies in jails and mental hospitals of West Bengal in August–September 1992. Submitted report to the Court entitled Unlock the Padlock: Mental Health Care in West Bengal in January 1993.
- The report was appreciatively commented upon by the court in its order delivered in Feb. 1993 and provided the empirical basis to the ruling of the Court by which it held the housing of mentally in jails to be unconstitutional in Sheela Barse v. Union of India (1993) 4 SCC 204.
Memorandum to Law Commission
- Submitted a Memorandum to the Law Commission of India on the amendments required in Chapter XXV of the Code of Criminal Procedure on the trial of persons of unsound mind. The suggestions have been incorporated by the Law Commission of India in its 154th Report on the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Assisting the Executive
- Assisted the National Institute of Mental Handicap Hyderabad in drafting the rules and regulations for the National Trust for Persons with Mental Retardation, Cerebral Palsy Autism and Multiple Disabilities Act of 1999 (November 1999 and May 2000).
- Was a member of the Drafting Committee on National Trust for Persons with Mental Retardation Cerebral Palsy and Autism Bill, which work resulted in the National Act being finalized and subsequently enacted (November–December 1997).
Citizens Bill
- Member of a citizens’ group which drafted a Citizen’s bill for Persons with Disability. March–June 1994. This Bill assisted rights advocacy for persons with disability.
Supporting People’s Law Reform Initiatives
- Facilitated from 2004 to 2006 a series of workshops with cross disability organizations on the drafting of the Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities supported by Action Aid India Office.
- In 1997 provided a year-long training to individual experts and civil society groups on the legal status of persons with intellectual disability. The study laid the foundation of lay understanding on the necessity of engaging with the law. The initiative laid the basis for a number of informed law-making efforts from civil society.
- (ed.), Jain and Jain Principles of Administrative Law, 7th Edition (Lexis Nexis-Butterworths, 2017).
- (ed.), N S Bindra’s Interpretation of Statutes, 12th Edition (Lexis Nexis-Butterworths, 2017).
- with Archana Parashar (eds.), Redefining Family Law in India (Routledge, 2008, paperback edition with new afterword, 2016).
- (ed.), N.S.Bindra’s Interpretation of Statutes, 11th Edition (Lexis Nexis-Butterworths, 2014).
- Handbook on Legal Capacity in the CRPD for the Office of the Human Rights Commissioner, United Nations, Geneva (2010).
- with Rajive Raturi (eds.), Harmonizing Laws with the UNCRPD, (2010)
- with Gabor Gombos, Catalyzing Self Advocacy: An Experiment in India (Bapu Trust, Pune, 2009).
- with Archana Parashar (eds.), Decolonization of Legal Knowledge (Routledge, 2009).
- with M N Rao (eds.), NS Bindra’s Interpretation of Statutes 10th Edition (Lexis Nexis-Butterworths, 2007).
- with Gita Ramaswamy, On their Own: A Socio-Legal Investigation of Inter-Country Adoptions in India (Otherwise Publications, 2005).
- Legal Order and Mental Disorder (Sage Publications, 2000).
- (ed.) Moot Courts for Interactive Education (Gogia and Company, 2000).
- with Archana Parashar (eds.), Engendering Law: Essays in Honour of Lotika Sarkar (Eastern Book Company, 1999).
- with Upendra Baxi, Valiant Victims and Lethal Litigation: The Bhopal Case (Indian Law Institute, 1990).
- assisted in D.A. Desai, M. L. Jain and Madhava Menon (eds.) Ratanlal Dhirajlal, Law of Crimes 23rd Edition (vol.1, 1987) (vol.2, 1988).
- with O.P. Shukla, Referencer to Statutory Rules and Orders 1983 (Indian Law Institute, 1987).
- Referencer to Statutory Rules and Orders 1982 (Indian Law Institute, 1986).
Book Chapters and Articles
- “A Disability Studies Reading of the Law for Persons with Disabilities in India” in Anita Ghai (ed.) Disability in South Asia: Knowledge and Experience (Sage Publications, 2018).
- “Case for and Against the CRPD Paradigm of Universal Legal Capacity with Support” translated to French in Benoit Eyraud, Julie Minoc and Cecile Hanon (eds.) Choisir et agir pour autrui? (John Libbey Eurotext, 2018).
- with Gabor Gombos, “Questions of Criminal Culpability and Persons with Disabilities” in Eilionóir Flynn, Anna Arstein-Kerslake, Clíona de Bhailís, Maria Laura Serra (eds.), Global Perspectives on Legal Capacity Reform: Our Voices, Our Stories (Routledge, 2018)
- Foreword to R C Jiloha, Prerna Kukreti, and Dinesh Kataria, Forensic Psychiatry: An Indian Perspective (Jaypee, 2018).
- Foreword to Neha Pathakji, Corporations and Disability Rights: Bridging the Digital Divide (Oxford University Press, 2018).
- “Conversations Between the Proponents of the New Paradigm of Legal Capacity” 13(1) International Journal of Law in Context (2017) 87–95.
- “Sizing Up the Opposition: Taking the Comparative Route to Entrench the CRPD Paradigm” in M P Singh (ed.), The Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law (Oxford University Press, 2017).
- “From Duality to Indivisibility: Mental Health Care and Human Rights” 32(3) South African Journal on Human Rights (2016) 438–456.
- “Making up the Indian Legal Mind on the Legal Capacity of Persons with Disabilities” 14 Journal of the National Human Rights Commission (2015) 53–71.
- “The Disability Perspective on Key Legal Concepts”, Introduction to Philosophy of Law, Module-I of the Philosophy of Law Project, University of Hyderabad.
- “Sameness and Difference: Twin Track Empowerment for Women with Disabilities” in Renu Adlakha (ed.) Disability Studies in India: Global Discourses, Local Realities (Routledge, 2013).
- Mental Health, Human Rights Law, Medico-Friends Bulletin (February, 2015).
- “Universal Legal Capacity as a Universal Human Right”, in Michael Dudley, Derrick Silove and Fran Gale (eds.) Mental Health and Human Rights (Oxford University Press, 2012).
- “Constructing the New Paradigm of Universal Legal Capacity with Support”, 1 (3–4) Fogyatekossag es Tasadalom (2009) 2257-268.
- “Disability Health and Human Rights” 11 ILS Law Review (2009) 15.
- “The Jurisprudence of Inclusion: Book review of Martha Nussbaum’s Frontiers of Justice, Disability, Nationality, Species Membership” 7 Journal of the National Human Rights Commission (2008).
- “A Psychosocial Critique of the Law of Adoption in India” in Archana Parashar & Amita Dhanda (eds.) Redefining Family Law in India (New Delhi: Routledge 2008).
- “Constructing a New Human Rights Lexicon: Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” 4 (1) Sur International Journal of Human Rights (2008).
- “What does the Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities Promise to Persons with Psychosocial Disability?” Aaina (March, 2007).
- “Legal Capacity in the Disability Rights Convention: Stranglehold of the Past or Lodestar for the Future”, 34(2) Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce (2007) 429-462.
- with Thelma Narayan, “Mental Health and Human Rights,” The Lancet Online (4 September, 2007).
- “Civil and Political Rights of Persons with Disabilities” in Disability Rights Manual (National Human Rights Commission, 2005).
- “The Right to Treatment of Persons with Psycho-Social Disabilities and the Role of Courts” 28 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry (2005) 155–170.
- “A Participative Evaluation of Rights of Persons with Psychosocial Disability” 3 Journal of National Human Rights Commission India (2004) 117.
- “Interface of Law in Mental Health” in Priorities for Mental Health Sector Development in Gujarat (Dept. of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Gujarat, 2003).
- “According Reality to Disability Rights: Role of the Judiciary” in Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Indian Law Institute, 2002).
- “Psychologising Dissent: Psychiatric Labelling and Social Control” in Amita Dhanda and Archana Parashar (eds.), Engendering Law: Essays in Honour of Lotika Sarkar (Eastern Book Company, 1999).
- “Insanity in Law: Dissent Deviance and Disorder” in Satish Saberwal and Heiko Sievers (eds.), Rules Laws and Constitutions (Sage Publications, 1998).
- with S.K. Chatrath, “Expenditure for Medical Treatment: A Reexamination of the Deduction Provision,” The Tax Bar (March 1998).
- “Involuntary Commitment to Mental Hospitals,” The Lawyers (November 1995).
- “Law Psychiatry and Human Right,” Seminar (June 1995).
- “Mental Health Treatment for Minors: The Problems of an Unproblematic Approach”, Journal of Indian Law Institute (September–December 1994).
- “Why is a Comprehensive Legislation Required for Persons with Disabilities”, Samadhan News (March 1995).
- “Promotion of Mental Health Care by Courts: The Role of Non- Governmental Organisations” Health for Millions (1994).
- “Mental Health Law and Policy: Need for Coordination” in P. Mane and K. Gandevia (eds.), Mental Health in India (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, 1994).
- “Strategies of Professional Collaboration to Promote the Rights of the Mentally Ill” (Scarf-Lawasia, 1992).
- “Should Mental Illness be a Bar to Marriage or a Ground for Divorce”, (Scarf- Lawasia, 1992).
- “Regulating Mental Health Services through Nodal Mental Health Authorities: A Critical Evaluation”, LIII (1) Indian Journal of Social Work (1992).
- “Law Policy for the Mentally Retarded “, XXXX (1) Indian Council of Child Welfare News Bulletin (1992).
- “A Plea for a Distinct Legal Regime for Persons with Mental Retardation”, 1 (2) Vatsalya Darpan (1992).
- “Adjudicative Justice for Mental Hospital Inmates” 3(1) International Bulletin of Law and Mental Health (1991).
- “Legal Recognition for Mental Health Professionals—An Advocacy”, Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology (1991).
- “Public Interest Litigation for the Mentally Ill” 32 (3) Journal of Indian Law Institute (1990).
- “In the Light of Its Non-enforcement: A Critical Appraisal of the Mental Health Act of 1987” 9 Continuing Medical Education Programme (Indian Psychiatric Society, 1990).
- “Non- Communication between Law and Psychiatry: A Focus on the Victims of this Cold War” in Upendra Baxi (ed.), Law and Poverty: Critical Essays (Tripathi, 1988).
- “Rights of the Mentally Ill: A Forgotten Domain” in Upendra Baxi (ed.), The Right to be Human (1987).
- with D S Goel, “Women and Mental Health” in Mental Health: An Indian Perspective 1946–2003 (2004).
- “Women and the Law on Unsoundness of Mind” in Bhargavi Davar (ed.) Mental Health from a Gender Perspective (Sage, 2001).
- “Law, Gender and Insanity” in Patricia Uberoi (ed.), Social Reform, Sexuality and the State (Sage Publications, 1996).
- “Womb Removal of Women with Mental Retardation: Constitutional Constraints on State Power”, Samadhan News (March 1994).
- “Book review of Vasudha Dhagamwar's Women and Divorce” 30 (4) Journal Indian Law Institute (1988).
- “The Plight of the Doubly Damned: The Mentally Ill Women in India” in P. Leelakrishnan and G. Sadasivan Nair (eds.), New Horizons of Law (1987).
- “Daughter's Duty to Maintain Parents: Supreme Court on the Path of Son-Daughter Parity” 29 (1) Journal of Indian Law Institute (1987).
- “Book Review of M. N. Srinivas Reflections on Dowry” 28 (1) Journal of Indian Law Institute (1986).
- “Does the Offence of Adultery Accord Protection to Women and Marriage” 12(3) Ind Bar Review (1985).
- “Unravelling the Poverty Conundrum to Reach the Sustainable Development Goal of Eradicating Poverty”, 15 Journal of the National Human Rights Commission India (2016) 93-111.
- “Realising the right to health through co-operative judicial review: An analysis of the role of the Indian Supreme Court” in Oscar Vilhena, Upendra Baxi and Frans Viljoen (eds.) Transformative constitutionalism: Comparing the apex courts of Brazil, India and South Africa (Pretoria: Pretoria University Law Press, 2013).
- “What should be the Role of Law in Aids Control?” in Ritu Priya (ed.) Dialogues on AIDS: Perspectives for AIDS in India (Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam Publications, 2009).
- “The AIDS Prevention Bill of 1989—An Agenda for the Joint Select Committee”, 33 (1) Journal of Indian Law Institute (1991).
- “Compassion Not Coercion”, XVII (4) Health for Millions (1991).
Legal Theory and Education
- “Teaching Baxi and Learning from Him: The Symbiotic Relationship between Learning and Teaching” Jindal Global Review (October 2018).
- “The Criminal Justice Process of India and an Interview with Mr Dinesh Mathur, Senior Advocate High Court of Delhi” in Jane Delahunty and Dilip K Das (eds.) Trends in Legal Advocacy: Interviews with Prosecutors and Criminal Defense Lawyers Across the Globe (CRC Press, 2016).
- “The Power of One: The Law Teacher in the Academy” in Amita Dhanda and Archana Parashar (eds.) Decolonization of Legal Knowledge (Routledge, 2009).
- “Powering Responsibility, Conscience-Keeping in Public Law: The Scholarship of S.P. Sathe” 1 (1) The Indian Journal of Constitutional Law (2007) 1-18.
- “A Case of Judicial Fatigue—Dilsher Singh v. State” Crimes (1985).
- “A Boon for the Self Occupying Owner—Shiela Kaushish v. CIT” Indian Tax Cases (1984).
Annual Surveys of Indian Laws
- “Annual Survey of Central Legislation 1997-98 in XXXII ASIL (Indian Law Institute).
- “Annual Survey of Central Legislation 1996” XXXI ASIL (Indian Law Institute)
- “Annual Survey of Central Legislation 1995” in XXX ASIL (Indian Law Institute)
- “Annual Survey of Central Subordinate Legislation 1995” in XXX ASIL (Indian Law Institute)
- “Annual Survey of Central Legislation 1994 “, XXIX ASIL (Indian Law Institute).
- “Annual Survey of Central Subordinate Legislation 1994” XXIX ASIL (Indian Law Institute).
- “Annual Survey of Central Legislation 1993”, XXVIII ASIL (Indian Law Institute).
- “Annual Survey of Central Subordinate Legislation 1993”, XXVIII ASIL (Indian Law Institute).
- “Annual Survey on Central Subordinate Legislation 1992”, XXVII ASIL (Indian Law Institute).
- “Annual Survey of Central Subordinate Legislation 1991”, XXVII ASIL (Indian Law Institute).
- “Annual Survey of Central Subordinate Legislation 1990”, XXVI ASIL (Indian Law Institute).
- “Annual Survey of Central Subordinate Legislation 1989”, XXV ASIL (Indian Law Institute).
- “Annual Survey of Central Subordinate Legislation 1988”, XXIV ASIL (Indian Law Institute).
- “Annual Survey of Central Subordinate Legislation 1987”, XXIII ASIL (Indian Law Institute).
- “Annual Survey of Central Subordinate Legislation 1984” XIX ASIL (Indian law Institute).
- A Report on National Workshop on Legal Regulation of Hazardous Substances and Processes (Indian Law Institute, December 1998)
- Judicial Process and Urbanisation: Role of the Supreme Court (submitted by the Indian Law Institute to the National Commission of Urbanisation, 1988)
- with Kusum Kumar, Furqan Ahmad and Thomas Paul, Backgrounder for the International Conference on Global Health Law (New Delhi, December 1997)
- Cases and Materials for the National Workshop on Legal Regulation of Hazardous Substances and Processes (New Delhi, November–December 1996)
- Study Materials for Regional Workshop on Mental Retardation and the Law (Bombay, March 1996)
- with Kusum Kumar, Furqan Ahmad and Thomas Paul, Background Materials for International Conference on AIDS and the Law (New Delhi, December 1995).
Writing in Popular Media
- “Silence, no longer an option: Need more than the law to oust sexual harassment”, Deccan Chronicle, October 7, 2018.
- “Leila Seth: Striving for Justice in Word and Deed”, New Indian Express, May 11, 2017.
- “Supreme Court’s order against Justice Karnan fails the test of law – and compassion”, Scroll.in, May 11, 2017.
- “For a Rights Based Approach” Frontline, September 16, 2016.
- “Curfews, Bandhs and People's Rights”, New Indian Express, August 31, 2016.
- “Reasonable Accommodation for All”, Café Dissensus, August 14, 2016.
- “Viklang or divyang: what is in a name?”, New Indian Express, June 4, 2016.
- “Warped priorities: Why a law for terminating treatment before providing for it makes no sense”, Scroll.in, June 2, 2016.
- “On Protecting the Rights of Women with Disabilities”, New Indian Express, May 7, 2016.
- “Why GN Saibaba’s lawyers must take the State to court for the violation of his disability rights”, Scroll.in, April 13, 2016.
- “Some Lessons from the JNU-HCU Imbroglio: Policing not as Puppeteering - The Mandate of Rule of Law”, Legally India, March 29, 2016.
- “It’s the police, not Hyderabad University students, who must be charged with breaking the law”, Scroll.in, March 28, 2016.
- “Certifying Caste Discrimination”, Legally India, April 6, 2016.
- “A Retrograde and Incoherent Law”, The Hindu, February 6, 2014.
- “Judicial Indiscipline or a Cry For Help the Interim Stay Order of Justice Karnan”, Kafila, February 27, 2016.
- “Will the new Bill benefit the freshly included disabilities?”, Kafila, February 10, 2014.
- “RIP Lotika Sarkar: Pioneering Feminist and Lawyer but Teacher Foremost”, Legally India, March 8, 2014.
- “Book review of Martha Nussbaum’s Frontiers of Justice, Disability, Nationality, Species Membership” in The Hindu, November 29, 2007.
Lectures at International Conferences
Disability/Legal Capacity
- "Vulnerability and Inclusion After 70 Years of Universal Declaration of Human Rights" 6th December 2018 at University of Nova at Lisbon, Portugal.
- "Justiciability of Social Rights : the Indian Experience" 4rd, December 2018 at U Minho, Braga Portugal
- " Eleven Years of the CRPD: Looking Back and Looking Forward" 3rd, December 2018 at U Minho, Braga Portugal
- “Resistance to and Struggles for Universal Legal Capacity with Support” keynote address at International Seminar on Legal Capacity and Supported Decision-Making on September 20-21, 2018, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
- “Insights from Intersectionality” lecture delivered at the 10th Disability Summer School on June 19, 2018, Galway, Ireland.
- “To Speak and Listen: The Dialogic Route to Inclusion” keynote address at the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of Empowerment Council on April 18, 2018, Toronto, Canada.
- In a Class of My Own: Reasonable Accommodation from a Disability Perspective” keynote address made at the CRPD Committee’s day of General Discussion on August 25, 2017, Geneva, Switzerland.
- “Article 12 of the CRPD” Lecture delivered at the 9th Summer School on Psychosocial Disability on June 20, 2017, Galway, Ireland.
- “Recognizing Legal Capacity of People with Disabilities: Lessons from India” Lecture Delivered at Buchmann Faculty of Law, November 22, 2016, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- “Indivisibility of Mental Health Human Rights” paper presented on November 16, 2016, at Faculty of Law, Haifa University, Haifa, Israel.
- Made a presentation on Research in Disability Rights at the Disability Human Rights Network Meeting on October 4, 2016, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Made a presentation, “Debate on Article 15 CRPD: The Prohibition Against Cruel and Inhuman Treatment” at the Polish Disability Forum, on September 26, 2016, Warsaw, Poland.
- Conducted a workshop on “Intersectionality on Rights of Women with Disabilities in Practice” by the National Council of Associations of Persons with Disabilities, Budapest, Hungary, from September 24–26, 2016.
- Keynote address on VOICES project workshop organized by Centre for Disability Law and Policy, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland from September 17–22, 2016.
- Keynote speaker on 8th International Disability Law Summer School, organized by Centre for Disability Law and Policy, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland from June 20–24, 2016.
- Keynote address on VOICES project workshop organized by Centre for Disability Law and Policy, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland from 27th to 29th April, 2016.
- Presentation on “What, Why and How Rights Based Research”, at International Conference on Rights Based Research and the CRPD, organized by Protestant University of Applied Sciences, workshop at Bochum, Germany, January 14, 2016.
- Keynote address, “From Duality to Indivisibility: Mental Health Care and Human Rights”, at the International Conference on Mental Health Care and Human Rights organized by South African Institute for Advanced Constitutional, Public, Human Rights and International Law, Johannesburg, South Africa, November 26, 2015.
- “Paradigm of Universal Legal Capacity with Support” keynote address delivered at International Conference on Guaranteeing the Civil Capacity of Vulnerable People organized by INALCO, Paris, France, October 28-30, 2015.
- Keynote speaker at International Conference on “My right to be in the world (community living) and my right to make own decisions in the world (legal capacity)” a global context for the reform process, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel, May 4, 2015.
- Keynote speech on “Normative Innovations and Implementation Challenges of the CRPD” at Galway, Ireland, June 16–25, 2014.
- Keynote speaker on “Universal support and Capacity: Legislating the New Paradigm of Supported Decisions Making”, at Zagreb, Croatia, March 12‑13, 2015.
- Conducted a two day International Conference on ‘India & Ireland Policy Encounter: Respecting Voice and Choice for People with Disabilities in India & Ireland’ and keynote speaker on “The Legacy of Rights and the Right to have Rights and Use Them”, January 18–19, 2014.
- Keynote speaker on ‘Development of Legislative Framework on the Status of Persons with Disabilities’, conference held in the South Caucasus, organized by United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Georgia, December 2013.
- Keynote speaker on “Background to the right to Legal Capacity” at the International Seminar on “The Right to Legal Capacity”, Office of the Human Rights Commissioner, Ministry of Justice of Republic of Moldova, Chisinau on June 3, 2013,
- Keynote address on “If Legal Capacity is Universal Should Support be Selective and Particular?”, at Supported Decision-Making Forum conducted by Queensland Advocacy Incorporated, Brisbane, Australia, June 2013.
- Keynote speaker on the “Implications of CRPD to legislative changes, how the law must be changed to realize the rights in Article 12 of CRPD”, conference on Legal Capacity and Community Living: Protecting Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Belgrade, Serbia on May 21–22, 2013.
- “A legal review of Legislations including the Inter-State Migrant Workmen Act, 1979 as they relate to human trafficking in the Garment and Domestic Work sectors in India” to International Labour Office, Geneva in September, 2012.
- “What if I do not have Legal Capacity” paper presented at the International Conference on “Exercising Legal Capacity in the Framework of Access to Justice and Social Inclusion for People with Psycho-Social Disabilities” City of Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 10–11, 2012.
- “Reforming Guardianship in India” at symposium on “Guardianship and supported decision making: UN CRPD and Developments in the World” Istanbul, Turkey on June 15, 2012
- “Mental Health Law Reform in the Old and New Paradigm of Legal Capacity” at International conference on “Mental Health Law Reform: New Perspectives & Challenges”, Galway, Ireland on June 23, 2012.
- Undertook background research on advocacy efforts on Disability Rights in Zambia. September 2011, Lusaka, Zambia.
- Presented paper on the travails of legal capacity in workshop “From Theory to Practice: A workshop on Article 12 Implementation”, conducted by Open Society Foundations, Washington DC, USA held in Madrid, Spain during November 2011.
- Conducted Sessions entitled “What can you do for the Implementation of the CRPD?” at CBM Saro(n) workshop on the Role of Civil Society Organizations in implementing UNCRPD on October 2–3, 2010 at Kathmandu, Nepal.
- Presented the Indian Initiative on Legal Capacity and Support at Expert Group Meeting on Legal Capacity, organized by Inclusion International, May 4–5, 2010 London, UK.
- Delivered a lecture on Legal Capacity in the UNCRPD, the Canadian Council of Disabilities on January 22, 2010 in Ottawa, Canada.
- “Legal Capacity in the CRPD” seminar presentation at Faculty of law, University of Western Ontario on January 6, 2010 in London, Canada.
- Role of Civil Society in CRPD presentation made before the United Nations Human Rights Council, Geneva, March 6, 2009.
- Key Challenges of the CRPD Presentation made at IDA Asia Pacific Alliance, Manila, Philippines, February 11–12, 2009.
- “Ousting Incompetence Promoting Capability: Legal Capacity in the CRPD” keynote Address delivered at the Annual Conference on Risks and Rights of Australian New Zealand Association of Psychologists, Psychiatrists and the Law, Sydney, Australia, October 24, 2008.
- “Making the Paradigm Shift in Work” presentation made at Sub-regional Meeting on Disability Legislation: Decent Work for Persons with Disabilities in Asia, jointly organized by ILO and OHCHR in Bangkok, Thailand, June 23–24, 2008.
- Country Delegate at Regional Workshop on Promoting Disability Data Collection , UNESCAP Bangkok, Thailand, April 8-10, 2008.
- “Sameness and Difference: Twin Track Empowerment for Women with Disabilities” lecture delivered at Central European University, Budapest, December 4, 2007.
- “Forced interventions- Involuntary Treatment: Some Positioning Queries” presentation at Mental Disability Advocacy Centre, Budapest, November 30, 2007.
- “Supported Decision-Making and the Universalization of Legal Capacity” Public Lecture delivered at the Eotovos Lorand University, Budapest on November 29, 2007.
- “Convention on the rights of persons with Disabilities” lecture delivered at the VII Human Rights Colloquium at Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 8, 2007.
- “Construction of Legal Capacity in the Disability Rights Convention” Seminar presented at Human Rights Centre, Department of Law, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, October 31, 2007.
- “Public Interest Actions for Persons with Mental Illness”, lecture delivered at New York Law School, New York, March 28, 2007.
- “Universalizing Legal Capacity in the United Nations Disability Rights Convention”, Lecture delivered at the Syracuse University, New York, March 26, 2007.
- “Self-Advocacy by Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities” ESCAP High Level Governmental Meeting on Midterm Review of Biwako Millennium Framework at Bangkok, September 19–21, 2007.
- “Basic Features of the Disability Rights Convention” lecture delivered at the Regional Disability Seminar of Handicapped International for South Asian and South East Asia Region at Kathmandu, Nepal on September 08, 2007.
- Plenary Address on Legal Capacity on behalf of the International Disability Caucus to the United Nations Fifth Ad Hoc Committee on the Disability Rights Convention, New York, January–February 2005.
- Facilitated Discussion on the Role of the Family in the International Disability Caucus during the Fourth Ad Hoc Committee on the Disability Rights Convention New York, August-September 2004.
- Interventions on different articles of the Draft Disability Convention on behalf of the World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry in Third Ad Hoc Committee on the Disability Rights Convention, New York, May –June 2004.
- “The right to obtain or refuse treatment: what is the role of the courts?” paper presented at the International Conference on Law and Mental Health, Sydney, October 2003.
- “Evaluating Psychiatric Expertise and the Role of Courts” paper presented at the Department of Law, University of New South Wales Sydney, September 2003.
- “The Legal Representation of Mental Illness” paper presented at the International Conference on Mental Health Services, Canberra, August 2003.
- “Mental Health of Women in Prisons and Questions of law” paper presented at Penal Reform International’s Second South Asia Regional Conference on Access to Justice and Penal Reform, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 2002.
- “Legislative Agendas and Human Rights of Persons with Mental Illness” paper presented at Fifth Biennial Conference of the World Fellowship of Schizophrenia and Allied Disorders, Kyoto, Japan, October 2002.
- “Is a Conscientious Caretaker required to protect the Rights of the Mentally Ill in India” paper presented at World Congress on Law and Medicine, Indian Law Institute, New Delhi, February 1985.
Legal Theory
- “The Mirage of Equality Before the Law” paper presented at International Workshop on the political fate of egalitarian programmes: A comparison between India and Brazil, on March 19, 2018, CSD Hyderabad, India.
- “Issues of Public Policy and Governance and Role of Civil Society in India” paper presented at Workshop on Civil Society and Governance Challenges in South Asia on December 11, 2017, South Asian University, New Delhi, India.
- “Creative Recipes: Gendering the IPR teaching program at NALSAR Hyderabad” Fourth Annual Symposium on IP/Gender: The Unmapped Connections, at the American University, Washington College of Law on March 23, 2007.
- “Judicial Activism in India” lecture delivered at Centre for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law American University, Washington College of Law on March 22, 2007.
National Lectures and Seminar Presentations
- “Resolving Conflict and Aspiring for Harmony in Disability Laws” keynote address at workshop on Acknowledging Conflict and Aspiring for Harmony in Disability Laws on 5th October 2018, India International Centre, New Delhi.
- “Reflections on the Relationship between Law and Psychiatry” presentation made on June 30, 2018 at the Post Graduate Development Program on Forensic Psychiatry at New Delhi.
- “The Confused and Confusing Construction of Legal Capacity in Indian Disability Law” lecture delivered on April 11, 2018 at IIT, Hyderabad.
- “Navigating Rights of Children with Disabilities” presentation made on April 23, 2018 at State Consultation on Rights of Persons with Disabilities Challenges of Implementation Organised by the Tamil Nadu State Judicial Academy, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
- “Expanding the Universe of Universities: Disability Rights and Disability Studies “Public Lecture delivered on October 26, 2016 at MANUU, Hyderabad.
- “How to Engage with the Persons with Disabilities Act 2016” workshop conducted on March 7, 2017 at the Indian Institute of Cerebral Palsy, Kolkata.
- “Legislative & Policy Framework: Current Scenario and Need for Harmonization with UNCRPD” National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi on October 10, 2012.
- “An overview of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – Need and Relevance for India”, by National Institute for the Visually Handicapped, Chennai on February 27, 2012.
- Conducted workshop on “Law Mental Health and Human Rights” organized by Department of Research Support, Centre for Health and Mental Health, School of Social work, Mumbai on August 4–5, 2012.
- Key resource person at meeting on the new Disability Draft legislation and the Mental Health Act on December 13–14, 2010 organized by NAAJMI at Pune.
- Paper presented on “CRPD and Mental Health Laws in India” at workshop on the new Disability Draft legislation and the Mental Health Act on December 17, 2010 organized by NAAJMI at Bangalore.
- Conducted Session entitled “What has the CRPD to do with ME?” at training workshop on Aspects of Learning Difficulties for Children and Young People with Disabilities on December 11, 2010 at Amar Jyoti Centre for Special Education Training, New Delhi.
- Keynote Speaker on “Role of the Parallel Report in the United Nations” at National Workshop on Alternative Report on Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on November 22, 2010 at Bangalore.
- “Pluralizing of Inclusion with Disability Rights” at Jindal Yale Conference on Globalization in India and the USA: Law, Governance and Business at New Delhi, October 28, 2010.
- Conducted a workshop on UNCRPD and the Rights based approach to Inclusive Development on June 3–4, 2010 at Kolkata.
- Delivered Sixth Lal Advani Memorial lecture entitled” NO University without Diversity: Educational Rights of Persons with Disabilities”: organized by Indian Association for special education and rehabilitation on April 26, 2010 at Delhi University New Delhi.
- The Relevance of UNCRPD to Women Living with Mental Illness presentation made at Advancing the Rights of Women and Children with Disabilities: Building Bridges Between and Across Human Rights Communities Asian Advocacy Forum, Mumbai, May 21, 2009.
- The Scientific Expert in Court lecture delivered at the Administrative Staff College training on Science and the Law, Hyderabad, February 24, 2009.
- “Bill of Rights and CRPD” presentation made at the Bill of Rights Workshop organized by the National Alliance of Justice for Mental Illness in New Delhi, October 10–11, 2008.
- “The Promise of the CRPD” presentation made at the Knowledge Workshop organized by the National Trust in New Delhi, September 11, 2008.
- “Sameness and Difference: Twin Track Empowerment of Women with Disabilities” presentation made at the National Conference on Women with Disabilities organized by Centre for Women Development Studies in New Delhi, August 21, 2008.
- “Children with Disabilities” presentation made at “Child Rights and Social Duties: A Multi-Sectoral International Consultation jointly organized by NALSAR University of Law and University of Samford at Hyderabad July 25–26, 2008.
- “Disabilities at the Altar of SEC Rights” presentation made at Courting Justice II Second BISA Conference New Delhi, April 27-29, 2008.
- “The Legal Discourse on Education of Persons with Disabilities” Presentation at Symposium on Engaging with Diversity: Disability and Beyond “Platinum Jubilee International Conference”, Lady Irwin College New Delhi October 5, 2007.
- “Civil Political Rights in the CRPD” lecture delivered at National Consultation on the Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities at New Delhi on July 27, 2007.
- “Amendment of the Mental Health Act 1987” Expert presentation at the National Consultative Meet of State Mental Health Authorities, Union Ministry of Health at New Delhi on July 25-26, 2007.
- “Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities: A tool kit” Keynote presentation at Regional Workshop on Understanding the UN CRPD Aarth (ASTHA)New Delhi, May 21–22, 2007.
- “Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities: The Way Forward”, Presentation made at Expert meeting of Action Aid India, New Delhi April 8, 2007.
- Keynote presentation at National Seminar on “Mentally Ill Women: Is Destitution the Only Answer” NCW, New Delhi on March 8, 2007.
- Initiated and facilitated study group on the Disability Rights Convention New Delhi, January 2005.
- Valedictory Address on Rights of Persons with Disability at National Colloquium on Disability Rights New Delhi, November-December 2004.
- Facilitated Discussion on Constructing a Disability Jurisprudence Curriculum in Training of Trainers Workshop Hyderabad, October 2004.
- Delivered lecture on Civil Political Rights of Persons with Disability in India at Training the Trainers Workshop, Bangalore, July 2004.
- “Issue of Individual and Community Rights: AIDS Related Legal Issues” paper presented at Workshop on Societal Concerns and Strategies for AIDS Control in India, New Delhi, January 2002.
- “Imprisonment of the Mind: Psychiatric Illness and the Prison” paper presented at Conference on New Initiatives in Penal Reform and Access to Justice, Hyderabad, October 2001.
- “Legal Order and Mental Disorder” Lecture delivered at release of my book at New Delhi, March 2000.
- “Adjudicative Strategies for Disability Rights” Paper presented at National Seminar on Disability and the Law, New Delhi, April 2000.
- “Persons with Dementia and the Law”, paper presented at National Seminar on Ageing Brain, Holy Family Hospital, Mumbai, September 1998.
- “Bio-ethics: Indian Legal Perspectives” at National Seminar on Bio-ethics Indian Perspectives, University of Goa, Goa, November 1997.
- “Role of law in the Care and Treatment of Persons with Mental Illness” presentation made at International Conference on Global Health Law, Indian Law Institute New Delhi, December 1997.
- “Rights of the Criminal Mental Patient” presentation made at the National Workshop on Law, Ethics and Psychiatry, Institute of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences New Delhi, October 1997.
- “Law and Persons with Learning Disability” paper presented at the National Workshop on Persons with Learning Disabilities, Educare, New Delhi, November 1995.
- “Legal Issues in Mental Health” paper presented at International Workshop on the World Mental Health Report for low Income Countries, Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, New Delhi, April 1995.
- Public Lecture delivered on the Mental Health Act 1987 at Nimhans, Bangalore, May 1994.
- Public Lecture delivered on Public Interest Litigation for the Mentally Ill, NIMHANS, Bangalore, May 1994.
- “Equal Opportunity in Public Employment for Persons with Mental Retardation” lecture delivered at National Workshop on Employment Opportunities, Sankara Vidya Kendra, New Delhi, April 1994.
- “Legal Status of Persons with Autism” lecture delivered at workshop on Working with Autistic Child, Jan Madhyam, New Delhi, February 1994.
- “Law and Legislation for Mentally Handicapped” lecture delivered at workshop on Sexuality Marriage and Social Alternatives for the Mentally Handicapped, Family Planning Institute of India, November 1993.
- “Strategies of Collaboration to Promote the Rights of the Mentally Ill” Background paper for Scarf-Lawasia Conference, Madras, May, 1992.
- “Should Mental Illness be a bar to Marriage and Divorce” paper presented at Scarf-Lawasia Conference, Madras, May 1992.
- “A plea for a Distinct Legal Regime for the Mentally Handicapped in India” paper presented at Annual Conference of the National Institute of the Mentally Handicapped, New Delhi, December 1991.
- “In the light of its non-enforcement –a critical appraisal of the Mental Health Act 1987” paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Indian Psychiatric Society, Chandigarh, January 1990.
- “Public Interest Litigation for the Mentally Ill” paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Indian Psychiatric Society, Chandigarh, January 1990.
- “Law and Mental Health: A Litigation Survey” paper presented at Conference on Law, Society and Psychiatry, Jaipur, February 1985.
- Presented Memorandum to the Joint Select Parliamentary Committee on the Mental Health Bill of 1981 in September 1982 and tendered evidence in April 1984.
- “Rights of the Mentally Ill: the Indian Approach” background paper for Seminar on Rights of the Mentally Ill the International Approach, Association for Social Action and Legal Thought, New Delhi, December 1982.
- The Second Anita Kaul Lecture on “Realising the Right to Education for All: At the Altar of the Courts or in the Hands of the People” at India International Center, New Delhi, October 13, 2018.
- Legislating for Pre-primary Education and Care presenting a draft chapter on pre-primary education at the Roundtable on Pre-primary Education organized by the Alliance on Early Childhood Care and Education on November 27, 2017, New Delhi, India.
- “Thinking About Teaching Law” lecture delivered on March 19, 2017 at the Faculty Development Program of Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, Delhi.
- “Legal Regulation of Preschool Education” presentation made at FORCES Seminar on Maternity and Child Care, Mumbai, May 2000.
- Legal Intervention for Maternity and Child Care: Existing Strategies and Future Directions,” paper presented at Campaign on Maternity and Child Care, Forum for Crèches and Child care Services, New Delhi, January 1999.
Law and Justice Education
- “Equality in the Classroom” lecture delivered on March 4, 2018 at the Faculty Development Program, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, Delhi.
- “Keynote speaker on ‘Strengthening cause lawyering in India - Rhetoric to Reality: Human Rights & Law, Ford Foundation Convening of Human Rights Partners meet on June 18–19, 2013 at New Delhi.
- Keynote speaker at National Consultation on “Evolving a Curriculum framework for Law Poverty and Development Courses in Law Schools”, conducted by Centre for Social Justice, Ahmedabad on September 3, 2013.
- “Evolution of Feminist movement in India” NALSAR, Hyderabad, April 14, 2012.
- “Teaching Law, Thinking Justice”, at Teaching Media Policy and Law—A Faculty Workshop, Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore, April 24, 2012.
- “Creating the legal terrain for Internet use and governance” at International conference on Revisiting Internet Governance – Lessons Learnt and Road ahead, GIGA NALSAR, Hyderabad on April 6, 2012.
- Presented paper on “The Justice System and Legal Education: Key Issues and Challenges” at National seminar on Socio-economic Revolution on the Role of Law Colleges and Judicial Academies on June 12–13, 2010 at National Judicial Academy India at Bhopal.
- “Is this not Discrimination” paper presented at Seminar on Human Rights and the Administration of Criminal Justice, Faculty of Law, New Delhi, March 1981.
- “College Education for Women in the 21st Century: Opportunities and Challenges” Keynote Address on December 2, 2016 at Platinum Jubilee Seminar of Sophia College, Mumbai
- “Women's Rights and 50 years of the Constitution” paper presented at National Seminar on Human Rights and the Constitution, Hyderabad, February 2000.
- Legal Resource Person at the National Consultation on Codification of Criminal Laws for Women, organised by A. P. Judicial Academy and National Commission for Women, February 1997.
- Presented paper on Mental Health Policy for Women: A Legal perspective at National Seminar on Women and Mental Health, organised by Anveshi, Hyderabad, 1996.
- Presented paper on Child and the National Seminar on the Child at Lady Irwin College, New Delhi, February 1996.
- “Female Sexuality in Law: The Mental Health Dimensions” paper presented at National Workshop on Women and Mental Health, Peoples Initiative for Mental Health, Bangalore, October 1995.
- “Psychologising Dissent: Psychiatric Labelling and Social Control” paper presented at workshop on Women and Violence, Centre for Women Development Studies, New Delhi, March 1995.
- “Genderized Insanity” paper presented at Workshop on Social Reform Gender and State, Institute of Economic Growth, New Delhi, November 1993.
- “Bodily Integrity of Women - A Reflection on Judicial and Legislative Attitudes” Paper presented at National Conference on Women's Studies, Trivandrum, April 1984.
Research Guidance and Teaching
- Provided research advice to innumerable scholars both in India and abroad. Presently, 10 doctoral scholars are formally registered with me. Of the 4 scholars who have completed their research work under my formal guidance, three have undertaken cutting edge work in disability studies and the fourth was the first exponent on the democratic constitution of Bhutan.
- Taught a course on ‘Reconstructing Legal Capacity’ at the Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel, November 5–24, 2016.
- Taught a module on Contemporary Challenges in Mental Health Law at the National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, September 19–22, 2016.
- Taught a course on Pluralizing Inclusion: Equality and Non-discrimination in a Globalizing World at University of Western Ontario, Canada in January 2012 and 2013.
- Taught at the invitation of the University a course on Law Poverty and Justice in January, 2010. Faculty of Law, University of Western Ontario, Canada.
- Devised and taught courses in Applied Jurisprudence, Jurisprudence, Law and Poverty, Administrative Law, Interpretation of Statutes, Law and Literature. Also offered seminar courses in Judicial Process, Comparative Disability Jurisprudence, Universal Legal Capacity, Law and Psychology and Justice Education and Pedagogy
Academic Honors/Awards
- Visited Hungary as a Senior Scholar under Indo-Hungarian Educational Exchange Programme, to deepen comparative understandings of disability rights and law from November 8–30, 2012 (sponsored by UGC and Hungarian Scholarship Board).
- Appointed to National Advisory Council on the Right to Education Act.
Academic Administration
- Organized inter-disciplinary, multi-sectoral and across countries conversations on “Contemporary Struggles towards the Realization of Socio-Economic Rights” from November 2–5, 2017 at NALSAR, Hyderabad.
- Organized a national conference on ‘Right to Work’ on “Preserving Culture, Protecting Livelihoods: A conference on the Magic of Street Performance” under the auspices of the project on ‘Knowledge based Intervention to Strengthen Realization of Socio-Economic Rights, funded by Ford foundation, February 6‑7, 2016, Hyderabad, India.
- Organized brainstorming meetings on Right to Work, Right to Education and Right to Land under the auspices of the project on ‘Knowledge based Intervention to Strengthen Realization of Socio-Economic Rights, funded by Ford Foundation, Jan 2–3 and 17, 2016, Hyderabad, India.
- Organised a National Meeting on Right to Work, August 16, 2014, NALSAR Hyderabad
- Organized a one-day Workshop on Legal Capacity in collaboration with Centre on Disability Law & Policy, Galway, Ireland, sponsored by Open Society Foundation, January 9, 2016, Hyderabad.
- Convener “Child Rights and Social Duties: A Multi-Sectoral International Consultation” jointly organized by NALSAR University of Law and University of Samford at Hyderabad July 15–26, 2008.
- Convener for the Workshops on “Lawyering Strategies for Environment Protection” and “Environment Protection and the Right to Livelihood” organised by the NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad, March 2000.
- Research Support provided to the Secretary General for the International Conference on Global Health Law organised by the Indian Law Institute in December 1997.
- Convener for the National Workshop on Hazardous Substances and Processes organised by the Indian Law Institute, December 1996.
- Provided extensive research support to the Executive Chairperson in the International
- Conference on Global AIDS Law organised by the Indian Law Institute, December 1995.
Taught Courses in Administrative law, Comparative Disability Jurisprudence, Judicial Process, Jurisprudence, Justice Education and Pedagogy; Law and Poverty, Interpretation of Statutes, Law and Literature, Law and Psychology, Legal Methods, Pluralizing Inclusion: Equality and Non Discrimination in a Globalizing World, Pyramid and the Web: Questions of Power and Responsibility,Rights and Duties: And the Challenges of Enforcement. Currently Teaching: Applied Jurisprudence and Universalizing Legal Capacity. Propose to offer courses in Legal Methods, Land Rights and Law
NALSAR University of Law, Justice City, Shamirpet,
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