Hemangini Chandra Sharma

LLM – University of Aberdeen, Scotland, 2008 - 2009 Thesis – “Crime against humanity – How far has the ICC statute been successful in preventingrape as a crime against humanity? How far have the instruments for protection of women beensuccessful in preventing the crime?”
B.A LL.B - NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR, 2001 - 2006 B.A LL.B (Honors in Criminal Law)
Participated as a speaker in the National Seminar organized by the Rule of Law Society, Siddartha Law College, Dehradun on February 5, 2011. Presented paper titled ‘Protecting the child against labour, abuse and trafficking- A critical analysis in the 5th Asian Criminological Conference on Accessto justice by the Marginalized held at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences inMumbai from 14 – 16 April 2013. Presented a paper on ‘Consent of Child: Innocence Lost’ in a two day National Conference on POCSO Act, 2012 from February 17 – 18, 2018 organized by Bengal Law College, Santiniketan. Participated in the International Conference on Corruption in Government: Challenges and Solutions held in National Law University, Delhi from 15th to 16th November 2013. Participated in a one day Seminar on ‘Women and Law in Contemporary India’ organized by Adamas University, Kolkata on March 16, 2018. Participated in a webinar on ‘Triple Talaq: Constitutional and Judicial Aspects' organized by ICFAI Law School, ICFAI University Jaipur, on June 15, 2020. Participated in a Webinar on 'International Crimes Against Humanity: International Human Rights in conflict with COVID 19' organized by Amity University, Jaipur on June 26, 2020. Participated in a Web Talk on 'Role of police in Criminal Justice Administration' organized by ICFAI University, Dehradun on July 21, 2020. Participated in a National Lecture Series on 'Intellectual Property Laws' organized by ICFAI University, Dehradun from August 25 - 26, 2020. Actively participated in a 7 -days National Workshop to commemorate World Wildlife Week, organized by ICFAI University, Dehra Dun from September 1- 7, 2020. Participated in a Panel Discussion on 'Intellectual Property, Innovation, and Development during COVID 19 pandemic and the road ahead' organized by ICFAIUniversity Jaipur on September 14, 2020. Participated in a National Virtual Workshop on “Past and Future of Alternate Dispute Resolution” organized by ICFAI Law School, ICFAI University, Dehradun from March 16 – 17, 2021. Participated in ‘International Special Guest Lecture on Environmental Justice: A call for mediation’ organized by Centre for Environmental Law, Policy, Educationand Development, ICFAI Law School, Dehradun on October 19, 2021. Published article Protection of women’s rights under the ECHR & ICCPR –How far have they succeeded? ; ATMANAMM, Vol IV (Guwahati High Court BarAssociation); 2011. Published article ‘Child Trafficking: Is India well equipped?’ in RGNUL Law Review, June – December 2014. Published article ‘Rape as a War Crime: How far the International Tribunalshave been successful in protecting women’ in National Law University, Nagpur Contemporary Law Review Journal, Volume 4, Number 1, 2020. Published article ‘Child Abuse in India: An analysis’ in Allahabad Weekly Cases, September 2021 Vol.5. ‘Legalising Prostitution in India: A Future Realtiy’ - Accepted for publication in Army Institute of Law, Mohali ( AIL Journal Vol XVI 2023)
Illegal Bangladeshi Immigrants and Need for Migration Laws in India, Satyam International Publications, ISBN 978-93-91345-89-1. (2023)
Wetlands Ecology, AGPH Books, ISBN 978-81-19025-55-8 (2023)